Chapter 1

The forest was silent as the half man half horse creature known as a centaur stood on watch over the heard below him. Younglings lay sleeping while their parents lay next to them keeping watch over them for predators.

Bane, the centaur on watch was looking around when he suddenly saw a flash of green light to the right of the heard. He took off towards the light to see who had dared come close to the herd.

He galloped off through the trees of The Forbidden Forest, as the students of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry the very school the founders of the school had created. One of the founders; Helga Hufflepuff, had accidentally created the very forest Bane called home as many other creatures did.

Raven Roth fell into the mud with a grunt as she lifted her head trying to locate where she was. but from the lack of blood from the cuts she had endured from her friends when they had attacked her when a red mark had appeared on her body again after a year of defeating her father they had feared she was going to let her father back so they had forced her to leave California and used their talents on her causing her to use the shadows to get away from them in fear of her life.

Raven's eyes had just started to close when she saw a centaur appeared before her. She reached out a hand to him.

"Please, don't hurt me. Please help me."

And with that she fainted into the earth. Bane moved over to her side then scooped up her limb body and thinking of the one place that could help her he galloped off to Hogwarts.

up at the school Severus Snape was patrolling outside of the school as he needed a bit of fresh air. He was about to return to the school when he heard the sound of horse hooves on the ground he turned to the forest intime to see Bane galloping towards him and in his arms was a body. Snape took out his wand and raced over to bane.

"Centaur what are you doing here?"

"Proffessor I found her in the forest, she's been attacked and past out from the lost of blood I knew you could help her. I leave you now. good night professor, oh and beware of mars in the next few days she is growing bright."

Severus took the woman who was bleeding and raced up to the hospital wing where he kicked open the doors with much noise which woke Harry Potter who was there in the hospital "again" from an accident in quidditch when trying out the new team members.

Sitting up Harry looked at Snape and gasped when he saw the young girl bleeding in his arms.


Snape looked over at Harry and sneered just as Madame Pomphry came running into the room.

"Mr. Potter must you really scream…..Oh my goodness."

She then saw Snape with the bleeding young woman on the bed.

"Bane found her in the forest; she was attacked and pasted out from the attack. I need you to heal her as best as you can Madame."

Harry expected his potions master to leave with his robes blowing behind him but was shocked when Snape only took off his robes but sat down in a chair next to her.

Junie Pomphry was shocked when she noticed Snape's hair to be showing tints of purple.

She took out her wand and with a flick had the woman's hood vanished to reveal striking Purple hair and a jewel in the center of her forehead.

She looked at Snape and was shocked when he knelt by her side and gasped


Suddenly the woman moaned as Junie was healing her and her violet eyes opened up to meet Snape's black eyes.

"Uncle Sev?"

And with that she closed her eyes once more as sleep took her. Looking up at Junie he asked with his eyes.

"She'll be fine Seveurs; I can guess then that she is your niece?"

Severus nodded and then Junie tapped his head.

"Your hair was reverting."

He nodded his head and then sat back in the chair and fell to sleep laying his head by her hand. Harry Potter was shocked as he went to sleep that night with three things on his mind.

Snape has a niece? Who is she? And who attacked her?