Any children that may be reading this please choose another story. This sequel is somewhat inspired by Law and Order: SVU. So please, if you cannot handle that kind of stuff, look away.

This is a sequel of Trustworthy, if you haven't read it, I highly suggest it…You can skip the first two chapters to it if you want to. That's really just character placement and setting. However, I would suggest doing so.

As for the title, CANDANCE, it means beat like a heartbeat. It was absolutely perfect for this story.



Marlene glanced at the clock for what had to be the third time that day. Skipper was supposed to be back about three hours ago, which was two hours and fifty-seven minutes too long. They were supposed to be on a simple drug bust, or at least that's what Skipper told her. She glanced at the clock again and opened the door to their apartment. Doris was waiting on the couch in there, staring at the clock on her cellphone as well.

"You'd think they would call us, right?" she asked, not looking up from the phone. Marlene nodded and slid into Skipper's chair. She put her hands to her forehead and groaned as another scenario ran past her head. Luckily, though, she had checked to see if his bulletproof vest was left behind and it wasn't, so that thought cleared her current worry. She opened his top drawer, noting that his favorite gun had been taken but the others were still there, locked and loaded. She glanced at the clock once more when Doris's phone rang. It was at her ear within one second. The voice coming through could easily be distinguished as Kowalski as he started talking about the bust. Marlene rushed to Doris's side and the blonde held it between them as they listened.

"Was anyone hurt?"

"No, why would you think that?"

"Someone had better be for you guys to be three hours late without a single call. Both of us were worried sick! Marlene here had to check the weapons panel about thirteen times, making sure you brought enough guns. I called Officer X about ten times just to try to get a hold of you guys!"

There was a silence on the other end and a muffling sound of someone putting their hand on the phone. Kowalski yelled something on the other end and he came back on, "I'm putting Skipper on, okay. I'm really sorry we worried you girls, it's just it was really dangerous."

The phone passed and Skipper talked through the other end, making the tight feeling in Marlene's chest disappear, "Hey, everything went fine. The bust took longer than we thought and we couldn't call because it could compromise the operation. We'll be home soon and then you can tell me just how many times you went through our top-secret equipment…Marlene…"

"I was worried okay! Just please, hurry back."

"I'm driving."

"So, I should expect you back now?"

"Okay! This is my phone. You two can flirt when you get back, Skipper!" Doris yelled into the bottom of the phone, "Now get the heck back!" She closed the phone and rolled her eyes, "I really don't see what you see in Skipper. He's too bossy and rude."

Marlene smirked, "Well, what do you see in Kowalski?" The trick had worked and the girl's eyes glazed over as she started gushing about the genius. Marlene already knew this speech by heart so she walked back over to Skipper's desk, her hand resting on the first drawer. She already had most of the room memorized as the detectives intrigued her and Skipper never really talked about himself, unless it was some vague mentioning to Manfredi, Johnson, and his ex-wife, Lola. She sighed and opened the second drawer, nothing but files, and the same for the third drawer.

"Hey?" Doris finally snapped out of her speech and got up, "Are you allowed to mess with his stuff?"

"Maybe, I'm the girlfriend, remember?" Marlene looked up and grinned at Doris as she opened the fourth drawer, the very last one. "Plus I've memorized nearly every inch of this place and if I'm allowed into the weapon's panel, why not the boring file work?"

"And you couldn't have done this during the time we had no idea where they are?"

"I didn't think to." She shook her head and blinked as she reached for the very back of the last drawer. That little box wasn't there when she looked in here before, was it? She slid it out of the drawer and started to open it when the door to the room opened. She quickly put the box back, closed to the drawer and jumped to her feet when the team walked through the entrance.

"You know, I can never get used to Skipper's driving." Kowalski wobbled in and smiled at Doris, who ran up and tackled him into a hug. Marlene stepped around the desk and wrapped her arms around Skipper's chest, happy to just hear his heartbeat.

"We weren't gone that long, were we?"

"Three long hours, very long hours by the way." Skipper blinked and dropped his gun belt onto the bed before hugging the brunette back. He rested his head on hers and glanced to his team. Rico had left to go find Jazz, possibly another sign language class. Phil had tried to teach Rico but Jazz had slapped the man hard after Rico attempted to show what he learned.

Kowalski was currently describing the bust to Doris who had still refused to let go of the man's hand. Their one year anniversary had passed a couple of days ago and it still amazed him how the two still loved each other. Doris, he had thought, was an absent-minded genius while Kowalski had to analyze everything. Since the two have been together though, he had noticed subtle changes. Doris had become more focused and more observant while Kowalski didn't rely on his clipboard as much.

