by Gunman
Disclaimer: I do not own Evangelion or Ikkitousen or their characters.
Summary: Another Shinji and Goei lemon, different scenario, based off the story 'Dragon Warrior by TetsuyaRyuzaki'.
Chapter 9
It was just after 10:00 on a cool September day, and Shinji Ikari had just gotten out of the shower at the bath house. He had an intense morning training session with Hakufu and Koukin, which had given Shinji a good workout, but he wasn't tired or exhausted just yet. He continued to train and exercise after the pair had gone to school and was just now getting out of the bath.
He was drying himself off with the towel when Goei walked in, and froze when she saw Shinjis' athletic and naked body, still wet from his shower. But it was his rather large manhood that she was mostly focused on.
She stared at him for several seconds, just admiring the view, then quickly ducking back into the hallway before Shinji realized she was there.
After nearly a minute, and because she wanted to use the bath, Goei looked again and saw that Shinji was nowhere to be seen. Realizing he must have used the other exit, which she didn't hear him leave via that way.
She walked into the bathhouse and quickly deposited her bathing supplies on the bench before she removed her robe, revealing her shapely and naked body.
However, what she didn't know, was that Shinji hadn't left. He had stepped behind a partition where his clothes were in order to finish drying off, and was about to leave, when he noticed that Goei had stepped into the bathing house and started to undress. He was about to say something, when she dropped her robe, revealing her curvy figure to the younger man.
At seeing her naked body, the grandmaster toushi was both stunned and aroused.
He watched her until she had lowered herself into the warm bath water, and then made his escape before she knew he was there.
It was nearly noon and Shinji was back in his room, trying to get the image of a naked Goei Sonsaku out of his mind. It wasn't that she was unattractive. Quite the contrary, she was very attractive, which was the problem since Shinji was also her tenant and he didn't want her thinking poor of him.
What was worse is that his hard-on hadn't gone down since seeing her.
I wonder if she would be flattered or appalled? he thought to himself.
A knock on the door caught his attention, and Shinji adjusted his towel, hoping it was loose enough to not attract any 'attention'.
He opened the door and slightly gasped.
Standing before him was Goei Sonsaku, 35 years old, short purple hair and matching eyes, glasses over her eyes, dressed in a long white robe that went down to her ankles, revealing that she was wearing a pair of tabi socks and house slippers.
"Hello, Shinji-kun." she said with a kind smile.
"Goei-sama! Hello. Uh... can I help you with something?" he asked.
I certainly hope so. She thought saucily, but kept her face straight. "Yes. May I come in?"
"Uh... sure." he said as he stepped back to allow her entrance.
Goei entered the room and closed the door behind her.
She looked at Shinji, who was just standing in front of her wearing only a towel around his waist. Every muscle of his lean and athletic body lay bare before her. He clearly wasn't shy about his body.
She mentally licked her lips at what she was seeing.
"What can I help you with?" Shinji asked the woman, trying to keep his focus on her, and hoped she didn't notice his state of arousal. Not that he was trying to cover up his body, as part of him hoped that she liked what she saw.
"Well, I just came to check on you, to make sure you were alright. How you liked living here. How you were doing. If there was anything you might need." she said.
There's something I need, alright. He thought to himself, feeling a haze of desire about the older woman who was in his room right now.
"I'm doing alright. I like living here. It's nice and peaceful. The foods good, the bathhouse is great, and company is perfect." he said as he turned his back to her, to look through his drawers to find something to wear.
She smiled as she heard him say that, leering lecherously at his butt.
"Then... can I ask you something?" she said, gently untying the belt on her robe.
"Anything." he said, not turning around to face her.
It wasn't until he heard the very subtle sound of something falling to the ground, something that most people would have missed, that he turned around and gasped at what he saw.
