A/N: Hey guys! So this is my first fan-fic, and I hope you like it! I will be writing the next chapter tomorrow, because I have got to finish some homework now! Please: Review (PLEASE! It's like candy for a baby for fan-fic writers!), Favourite & Story Alert!!!


Why? Why Oh Why Me!?!

Bella's Point Of View: Chapter 1

Edward had gone hunting again so I was stuck here with Emmett, Jasper, Alice and Rosalie. We were all watching Dora The Explorer (because Emmett has some weird fetish with it).

"Emmett, PLEASE can we change the channel or do SOMETHING interesting!" I exclaimed, as I was bored to hell of Dora and her rubbish life.

"Okay… but we have to play Truth Or Dare: Cullen Style!" Emmett replied, knowing that something bad was going to happen.

"Yeah, we might as well make this interesting while Prudeward is out hunting" Japer said looking at us, ignoring whatever Alice was talking about.

"Okay! But there has to be rules: 1. We must each pick one Truth AND one Dare Dares that can get us in jail" I replied

"And 3. Lets have A LOT of fun!" Rose said, wanting to make this so that I would have to do something VERY embarrassing.

There were 4 'Fine, OK Emmett's!'.

"Now, who to pick first… I pick… Bella!" Emmet boomed loudly, "So, Truth or Dare."

"Umm… I pick… Truth" Now I'm REALLY nervous.

"Hell Yeah! Okay... Have you ever...

A/N: OOH! Cliffie! I know, I'll get the next chapter in the next few days, I promise!!!
