Summary: What does Anton feel after Sophia left him for "another?"
Gone...Sophia was...gone. She had left Anton for another.
"There's someone else I love who needs me even more than you." Sophia's last words echoed in his head, defening him.
"NO!" Anton yelled. How could she?! How could Sophia, HIS Sophia betray him like she had?
He yanked at his blonde hair and fought back hot tears that threatened to fall. He was so angry with her.
"Sophia, you betrayed me!" Anton yelled at the painting of his beloved, his pale cheeks burning with rage. "How could you?"
His sadness completley overwhelming, he sank to the floor, his thin frame shaking. Anton finally let the tears spill from the corners of his eyes and
down his cheeks.
Sadness ... anger ... madness. Anton's mind was filled with all the emotions that Sophia's abandonment had brought him.
He felt sick to his stomach and very cold. When he stood shakily, he felt nauseous. Was this what hopelessness felt like?
"Sophia... my beautiful Sophia..." Anton sobbed, burying his face in his slender hands.
"There's someone I love who needs me even more than you." There were those words again, those dreadful, empty words.
"No... please... come back, Sophia..." he screamed even louder, collapsing into blackness.
"Sir... sir...?" a nasaly voice called softly. "Sir, are you with us again?"
Anton opened his eyes and found himself in their --- no... his room, was lying on his back. "Sophia!" Anton sat straight up.
Nigel, his butler, pushed him back down. "Sir, Sophia is gone. She left." was all coming back to him now... Her final words pulled at his heart and brought tears to his eyes once more.
"Leave me, Nigel."
"But, sir---"
"I said leave!" Anton stood, knocking a bedside lamp over with his hand. It fell to the floor and shattered, as did the picture frame next to it.
"Very well, sir." Nigel opened the door and left his master to grieve.
"Oh, Sophia..." Anton picked up the picture frame and looked at the photo it contained. It was one of himself with his arm around Sophia's waist.
They both looked so happy. "I still love you."
A short while later, Anton had a box crafted from the ore from his late father's mine. It was made special with a secret opening and a puzzle to
unlock it.
The young man with the sad eyes wrote a long letter explaining to Sophia that he still loved her and all the things he never got to tell her before
she left him. It was a message of pure love and then, very carefully, he sealed it in the bottom of the Elysian Box and locked it with the puzzle. His
heart was now locked with in the box and far from the rest of the world.
His green yes now stone-cold and his heart just as, Anton ordered a postman traveling through Folsense to deliver it to Sophia in Dropstone, the
next town over.
Word came to his ears a while later that the box had been stolen from the postmaster and then had been stolen again.
Again, sadness filled Anton's heart as he realized that his words would never reach Sophia.
Over the years, Anton was called many things: vampire, hateful, angry and several other horrible nicknames. There was only one person who know
him as loving, and she had left him long ago. Those who called him other names never realized the sad man for what he actually was... a human