Goei had dropped her robe, revealing that she was wearing a short, satin, purple-colored 'Sexy Sweetheart Neck Off-The-Shoulder See-Through' babydoll that looked like it could fall off with just a breath. The left strap was hanging on her shoulder while the right strap had fallen down to the side of her arm. The edge of the skirt stopped just a couple inches from her groin, revealing her long, smooth and toned legs. The curves of her body accented by the fine satin of the garment. She also seemed to be posing a bit, leaning to the side, with her left hand on her hip.
"Goei..." he gasped.
"Would you like to have sex with me?" she asked as she stepped out of her slippers and walked up to Shinji, a sexy sway in her hips.
After seeing him in the bathhouse, his naked body completely exposed, Goei felt a fire inside her lit like never before.
And Hakufu and Koukin had long gone to school, leaving herself and the 21-year old grandmaster alone at the Inn.
An opportunity she couldn't resist.
So, wearing her sexiest undergarment, Goei went to see Shinji, after she had gotten out of the bath so that she was fresh and clean.
Staring at his athletic body, and noticing a slight bulge coming from underneath his towel, she sauntered over to him, a shake of her hips telling him that she was serious.
"Goei-san!" Shinji gasped as she placed her right hand on his chest, her left hand moving down to grab the hem of his towel.
She smiled as she ran her hands gently over his skin, liking what she was feeling. She could feel his breathing intensify as he stared into her eyes, and catching the look of desire in them. Her left hand had snaked past the folds of his towel and was gently caressing his manhood. He flinched a little at her touch.
"I know you saw me in the bathhouse, Shinji-kun. I know you saw me naked." she whispered into his ear in a husky voice, sending shudders up his spine. "Tell me... did you like what you saw?" she asked as she felt the large size he was hiding.
"...yes." he said with baited breath.
She smiled at him. While he may be stronger and more powerful than any other toushi, she was proud of herself that she had this kind of influence over him.
"My daughter and nephew are at school. I'm not expecting any visitors today. We have the inn all to ourselves, Shinji-kun." she said softly to her.
"You're serious." he said softly to her.
She smiled. "Let me show you."
Goei pulled off his towel with ease, leaving him completely naked before her.
Oh, my! She mentally gasped when she saw it, blushing heavily as she looked over his body.
Shinji stared at her expression, feeling a sense of pride that she was ogling him.
"Do you like what you see?" he asked, feeling emboldened as he leaned in closer to her.
"Oh, yes." she said in a near whisper, feeling her heart pound in her chest.
Shinji wrapped his left arm around her waist and pulled her to him, his lips pressing against her mouth as she moaned into him. Her left hand touched his chest and trailed down his body until she came to his raging hard-on. She wrapped her hand around his length and gave him a few gentle squeezes, impressed at how hard he was.
"Do you like that?" he asked after he pulled his mouth away from hers.
"I do. But...It looks like you're in such pain. Let me help you." she said as she lowered herself down to her knees.
Shinji gasped aloud as he felt the older woman wrap her lips around his fully enraged member, taking all of his length into her mouth and caressing it with her tongue.
Oh, Kami! She's So Good! He thought as Goei caressed and massaged his length.
He had no idea that the older woman had such skills in oral pleasure.
Goei continued massaging his hardened member, her hands reaching up and caressing his athletic body with her fingers, trying to take in every detail. She found it slightly difficult to do this, since he was longer and harder than her husband had been.
And their intimacy had been very limited before she got pregnant.
After nearly a minute, Shinji felt himself about to come.
"GOEI! AH!" Shinji cried out as he came in her mouth, the hot MILF greedily suckling down every drop of his cum.
Shinji was panting hard as Goei rose up off the ground and licked her lips.
"You taste wonderful, Shinji-kun." she purred in a raspy voice.
Shinji stared at the older woman for several seconds, before his will-power broke and he moved towards her, hunger in his eyes.
His left arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her flush against his now naked body, his right arm reaching around behind her head and grabbing the back of her neck before he pressed his lips to her own. Goei gasped as he kissed and held her, before reaching up and wrapped her arms around his neck. He was only a couple inches taller than her, but didn't need to stand on her toes to match him. She felt his hands roam up and down her body, from her back to her curvy butt, feeling her up through her garment.
