This is a trial chapter if you like it please tell me and I will try and continue.

Disclaimer for the rest of the story: I o not own Naruto if I did people that i loved would not die (i do own Kisaki but she will come in next chapter)


Topic: Naruto

Paring: NaraHina

Title: Fox Pup (A NaruHina)

Summery: It has been four years since Naruto and Jiraiya had left, and a year and a half ago was when they came back. And in that time Naruto started to date Hinata. Now they have a new problem and it will have a major in pact on everyone.

Chapter 1: She faints

It was a normal day in Konoha, if you call waking up before sunrise getting ready for the world to wake, while you are traning normal. Well this was a normal day for one of the Hyuga heiresses, Hyuga Hinata. But for the past week what she did not expect was to get sick and throw up every hour or so.

"Not again," she thought to herself as she went to find something to clean the mess up with.

"O wonderful, another stain to explain," she thought as she cleaned up the mess. "I really need to talk to Sakura."

What Hinata didn't know was that her younger sister, Hanabi, had been watching her for the past half hour and saw the hole scene when Hinata got sick. Hanabi started to realize why Hinata had been acting strange lately, Hinata was always running off at random moments, with a look of disgust on her face.

"I'll tell dad about this when he wakes up, maybe he'll know what's going on and what's the matter with Hinata."


It was 7:42 am when a loud knock came on Sakura's door.

"Who the heck could that be at this early in the morning," Sakura thought as the anxious knock came a fourth time. Sakura got up and went to see who it was. To her surprise it was the lavender-eyed, shy Kunichi, Hinata.

'I wonder what Hinata could be here for,' she asked herself.

"Hey Hinata, come on in, so what's the matter?"

As Hinata told Sakura her symptoms Sakura was shocked when. 'It is clear Hinata is not sick, but to be sure…'

"OK Hinata let's see what the problem is" she told Hinata to turn this way then that.

'I wonder what the problem is,' Hinata wondered when she saw Sakura's face go from curious to slightly shocked then to completely and totally amazed.

"W-W-What is it S-Sakura-chan."

"Well Hinata you're not sick…" Hinata let a breath out at Sakura's words, "that was a relief."

"Hinata … I don't know how to say this so… " Hinata looked up 'What is Sakura-chan trying to say?' she held her breath as Sakura said "so to put it bluntly…" She told her what her symptoms implied. Hinata was in complete and total shock.

Then just like the Hinata we all know she fainted. Her last thoughts were "how? …not possible."


Sakura sighed 'just like her. Well I guess I'll go get Neji to take her home and give her a doctor's permit so she doesn't have to take on any missions.'

"Well, Hinata you take a nap while I go get Neji."


"Oh Neji, hey Neji" someone called. Neji, Hinata's cousin, turned around. Sakura was running up to him calling his name.

"Yes, Sakura," Neji asked.

"Neji (gasp) I (gasp) am (gasp) glad (gasp) I caught up with you. I need you to do me a favor," she said.

"And what would that be?" Neji asked.

"Hinata came over because she was feeling sick, and when I told her why she was sick, well knowing her, she…"

"Fainted," Neji sighed, Neji finished. "I'll get her but you need to come with me. I don't feel like explaining things to Hiashi."

"Hai" was all pink haired Kunichi said.


"What happened to Hinata now?" was all the Hyuga leader, Hinata's father, Hiashi, asked. "Please tell me Hinata didn't faint because of that boy, Naruto."

"No sir, Hinata fainted because…" Sakura was cut off by Hanabi.

"She's sick. Hinata's sick, father, that's why she has been acting strange lately." Hiashi looked up, first to Hanabi, then to Neji with a passed out Hinata in his arms, then to Sakura, then back to Neji and Hinata. "Sakura I assume you're here to tell me why my daughter is sick," Hiashi said not once letting his eyes trail from his oldest daughter's face.

"Well I would like to wait until Hinata wakes up and for her to tell you," Sakura answered.

"It's that serious," Neji said under his breath.


"Where am I. What happened?" Hinata wondered, then the events of the past couple hours came back to her.

"Oh." Hinata sat up on a flash. Instinctively her hand flew to her stomach with another gasp. When Hinata finally looked around. Sakura was standing by the door to the left you could tell by her facial expression that she as nervous of the up coming events. Then there was her father was leaning on the door frame to the right. Just then Hiashi walked over and sat on the side of the bed staring into her eyes.

"Hinata what is it you're sick with?" Hashi asked. Since he was the first to speak, he answered the other two Huyga's questions.

"F-F-Father, I-I'm n-not s-sick, I-I'm p-p-p-pregnant," Hinata finally got out. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Neji's face go completely white with a surprised, disbelieving, disappointed look on his face. Hinabi's jaw dropped, she was completely astonished. Hiashi 's face was shocked, astonished, and angered, his face went from normal to red to purple to blue. He let out a breath and yelled "…"


Tsunade was drinking and doing some paperwork when a loud "W-W-W-W-W-H-H-H-H-H-A-A-A-A-T-T-T-T-T" rang through the village. Tsunde had just taken a sip of sake and at the sound she sprayed it everywhere and in the process spilled the rest on her paperwork. Someone was going to pay big time.


If i spelled any names wrong fell free to tell me. If you have any suggestions also feel free to tell me. Also I think I have the right grammar if i do not please tell me.