Wuwuw I finally updated.... Well I probably would've put it of for a little longer if it wasn't for LostinMind93... so thanks to her/him i finally updated again^^

Anyways I actually ahd fun writing this chapter. There are a lot of flashbacks.... it might be confusing who has which flashback but i think most of them are rather clear^^

thanks for all the reviews.... I will fix the past chapter sometime soon. I just figured out fanfiction amde everything cursive.

Please enjoy and pretty pretty pretty please review i can't write without reviews!!


The young boy looked surprised as the older of the two handed him an apple.

"You looked hungry."

The younger just nodded accepting the apple.

The boys sat in silence for a while before the younger one spoke. "I made a mistake."

"What do you mean?"

"My father wanted to start a rebellion." The boy said softly. "The queen told me I should tell her his plans." The young boy bit his lip. He was holding back tears.

"What happened?" the older of the two said.

"I promised my mother to never say anything. She didn't want me to know."

"So you said you didn't know."

The boy nodded.

The older boy already had a dreadful feeling about what was to come.

"There was this serious looking woman. She said I lied."

The older boy nodded. "So the queen got angry?"

Again the younger boy nodded.

"You need to get away from here." The older of the two sad seriously.

"I know." The younger whispered.

"The fastest way out of this area is past the inn. You won't get noticed."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"We're friends now right?"

The older looked doubtful before nodding. "Yes I think so."

The younger of the two grinned. "Then we'll meet again." It was the first time in a while he grinned. "May I ask your name?"

"Keigo, just call me Keigo." Keigo said after a moment of doubt. "What's yours?"

Atobe looked around a little dazed. He remembered that day but at the same time it was just a blur. He didn't know the boy's name anymore. He didn't know if the boy got away. He just knew he got into trouble for helping him. His memory of the boy was nothing more than a blur. He should ask Jirou maybe he could help. Wait no he shouldn't ask Jirou it was none of his business. Atobe groaned he hated today. Until he realized he was feeling rather well. He felt almost normal. He was happy that he was feeling better at the same time some dread settled over him. He would have to finish his bet with Tsubasa and he needed help.

A small smirk graced Senri's lips.

"What is it?" Tachibana asked.

"I think I figured it out."

Shiraishi looked at the book. "All different gifts?"

"I think I finally understand why Tsubasa's gift works as it works."

"And that is why?"

"Here look at this."

Shiraishi and Tachibana read the passage.

"That's good and bad."

"Good I think." Tachibana said.

"Well I think it will give him even more enemies and even more to worry about."

"Well I guess you're right."

Senri smirked. "He doesn't know it yet."

"We won't tell him." Shiraishi said sternly. "He doesn't need this right now."

"Tsubasa, can you give me some of the more rare talents?"

Fuji looked up. "Uh… illusionists, shadow, silvertongue, shifters, mirrors, students…. Uh.. I'm not sure if there are any more."

"There are but those are the most important. Who can tell me about any of those?"

"Yagyuu is a mirror right?" Gakuto asked.

"They can copy people's appearance, can travel and send people to the mirrorworld." Sanada said calmly.

"Correct." The teacher beamed. "Shiraishi, what's a silvertongue?" she then changed her mind. "No tachibana you tell."

"A silvertongue can read things in and out books."

"Since I heard you are one, how far are you?"

"I only can read things out of books." Tachibana replied. "And lifeless things into them."

"That's great already." The teacher said amazed. "Then shiraishi what's a student?"

"Someone who can remember everything he reads and can practice things he read about."

"Eh?" Came Gakuto's bright reply.

"It means that if he reads in a book about for example a sleeping spell he can use it immediately." Fuji explained. "Those people are usually brilliant spell casters."

"What about things like human fighting?" Ishida asked.

"The can as long as their body can keep up with it. For example someone perfectly executed a kick and pulled each and broke his leg because his body couldn't handle it."

"Sounds weird." Gakuto said.

"It seems wonderful, doesn't it?" asked the teacher. "There are quite a few nasty tricks that can be used against students."

"Like what?" Shishido asked.

"Look it up." Shiraishi said with a smirk.

The teacher laughed. "It would give you an unfair advantage with the next game of the tournament right. It was this afternoon if I'm correct."

Fuji was surprised he hadn't thought about it anymore at all. He was distracted with other things.

"Will Hyoutei still fight? Without Atobe?" Gin asked.

"Knowing Atobe he'll come back for this." Yukimura whispered.

"And the rest of Hyoutei?"


The teacher just laughed. "What about illusionists?" She looked around. "Kirihara."

Kirihara tched. "Just illusions right?"

"It doesn't seem to suit this list." Kawamura said shyly.

"Bit more credit please." Niou said annoyed. "I can decide what people see and don't see. Bit more practice and I can make people a different reality and even kill them in such a way."

Yagyuu smirked. "Glad you're not my enemy."

"What about shifters?" She looked around trying to judge who would be able to answer her question. "Yukimura."

"Well out of those shifters are the rarest. First they can change appearance, smell and sound. If they are really strong they don't have a real gift but they switch between gifts."

"The last shifter lived about 300 years ago." Shiraishi said.

"That girl got amazingly far by pretending he was a student and saying she did everything with spells. Someone in the east found out and wanted to kill her but when he failed they decided to use her against the west. She was the reason the East and the West got from just a not really liking relationship to a relationship of hate." Yukimura added.

The teacher looked amazed. "True. She died eventually. She realized what she'd done and in despair she killed herself and her Angel."

"I thought you couldn't kill Angels." Kirihara said horrified.