Shinji forced her up against the wall, pressing his naked body against her thinly-clad body as his hands caressed her sides while reaching up under the hem of her babydoll, caressing her skin. Goei moaned sensuously as she felt Shinji fondle her, her body sandwiched between him and the wall.
Her heart was beating wildly, as this hot and athletic younger man, naked as the day he was born, was grinding against her in the most intimate way possible. And she was loving it.
It was then that Shinji's sense of touch told him something very important as he felt under her babydoll.
She wasn't wearing any panties!
Reaching for her legs, he grabbed underneath her knees, and brought both legs up to the sides of his waist, lifting her up off the ground, her legs wrapping around his waist as he continues to kiss her. Supporting her legs and then her butt with his hands, Shinji gently caressed her bare skin as he kissed her neck. Much to Goei's very enjoyable pleasure as she kissed him back while looking down at him.
He pulls back from his kiss and looks at her. Goei was breathing hard, her eyes closed, as the straps of her babydoll have now fallen off her shoulders and threaten to fall down passed her breasts.
"Okay then." Shinji said as he lowered her body, keeping her against the wall of his room, until she could feel something penetrate her moist womanhood.
"OH! AH!" She gasped suddenly as she felt something hard push into her. "AAAHHHH!" she cried out, her shuddering causing her satin garment to fall down passed her breasts and pool around her stomach.
"I'm inside you, Goei-chan." Shinji whispered into her ear, lust evident in his voice, as he lifted the garment over her shoulders and arms, and tossed it behind his back.
They were both completely naked now.
Goei shuddered again unable to speak as she felt him move again.
"You're so tight." he said to her in a low voice.
"You... you don't hesitate, do you?" she panted deeply, even as her hands were on the sides of his face, forcing him to look right at her.
"You're the one not wearing any panties." he smirked as he stared into her violet eyes.
"I... (gulp)... didn't want you to... misunderstand." she panted, enjoying his hard length being in her.
It had been so long.
"When a woman like you asks me if I want to have sex, and you dress like this, there's no misunderstanding. Even if you weren't wearing any panties." he said as he kissed her lips again.
She wrapped his arms around his neck as her tongue dueled with his.
Shinji pulled back from her lips and started suckling on her neck as his hips pumped back and forth to get his member in and out of her body. Goei was panting hard, gasping in time with his thrusts as he took her over and over again, his chest pushing against her naked breasts, never letting up until she screamed from orgasm.
"OHHHH! AAAHHHHHH!" She screamed aloud as she held onto him tightly.
Shinji pulled back from her neck and seized her right breast with his mouth. She gasped and moaned wildly, enjoying the sensations that surged through her body like an electrical torrent of energy.
She had just had an orgasm a few seconds ago, but Shinji wasn't allowing her to rest just yet.
The pleasure was starting to overwhelm her.
Pulling her away from the wall, Shinji carried her over to his futon and knelt down upon it. He then pulled her glasses off her face and set them down next to the futon, laying her down on the mattress as he loomed over her.
"I don't think you'll need these." he said to the completely naked and shapely older woman.
"Guess I'll just rely on my sense of touch." she said coyly to him.
Shinji set up the rhythm, going slow at first and then faster and faster. Goei's legs were wrapped around Shinji's waist, not letting him go as he plowed into her over and over again.
She gasped and moaned out loud with every thrust, crying out his name again and again.
"Shinji! Shinji! Oh, Kami! SHINJI!" she all but screamed as he thrust into her again and again, holding her shapely body to him as their skin rubbed fiercely against each other.
Had it not been for the sweat covering their bodies, Shinji was sure they would have started a fire from all the friction.
"AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" Goei screamed as she came again and again underneath him, her legs and womanhood tightening around him like a vice, the nails on her hands clawing at his back enough to draw blood.
Shinji smiled as he kissed her lips once again, before pulling her up off the futon and allowing himself to fall onto his back.
