Jeremy's Beginning Deck (Subject to change later on)

*Card's effect is changed

**Card isn't real

Monster Cards

The Six Samurai Yaichi

The Six Samurai Kamon

The Six Samurai Yariza

The Six Samurai Nisashi

The Six Samurai Zanji

The Six Samurai Irou

Great Shogun Shien

Shein's Footsoldier

Grandmaster of the Six Samurai

Chamberlain of the Six Samurai

Spirit of the Six Samurai

Hand of the Six Samurai

Shadow of the Six Samurai**

Monster Type: Warrior

Attribute: Dark

Lv: 1

Atk: 200

Def: 100

If you have at least one "Six Samurai" monster in your hand, by sending this card from your hand to the graveyard activate one of the following effects:

●Reduce all battle and effect damage inflicted to you to 0 until the end of the turn.

●Special summon one "Six Samurai" monster from hand.

Marauding Captain

Obnoxious Celtic Guardian

Vanity's Ruler

Storm Shooter

Magic Cards

Legendary Ebon Steed

Shein's Castle of Mist

Six Samurai United*

Spell-Type: Continuous

Each time a "Six Samurai" monster(s) is Normal or Special Summoned, place 1 Bushido Counter on this card. You can send this card to the Graveyard to draw 1 card for each Bushido Counter on this card.

Six Scrolls of the Samurai

Monster Reborn

Card of Sanctity*

Spell-Type: Normal

Both you and your opponent draw cards from your decks until you each hold six cards in your hands.

Book of Moon


Mage Power

United We Stand

Spell Textbook**

Spell Type: Quick-Play

Send all the cards in your hand to the graveyard and draw one card. If it's a magic card, you can activate it immediately, if not send it to the graveyard.

Pot of Greed

Card Destruction

Allied Forces

Trap Cards

Return of the Six Samurai

Swift Samurai Storm

Swiftstrike Armor

Double-Edged Sword Technique

Spirit Barrier

Ultimate Offering

The Paths of Destiny

Nutrient Z

Bad Reaction to Simochi

Negate Attack

I only put the effects for the cards that don't exist or that the effect is changed. If you want to know the effect of the other cards, you can either wait for later chapters, or look on the Internet. Also, Shadow of the Six Samurai is a card I made up.