Private smiled to him and turned back to exit the apartment, the boy had finally hit a growth spurt, making him about 4 inches taller. The boy hadn't really changed much in his personality department, but he had grown in maturity, in fact, the boy was his confidant and Skipper usually bounced ideas off the boy for coming up for something for Marlene.

He turned his head back into Marlene's hair, extremely glad she still put up with him. Their one year anniversary was coming up and he was still kicking himself for forgetting it, making him not sure what to get the love of his life. He had to keep himself from slapping his forehead when Kowalski had started mentioning, really hinting, about the event. Of course, that man would remember everything that went on. Marlene, luckily, had no idea about this and he planned to keep it that way.

"I'm just really glad you're here." She murmured into his shoulder, breaking his thoughts but replacing them with extreme guilt. He knew well the worry that ran through her head, thanks to his paranoia, but at least he knew her job had nothing dangerous in it. He himself didn't even know if he would live through another job. He sighed and patted her back.

"I had no excuse for being unable to call."

"Yes you did, your position could be compromised, just like you said." Skipper bit his lip and shook his head slightly, that was just an excuse. He had just forgotten and it was still killing him.

"Yeah, exactly," He lifted her up and set her on his desk, ignoring the lie that hung over his head, "I promise I'll make it up to you." Her big smile hit him again and he tried to shoo the guilt away. He failed and right when he was about to admit it, the phone rang. Letting out a sigh of relief, he picked up the phone as Marlene hopped off the desk and walked to Doris, knowing what the office phone meant. Kowalski walked beside Skipper and listened in to a police officer's frantic voice. Skipper looked to Kowalski and set the phone on speaker.

"Repeat that last line."

"We found a young girl in an alleyway and she was, of course, dead. We found a mark on her waist. It's a brand of with a capital DR. Officer X told me to call you and tell you about it." The two men turned to each other, visibly surprised.

"So Dr. Blowhole is back, huh?"

Doris, the guy on the other end, and Marlene giggled, "Why that name?"

"Because he's a….." Skipper trailed off, looking at the two girls, "You two get out, we need to work."

Doris opened her mouth but Kowalski cut her off, "Trust us; you really don't want to hear about this guy. He doesn't even deserve a bullet to the head. That's a too quick and painless death for him." She looked to Marlene and nodded. They left quietly and once the door shut, Kowalski turned back to Skipper.

"We need to catch him this time." Skipper nodded and picked up his phone, "Get the others, we're going back to the police station."


"You know, I'm so excited!" Gloria twirled looking at herself in the mirror, an obvious glow radiating from her. She patted her stomach and turned to the two melancholy girls lying around her apartment.

Doris sighed, "Yeah, I'm excited for you. I really am, it's just, Kowalski just kicked us out, pretty much saying we couldn't handle hearing about this guy. Last year we survived kidnapping and captivity in a sewer! I'm pretty sure we can handle it!"

"I'm pretty sure they mean well but they have been working all the time, I know I shouldn't be upset, I mean, they're doing good, but still."

"No romance time?" Gloria patted Marlene's shoulder, "I understand, Melmen's a doctor so I barely see him."

"You guys are married though and Melman doesn't have a life-and-death job. Plus, you're having a baby, so it doesn't count."

Gloria sighed and patted the brunette's shoulder, "Just think, your one year anniversary is coming up in two days; I know Skipper won't forget it, just focus on that."

Marlene looked up and smiled, "Thanks, I needed that."

Doris sat up and held her hands up, "Hey, what about me?"


Skipper leaned against the wall while the rest of the team looked at the girl, everyone except Private; he had run off to throw up. Kowalski was on the verge too as he took photos to examine back at the apartment.

"So how do you guys know this serial killer?" The coroner glanced to the team, she happened to be Officer X's wife, Alice. She was weird and that is why Officer X liked her.

"He came to us one time, saying he found his girlfriend dead in her apartment, she had the same mark. We believed he was innocent until we found evidence pointing him to be the murderer. By then he was long gone."

"Well, do you know his habits?" She covered the body back up as Kowalski lowered his camera, "Apparently he's a serial rapist as well."

"That he is, he's extremely smart as he never uses a similar place twice, an apartment, a hotel, back room at a bar, a yard, and now an alleyway. He never leaves fingerprints, and only twice has left DNA."

"So how do we catch this guy?"

Kowalski looked back to Skipper, "I honestly have no idea."


Yes, this is my longest chapter yet, (2,251 words people!) I have yet to decide on an ending I want, all are similar in a few ways, but I will finish this! YES!

As for the rest of the chapters, I will work on them when I can, I can't promise extremly quick updates...though I will try.

CRITIQUE POR FAVOR!!!!!! I love reviews, if you don't review though, perfectly, not really. But I will understand!!!!