"Your turn to be on top." he said to her.
Goei felt her heart flutter as he said that. He wasn't going to dominate her, but he was obviously the one in control right now. And she liked it as she was sitting atop Shinji, riding him like a cowgirl as he gripped her hips and helped her to move on him over and over again.
It's So Good! I... I Love It! she mentally screamed, her own voice nowhere capable of speech right now.
Impaling herself on him over and over, Goei was lost in the lust-haze that dominated her brain. His touch and his stamina were driving her crazy. Her hips moved back and forth as if on their own, enjoying the feel of him inside her.
She didn't even stop to wonder if this was his first time. He was pleasuring her in ways she hadn't felt in years.
A surge of energy suddenly coursed through her, causing her to orgasm yet again. Her body arched back as the orgasm hit, her chest sticking out forward as her head was thrown back. Shinji sat up and embraced the woman tightly.
"Are you alright, Goei-chan?" Shinji whispered to her.
"Yes, but...oh kami...I don't think I can handle much more." she panted into his ear.
"Too bad. I think you were enjoying yourself." he said as he kissed her cheek.
"Oh, Shinji... just hold me." she said as she rested her head on his shoulder. "We can do more... later."
Shinji caressed her skin gently and soothingly, helping to calm her down from her orgasmic high.
It was ten minutes later when Goei felt ready to go again.
Shinji and Goei had sex throughout the entire day, just lounging around naked and getting to know each other as intimately as possible. Goei let Shinji have his way with her, taking her in every way possible and bringing her to orgasm again and again and again.
And it was what Goei wanted. She and her ex-husband, Hakufu's father, Bundai Sonken, had done it a couple of times before she got pregnant with Hakufu, and she hadn't been touched since then.
Now, here was a handsome and athletic younger man, who was a grandmaster toushi as well, who saw her as a woman and not a mother. He treated her with tenderness and kindness, but also desired her as a lover should be desired. He was rough and passionate with her, but also attentive to her needs atop his own. And even though Goei could handle it, she still felt very sore in the end.
It was late afternoon and both Shinji and Goei were cuddled up against each other.
"We should get up and start making dinner before Hakufu and Koukin get back from school." Shinji said as he held the older woman closer.
Sigh. "I know. But this is just so comfortable." Goei said as she brushed her leg against his manhood.
"Agreed. I wish we could just lay here together, but we've got things to do." he said.
Goei pouted. "Oh, poo." She huffed as she slowly got up from the futon and put her glasses back on her face. "Well, if I'm gonna get dinner ready in time, I'll need your help."
"Of course. What else are boyfriends and lovers for?" he said to her.
"Oh, so you're my boyfriend and lover now?" she teased him playfully.
"What else would I be, now that I've had sex with you?"
"If you got me pregnant, my babies daddy." she replied.
"Which only means I'll have to marry you."
"Oh. If you have to." she said with an exaggerated tone.
Shinji got up and moved behind Goei, hugging her naked body to his own.
"I would. It's not often a guy finds a good woman like you." he said to her.
Goei turned around and kissed his lips softly as he held her close.
"Or an old woman like me, finds a good man like you." she said as she rested her head on his shoulder.
"You weren't that old a couple hours ago." she teased her.
"Momma! We're home!" Hakufu shouted as she practically changed in the front door. Koukin was behind her.
"We're in the kitchen, sweetie!" Goei shouted.
Hakufu and Koukin looked into the kitchen, and saw both Shinji and Goei preparing dinner. They were dressed in kimonos with house slippers.
"Welcome home. Get started on your homework and we'll call you when dinner is ready." Goei said.
"Oh, alright." Hakufu groaned, hating doing homework.
Naturally, she dragged Koukin along to help.
"What's wrong?" Shinji asked as he stirred the fried rice, sensing something off from Goei.
"Nothing. I'm just glad they didn't notice we weren't wearing anything underneath our kimonos." Goei said with a blush.