"They don't die. Not really at least. They get reincarnated in a new Angel. But before this Angel regains the strength it needs to give someone her gift again can take hundred year."

"But this was different right?" Yukimura asked.

"Yes it was. Everyone knows each angel has a certain weakness. If you find out that weakness you can kill it." The teacher sighed. "So shifters don't really exist anymore."

"What about the last one? What was it… shadows?" Gin asked. "Seaki is one right?"

Seaki who didn't seem particularly interested in class so far looked up.

"Then Seaki please explain."

"Theoretically I can travel in shadows, can talk with my shadow and let my shadow spy on other people, and I can talk to other peoples' shadow. Well the last part I never really succeeded at."

People chuckled.

"But are those people necessarily stronger?" Kirihara asked.

"No it still depends on how well they use it." The teacher smiled.

Fuji found Ryoma deep in thought. "What is it?"

"You know Ann right?"

"Tachibana's sister."


"She's telepathic."

"That's nice."

"While imprisoned by Atobe she couldn't use her talent."

"Such a shame."

"When she got free however she contacted me."


"About my parents."

"She met them?"


"Then can you help them?"

"Will you help?" Ryoma asked carefully.


"I will wait until you figured it out. It can't be too long anymore."


"You'll know."

"He looks so graceful."

"He looks more like a princess than a prince."

"He's also really nice."

"I wish my son was like that. Being able to fly that freely. To be that nice."

"Have you heard?"


"Prince Fuji has befriended some kids from the east."


"He thinks they deserve a chance."


"Because he's nice like that."

"I don't trust those kids."

"Who does really?"

"Where am I?"

"You're here."

"Where's here?"


"Isn't that in the north?"

"Yes it is. Where did you come from?"




"Why are you here?"

"Not sure."

"Where are you going?"

"I want to go back to the east to see a friend."

"You still have a long way to go then."

"I can't go back right now."

"Then come with me."

"Where to?"

"My house."

"Who are you?"

"Choutarou Hideaki. What about you?"

"Akatugawa Jirou."

"You look terrible Akatugawa-kun."

"Jirou is fine."

"Well welcome Jirou. Welcome to the north."

"What has Tezuka ever done to you?"


"That doesn't make sense."

"This isn't any of your business Yukimura."

"Walk to hell. I'll be your enemy if you hurt Tezuka again."

"Then Ore-sama will be yours. Be prepared Yukimura."

"I will be." Yukimura stormed out of the room.

Choutarou twirled his pencil between his fingers. "Shishido will you help Atobe?"

"With what?"

"The game this afternoon."

"I might."


"You won't."

"Jirou needed a friend."

"Jirou has you."

"He needed someone else. Someone who hasn't saved him. Someone he can help without having he feeling he's just doing it to repay them."

"Is this about how you helped Jirou."


"Is that why he wanted to be friends with Tsubasa."


"Jirou is a friend to most of us."

"Jirou is too kindhearted to be part of this war. He wants to stand in between but is afraid of getting hit."

"What about you."

"I'm not choosing sides. I'm was on Atobe's side because Jirou was. I will side with whoever Jirou choses to side with."


"He helped me a long time ago. Far before he came to live with us. We became friends. He for a long time was the only friend I had."

"So you want to be a friend and stay by his side."


"Even if it means abandoning your believes."

"Yes." choutarou replied.

"Who's there?" Shishió suddenly hissed.

"Uhm hi."

"What are you doing here?"

"About the entire Atobe and Tsubasa thing."


"I'm not sure if I made the right choice."

"By joining Tsubasa?" choutarou asked.


"You didn't make the wrong one." Choutarou whispered. "Theirs is no right or wrong in this. Just believes and dreams, fears and pride."

"Help me."

"With what?"

"Making up my mind."

"What's wrong?"

"The plants won't talk to me as long as I have doubts."

"Why did you come to us?"

"You two know a lot and haven't chosen a side yet."

Choutarou sighed.

"Tachibana said that Senri said this might become a war."

"It might." Choutarou agreed though it was frightening a watcher agreed with that.


Choutarou froze. "How?"

"I'm not sure."

Shishido looked annoyed. "Why do you want to chose sides anyway. Stay in the middle that's a side as well."

Choutarou nodded. "I'll play tonight. I'll try to keep peace. I just need some help."

Both the other boys nodded. "We will help."

Ryoma let himself give a small chuckle.

"What is it?"

"The almighty monkey king made a mistake."

"A mistake? "Fuji asked curiously."

Ryoma gave another chuckle. "Did Tachibana ever tell about his sister?"

Fuji just shook his head. "Nothing but that she got into trouble a while back."

"She's also an angel."


"She's telepathic."

Fuji tilted his head to the side. "I don't understand."

"My father is one as well."


"You can't use your gift within Atobe's prisons."

"Why not?"



"That's why the mirrorworld is that dangerous. You can't reach your Angel when you're trapped in there because Angels and mirrors don't go together."

"I see."

"Well she couldn't use her talent either way."

"Why not."

"She didn't saw the use."


"But someone with the same talent helped her see it."

Fuji brightened up. "So you know…"



"The guards let her go but not until they were away from the prison."


"Well but it's a start."

"It is."

"Ne Tsubasa."


"You might've made a mistake as well."

"I did."

"Yes. And you're rather stupid."

Fuji was now thoroughly confused.

"Chitose figured it out before you did."

ta dam!!! You liked it? i liked it^^ Did i ever say i loved Jirou? He's such a sweetiepie and he ahd far too little attention in this chapter. I'm in total fangirl mode today^^ But pretty pretty pretty please revew. I need it. My muse is busy so I need to do it without one and reviews work just as well^^