Disclaimer: I do not own Death Note

Story: The Story of M

Summary: After being ignored by Light after too many times Misa becomes fed up! Worried that her status isn't what Light is looking for Misa decides it's time for a drastic change, but just how much does drastic mean when it comes to Amane, Misa?

Chapter One: The Decision

It just wasn't fair! Even after Ryuzaki-san finally gave into her demands and took off those silly handcuffs, Light still hung around L more than spending time with her! Wasn't she his girlfriend? Misa was completely at a loss.

Her days mostly consisted of two things now, one being lying around lazily until Mogi decided to come pick her up to take her to work or two that Ryuzaki would address a need for her presence to once again bring up her possibilities of being the second Kira.

The whole thing was ridiculous!

In fact two weeks ago Misa pranced around in a very revealing dress that made the task force gawk at her when she came in. Even the very calm L took his gaze away from the computer screen to get a peek only to nearly choke on his cake and sputter on his loss of air. Misa was sure that she had significantly won the battle but Light didn't even spare a glance to her happy squeals.

Instead he lifted his hand and waved her off telling her to go bother someone else. Misa felt her jaw clench close and teeth gritting as she nodded than reluctantly stalked off for her room in embarrassment.

It didn't make any sense any man would gawk at her, she was a model, actress, and drop dead gorgeous…But not in Light's eyes. Misa sulked for the rest of the week after that; she was practically a wreck everyone could tell but Light. He still ordered her around and his old reassuring kisses were that of just a quick pop on the lips before returning to his work.

What was wrong with her? Why was it the man she loved felt so far away?

"Amane-san," Misa lifted her head to see Ryuzaki-san staring down at her with his right thumb pressed to his lip. "Are you going to eat that?" Misa blinked staring down at her now, semi mashed cake that she was going to eat before her mind got looped in a world of war. Misa picked up the plate by the tip and lifted it weakly to L.

"Have at it." She grumbled tiredly. He took it from her hands but instead of leaving he continued to stare down at her curiously. Misa couldn't stand it when Ryuzaki did this to her. Why did he always have to bother her?

Misa rose from the table, somewhat startling the detective as she got up from her seat and pushed it in back under the table. She glared hotly at L wondering what his problem was but he said nothing just observed her like some scientific experiment. "What is it?!" Misa yelled finally frustrated and Ryuzaki blinked, opening his mouth and then shut it firmly eying her with a smile.

Misa placed both hands on her hips, growling very un-lady like as she leaned over to the cake obsessed detective with a scowl on her lips. "Well, what is your problem Ryuzaki? You keep staring at Misa-Misa and frankly it's annoying!"

L merely took the cake from the plate, swallowed it whole and then set the plate onto the table before glancing back at her to tell her,

"Welcome back." With that he finally excused himself and left her with a blank expression on his face unsure at what the hell he was trying to get out of her. Misa knew one thing though, she absolutely hated Ryuzaki and what bugged her most was that Light too hated Ryuzaki.

It wasn't much that Light hated Ryuzaki that Misa hated it was the fact that he continued and continued to ignore her and spend time with him. It was then with that Misa concluded that the problem wasn't her at all. In fact, Misa now believed that Light was gay.

Sure there was that option that Light could be trying to prove his "innocents" by hanging around L's side but if that was the case then Light-kun was doing it all wrong!

If Light had simply taken her on a couple of dates here and there and then maybe kissed her luxuriously on the lips in public a couple times just maybe L would have already proclaimed Light not guilty!

Misa gaped at her anger; her nails were digging into her skin almost to the point of drawing blood because she was utterly furious at Lights betrayal. Misa let her eyes fall down at the now cleaned off plate and her mind began to plot things she didn't even think she was capable of conjuring. The worst part of it was that Misa was actually agreeing on testing out this little scheme.

The answer to this problem was rather simple – become the attractor, and right now as she made her way down the halls to the main room she noted Lights attention span directed to a certain man she hated the most.



I know it was short but if you could at least tell me what you think I would appreciate it. Thanks!