Just a random piece of work. I really like it, though, and it would be great to hear your opinion. Especially since this is my first Supernatural attempt (and my first English one, too)...
Enjoy, Luna.
Five Facts About Sam (like Jess thinks they are):
Sam is afraid of the dark. He hates going out in the dark and never leaves her out alone (not if he can stop her). He closes the windows and doors and Jess laughs at him and lets him. She is afraid of spiders, so?
Sam doesn't like french fries. He says they taste like nothing and that's worse than shit, Jess, believe me. And Jess can accept the loss of junk food, because really- what girl can't?
Sam doesn't like rock. Especially mullet rock. He says the singer always give him headaches. Jess can live with that, because she kinda likes to listen to the charts.
Sam doesn't like anybody to sit across from him. He says it invades his space and Jess really, totally understands that, freakishy long legs and all.
Sam does like watching animal documentary. Jess really likes that about him, because, seriously, what guy admits that he likes to watch those fluffy, cute, little baby animals crawling around? And Sam is really considerate, too. He never watches spiders.
Five Facts About Sam (like they really are):
Sam doesn't trust the dark. All the things that are out there come in the night, using the protection of the dark and Sam doesn't fucking trust the dark. And so he stayes away from it and tries to keep Jess safe, too.
Sam always liked french fries. But without Dean there to steal the largest, to throw the soggiest at him they seem tasteless. So he tells Jess that tasteless is worse than shit, and it really is, because shit doesn't remind him of Dean.
Sam hates listening to rock. Especially mullet rock. It always reminds him of Dean. And Dean singing along. And so he is happy listening to the newest songs with Jess and her humming along in a voice that is so different from Dean's as day is to night.
Sam misses Dean every time he sits down on a stupid booth that has a booth on the opposite and doesn't have familiar legs pushed into his space, doesn't have Dean's boots kicking his shin and bruising him, accidentally or not. So he says he needs the space across from him for his legs, because having somebody else in Dean's place is just not going to happen- ever.
Sam always watches documentarys when- if he watches TV. About animals. Because history reminds him of the nights and afternoons spent researching about jobs. And horror movies are just lame without Dean and his stupid fucking comments there, and so are romances and reality shows and just everything besides animal documentaries. Not that they are particulary interesting, but at least they don't leave him with that big, throbbing hole inside his chest that Dean used to occupy.