Captain's Room

Nami waved the notebook at him the next morning, "What the hell is this? Can't you write?"

"Huh? You read my log!?"

"I tried to read it, but you have such horrible handwriting that I couldn't."

He gnashed his teeth in some kind of grimace or pout at her, "I can write. Maybe you just can't read."

"And who uses a U for a V anymore? Actually, I'd say this is archaic! And I don't know what these other ones are."

"Quit reading my log book!"

She tossed it in his face, "Then keep it out of my room!"

"Hey, no way! That's my room! I'm the captain!"

Nami put her hands on her hips, already feeling victorious, "Oh, so you just let me sleep in there last night after I threw you out?"

"Well, I figured you never slept in a captain's room before, so I let you know what it was like." Her cheeks stained bright red, gaping at him in shock until he said, "I'm taking it back though!"

Nami snapped, "And where do you think I'm supposed to sleep, Luffy?"

"Crow's nest," he said. "Caaw! Caaaw! Wah!" He dodged her punch before he ran for the storage room, and she gave chase.

"Get back here!"

"Nuh uh! You're gonna smack me! I'm taking back my room!"

Nami scowled, giving herself a burst of speed to catch up with him before slamming her fist into the back of his head, "It never was your room!"

"Nnnrgh! Nami, you suck!" He glowered up at her as he held his wounded head.

She tossed the book onto the desk, frowning down at him, and she said, "There is no way I'm sleeping in the bunks with guys, and I'm not sleeping out on the deck or in the crow's nest!"

"What about the kitchen?"


He huffed, standing up straight, and crossed his arms, "Well, I'm the captain, and I say I sleep in here."

"You're crazy! You can't just kick me out."

He pursed his lips before he went to the desk to sit down, opening his logbook. Luffy dipped a pen into an ink bottle before he began to read aloud as he wrote, "Day two! Captain's log. The day is … uh …"

Nami smiled smugly at that, raising her nose a bit, "Oh? What day is it again, Captain?"

"It's … the uh …" he set his pen down then to start counting on his fingers slowly, "I left then … and then stuff happened … Hm … how long was I in that thing anyway?"

Blanching, she said, "Do you ever know what day it is?"

"Huh? Day? Oh! It's your birthday!" He wrote down, "Nami's birthd-"

"No, it's not!"

"Then who cares what day it is!? It's day two!" Luffy wrote into the book then before he continued as if nothing happened, "Nami is mean, and won't give me my room back." Groaning, she rubbed her forehead as she listened to him go on slowly, "She doesn't know I am supposed to have privates since I'm the captain."

Blinking, she pinkened a bit before she giggled, covering her mouth. Perhaps she could read his log if she needed something to laugh at later on.

"She also reads my log because she is a jerk."

Twitching, Nami said, "You're the one barging into my room in the middle of the night, telling me that I have to leave!"

"She smells."

Nami kicked the chair out from under him, and he landed hard on his butt before he scrambled away with a laugh. Growling, she ran halfway up the stairs after him to chase him out, shaking her fist after him, "I'm not leaving this room! You can't have it!"

She grumbled as she stomped back down to her room after she locked the door. She glanced at his open log book once, and then again before she went over to read it.

Nami's beiŋ meen, and she won't let me sleep in my room. She shur meiks it smel good ðo.


I need to finish this. For some reason I just don't have the inspiration for City of Caverns any more, so I think I might finish it either next Halloween or … well, whenever it comes back to me.

LuffyxRuby: Done updating.

Alea Seikou: Yah. Thanks.

princessyurble: Yup, this is the next one.

Boob: That's because you're a boob.

Fairy Of Anime: That would require quality time with him though.

CHeRRy PoP LoVe: Mmmyup, thanks.

wheathermangohanssj4: Omnomnom, more for my man.

Bakanootoko: What ending? It ain't over yet.

xjakx: Will try from now on.

Confession68: Shut the hell up, ya fink.

Lord of Murder: Would he ever be any other Luffy?

BlueLion: Yer late. I have tons of fics.

Sonicmario: Pfffp, I have no idea what you're talking about. He's talking about the ship.