The first song is The Art of Suicide by Emilie Autumn, the second is The World is not Enough by Garbage

"Citizens rejoice, your Lord and Master stands on high, playing track three." Lucy tried not to wince when her husband started running, leaping through the Valiant like a precocious two year old. A year of gloating over his old nemesis' capture had made him exuberant to the point of bouncing off the walls. She was exhausted just trying to keep up with him.

She was wearing her red, low backed formal dress, simply to keep him happy. He liked to ballroom dance at ungodly hours and it was best to be prepared. He sprang towards her, grabbing her arms and swinging her around before pulling her into his arms and kissing her full on the mouth. Then he spun her away from him, leaping up the stairs to a higher platform.

Lucy blinked rapidly, dizzy, rolling her eyes a little at how alive he was. His charismatic voice as he belted out, 'I can't decide whether you should live or die...' sent shivers down her spine like small electric charges.

He got so angry with her when she forgot to call him 'Master,' when she stuffed up his choreographed dance moves by not being quick enough, when she didn't agree with him because she hadn't been concentrating, he got angry. She knew she deserved the bruises, the black eye she was sporting today. She knew she didn't deserve someone as brilliant, as powerful, as intelligent as him.

She woke up from her musings to hear him say something about Tanya, the massager. "She's gorgeous,' he said, drawing out the 'or' in the way that Lucy loved. And there was his usual reference to a threesome. Lucy shuddered; the very idea disgusted her, but what Harry wanted, Harry got, and who was she to stand in his way? She smiled blankly.

She loved this man so much. There was nothing she wouldn't do for him.

Poor, poor Lucy, too stupid to work out her Lord and Master was testing just how far he could push her, before she snapped. By now he was thoroughly convinced that there was nothing he could do to her that she wouldn't take, nothing she wouldn't do for him.

A passage from The Bible sprang to mind. 'Your desire will be for your Husband, and he shall rule over you.' A more apt description of his Lucy he'd never found. Much as he detested the human race, he couldn't deny that they were good at storytelling... and good with music. Before they left (if his plan worked and they left) he'd need to take a stash of CD's with him and a player.

But Lucy... his darling, lovely stupid Lucy; could she do it when the time came?

Martha Jones, the snide bitch that she was thought she'd won. "Doctor, doctor, doctor,' the earth sang through the Ark Angel network he had set up. "No, no, no," the Master roared. He had always been a good actor.

He couldn't look at Lucy to see if she was joining in. This was one time where he couldn't tell her what to do; she'd have to think for herself. At last her voice joined in with the others, quiet and transfixing, "Doctor, doctor." The word was blasphemy on her sweet lips, but it couldn't be helped. She had to convince, had to pretend she had secretly hated her megalomaniac husband. If there was one weakness The Doctor had, it was trusting humanity.

Now Mrs Jones was pointing a gun at his head. "I'll kill you for what you've done to my family."

He had to stop himself from sighing with relief. He hadn't wanted to resort to plan B, now it looked like he wouldn't need to. "Go ahead," he said calmly.

"Put it down," came The Doctor's voice. Blast the man! Did he have to ruin absolutely everything?

The gun clattered to the ground. The drums were beating louder than ever. He had so hoped that it wouldn't come to this. His eyes pleaded with hers, help me.

There was a pause, a silence. No one moved. Then Lucy walked towards the gun, like a sleepwalker or a girl in a trance. She picked it up and pulled the trigger.

The Master collapsed. He ignored the protestations of The Doctor to regenerate. Song lyrics, the greatest thing he'd discovered on earth, ran through his head.

Why live a life that's tainted with pity and sadness and strife?

Why live a dream, that's tainted with trouble and less than it seems?

Why bother bothering, just for a poem or another sad song the same?

Why live a life, why live a life, why live a life?

For Lucy and for their future and for a life free of Doctor's and drums. Her eyes were stricken; she'd be changed forever and because of Him, The Doctor. He'd get back at him if it was the last thing he did.

"Regenerate, regenerate," The Doctor screamed. "Come on, it's only a bullet. You can do it.'

"Why?" The Master's voice came out as a rasp, "so you can keep me locked up in the TARDIS... with you." No thanks, not when there's another way.

The Doctor was crying as The Master managed to gasp out a chuckle, "I win." Then there was just Lucy's blonde hair streaming over him, her eyes worshipping, her name on his lips as a part of him died.

He had told her she shouldn't need to shoot him. He had told her the Jones' family would take care of that. Well, they'd tried. The Doctor, that do Gooding bastard, had ruined everything and so Lucy had shot the man who mattered more to her than anyone else on earth.

She watched The Doctor sob over his body, the electrical, powerful energy all gone. She felt empty; numb. It didn't matter anymore, nothing mattered anymore as she dropped the gun to the ground. The Doctor had burned him on a funeral pyre, his face a mask of pain, before he entered Lucy into a mental institution. After all, if she tried to tell anyone what had happened, who would believe her?

In the cell like room, she was allowed a radio. He had sacrificed everything for her, and she suffered for him. Sometimes she would dance with an imaginary partner, imagining him back in her arms.

"Wait, you must wait, my dear," he had said and she'd remembered. Remembered every day for the last two years.

Sometimes their special song would come on the radio, and she'd twirl her wedding ring with a smile.

The world is not enough

Oh, but it is such a perfect place to start my love

And if you're strong enough

Together we can take the world upon our love.

Soon Harry, oh so soon darling, I'll set you free from the ring and then... oh then our revenge shall be terrible on those who dared oppose us, and at last, oh at long last, we'll be free to love.