(Rant: *sigh* I really didn't want to be tempted to do this…but after over a year of denial…I must admit I like TDI/A. And of course I have an imagination and enjoy reading spoofs. I would've been content if there were more than two or three decent stories on here that didn't switch from POV to POV or just generally didn't suck. Okay, maybe I'm being a little harsh with that, but seriously, you don't have to be a genius to form paragraphs and use spell-check. Anywho, before someone shoots me, I hope you enjoy. BTW, I know they were all sixteen on the show, so I interpreted that to mean sixteen-going-on-seventeen aka sophomore year had just ended, so that would make everyone seniors in this.)

Disclaimer: Just using these guys for my own amusement, nothing else. The only payment I receive is (hopefully) reviews. .P


A year after the conclusion of Total Drama Action, things had finally returned to normal for one Ontario teen as she readied for the first day of senior year. The seventeen year old pulled a brush through shot dyed hair, grateful of once again being know as the weird loner and not that "bitch that dumped her 'boyfriend' on national TV." To this day she still didn't get what the big deal was, the guy went bat shit and…nine is such an ugly number. Setting the brush down a little harder than necessary, she grabbed a tube of blue lipstick and finished the morning routine.

Gathering a few materials for the day, she stepped into the narrow hallway and pounded loudly on her brother's door, shouting for him to wake up fully aware that he started classes an hour later than her. At least he wouldn't be carpooling with her anymore…she loved her brother and all, but it wasn't healthy to listen to that emo crap every day. Now, she had full control of her radio and the music it played. Her brother responded with something incomprehensible and chucked something at the door. The older teen laughed and informed her brother that payback's a bitch.

She descended the stairs with ease and swung around the base, boots squeaking on the tile. Passing the small kitchen nook and her adjacent bedroom door, the teen arrived at rear of the small two story house.

"Mom?" Gwen called, poking her head out the sliding glass door. She scanned the deck and found the woman in question leaning against the railing, pulling on a cigarette. "Ugh, I thought you were quitting?"

"Never said when that was," the blonde woman laughed. "You leaving for school?" She turned toward her daughter with a smile.

"Yep, I should be home by one thirty."

Gwen's mother nodded. "Okay, be careful, have a good day."

An old white car sat in the driveway having definitely seen better days, but anything with four wheels and an engine was good for a seventeen year old. Gwen lived under no illusions and wasn't surprised that her first car was her mother's hand-me-down (matter of fact, this car had been her mom's first car, brand new in 1992).

And so begins the first day of school, Gwen thought as the car roared to life and she backed into the street. Wonderful.

Gwen rode in silence, mostly enjoying the urban scenery as it changed into the city. Eventually, as the traffic thickened the road noise got to the teen and she switched to the radio, shuffling through a few stations until resting on the Morning News with Jennifer Brickwell. "I wonder how many times she's gonna mess up," the teen mumbled to a chameleon bobble-head on the dash.

"The cast production of former reality shows, Total Drama Island and Action will be holding auditions at the Civic Center yesterday…I'm sorry, today. There will be auditions for the upcoming season Total Drama Dyin-Driving. Total Drama Driving." Gwen snorted in laughter wondering why this woman was still allowed on the air. "Some of you may remember the scandal that befell the reproduction of last season, when a teenager lost his leg during one of the challenges."

Unable to stand another minute of the news she switched the radio off and pulled into the school parking lot. It was slowly starting to fill up, mostly seniors and juniors who started earlier than the other students. Though the parking lot was still relatively empty and out of female habit, Gwen went for the closet spot available. Just as she was turning into it, a large blue pickup cut her off to the point that it almost took out the car in the next space.

Her car's brakes squealed and the horn blared simultaneously at the oblivious jerk, out of ALL the open spots this ass just HAD to pick this one?! The driver of the truck flipped her off without so much as a second glance. Oh, she'd remember this. A bologna and mustard smothered truck was in this guy's future. Beaten, but not defeated she took off to find another spot to park while mulling over ideas on how to best extract revenge.

A few minutes later, Gwen grabbed her binder and the one book she thought would be needed. Glancing at her phone to make sure there was still enough time to grab a muffin and maybe some juice, she hurried toward the entrance slowing only once to inspect the truck from earlier, taking note of the pirate flag hung in the back. What a loser. Remembering the security cameras she decided against running a key along it.

As soon as she stepped into the large main foyer it was like summer had never even happened. The musty smell of old carpet and cheap cleaner tickled her nose, a sense of déjà vu washed over the teen as it always did on the first day. At least this would be the last first day of school for her…or at least until college started. She cleared her head, remembering the promise of a bland blueberry muffin with tangy grapefruit juice and headed to the cafeteria.

Contently seated at an empty table, Gwen picked at the muffin and sipped at her juice while going over her schedule. First period English, then onto Government before two hours of Advanced Automotive, homeroom, lunch and then finishing the day with Chemistry. She regretted forgoing Art, but she was pretty sure she'd learned everything possible from the high school art teacher. Plus, if Advanced Auto was even half as fun as Intro had been last year, it would be well worth it.

The bell rang signaling six minutes to class, the few occupants of the cafeteria filed out almost instantly. Gwen watched her fellow students leave with amusement, none of them were new here so what was the rush? She shook her head and gathered her things, taking care to toss the half eaten muffin out. The teen missed the garbage by a few feet and bent to pick the aforementioned muffin up when a lone cat call resounded through the-what should have been-empty building.

Her brown eyes narrowed at the immaturity of some people, but the snarky response died when a heavy arm draped around her shoulders. Screw the cat call, this was way worse.

"You have three seconds to get off of me before I-"

"Nice to see you too, Sunshine."

(A/N: I hate ending with dialogue…but I'm testing this fic out, seeing if it'll gain any fuel. If not, oh well. I tired. Please let me know what you think. I'm very easy to amuse.)