Disclaimer: Oops i forgot to add 1 on the first take: I dont own Dbz( not fair) my friend and i made up the original idea. I dont own Leeli, Leetha, or Gothu, a very talented Auther does. Vampire Wars
By: Stardust M. King
( Original idea by: Shawna K. Smith* my best friend* shes smarter than me )
*Teens that Survived*
Snow Owls:

Ages: Leetha- 17 / Gothu- 17 / Melinia- 18 / Brolly- 18 / Leeli- 16 / Goten- 17
Lasintia- 18 / Jason- 19 / Destiney- 19 /Videl- 16/Gohan-17 /Shawny-16/Elliot-17
A long time ago Nature ,and vampires were all at war until some of these 2 lifeforms decided to stop fighting. They were the Lepords, Snow Owls, Naturals ( plant-like fairys ), Pandas, Angels, and the Dolphins.
These 6 stood out against all others .They stopped the war and peace once again returned to earth. These 6 lifeforms set a reincarnation spell so that if ever the earth was at war again , 3 of each of these lifeforms would be reincarnated into the worlds teens.Every generation 18, teens are picked by the gods/goddesses of the earths lifeforce just incase war does come up we have someone to protect us.
chapter 1: Near fatal death by a Vampire/ the coming of a hero
* Tokyo, Japan: Kriato Memorial Hospital , October 31, 1987 *
A man ran up the stairs to the hospital carrying his pregnent wife in his arms who was bleeding from what looked like fang marks on her neck, in toe running after her father and mother was a young girl of only 4 named Destiney with wavy blonde hair that bounced on her back with every step. The man burst thru the door and ran to the hospital directory.The moment the secretary seen the man she seemed to have known what happened and called for a stretcher.

" How did the attack accur Mr. Mamouri?!?" The secretery asked after the hospital workers had come and taken his wife to the E.R.

" Well, Envy, Destiney ,and I were walking back from the Ice Cream shop back to our appartment then this creature came out of the alley and said something like ' There will be a war 16 years from now, and we dont need 3 angels helping the battle.' Then he showed some fangs and bit my wife and she gassped for her breath and fell to the ground, then of course I picked her up and ran here." He said.

" Well, theres something that you need to know a vampire attack is almost always fatal." She said while looking over at the sad face of Mr. Mamouri."That means your wife or your wifes baby might not make it," he nodded trying to hold back tears.
" Theres a pattern accuring,"she continued," theres already been 5 attacks this year on pregnent women by a vampire who has said something similar to what he said to you and your wife , and well none of them came out of it to well."

" You mean,"he stopped,and looked up at the secretary." Were all of the attacks fatal?" He asked looking up at the secretary. She nodded.He just looked at the door to the E.R. where they took his wife.Just then Destiney came up to her dad and pulled on his pant leg, and she had tears in her eyes.

" Daddy,why did mommy have red juice all over her pretty dress? And why did the man bite mommy, I dont think mommy liked getting juice all over her from his mouth."He looked down at her and picked her up and set her in his lap." Daddy,why are you sad?" She said while looking up at him. The secretery had left by this time." Daddy,when is mommy coming back, I want to go home and have you and mommy tuck me into bed." She stopped and continued looking at her dad.

" Destiney,mommy might be taking a trip." He said while still holding back tears.
The four year old girl just turned her head toward the door to the E.R.

" But I dont want mommy to go!Mommy cant go! " The little girl said." She has to stay here with me and you!!!!!!!"Destiney cried.

" Destiney, please stop, mommy can't-," he was cut off by a nurse.

" Mr. Mamouri, your wife is gonna be okay, and so is your new baby girl!" The nurse said smiling.He jumped up forgetting about Destiney being on his lap, and ran to the E.R. When he got through the door he looked around the room and saw his wife sitting up on a hospital bead ,her long red hair laying gently over her shoulders,and she was smiling holding a bundle in her arms.He ran over to her and hugged her .

" Um, Vincent I'm glad you care but I'v just had a blood transfusion and my neck still hurts and I just gave birth so be gentle with me." She said.

" Oh, yeah, oops, heheheh. Sorry,Love but I thought I lost you I couldnt stand losing you or the baby!!!!!!!!!" He said smiling glad to still have her at this time.

" Do you wanna hold your new daughter Videl?" Envy asked holding out the bundle in her arms.

" Yeah,sure! But why'd you name her Videl?" He asked while taking the baby in his
arms ,and cradeling her.

" Because, she looks so serene and peaceful, with her black hair and blue eyes." She said smiling.

" Yeah Videl, matches you doesnt it?!?!" He said and the baby opened her cerulean blue eyes.

Meanwhile a little Destiney watches her parents coo and hold their new baby.' I guess I have a new sister,' she thought happily.
Chapter 2/ The first dream attack
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Videl walked down the usualy busy Tokyo, street and looked up at the stars.
' Hm, thats weird ! I wander where everyone went?Maybe theres a parade someplace,'
she thought.She walked a few more blocks snd heard a high pitched scream that sounded like her best friend Shawny."Shawny, I'm coming !" She yelled. She ran towards the place where the sound came from, and nobody was there."Mia, where are you? I cant find you anywhere.Just then, somebody grabbed her long black hair that hung loosly over her back.Then whoever it was tugged on it." Ow!!!!!!" She cried out in pain.

" Dont move, or try anything tricky now, and I might let you live to see the light of day." Said the drwling male voice.

" Who are you and what have you done with Shawny?" Videl demanded.Just then the grasp on her hair loosend up and she turned around to see her friend standing there looking happy.

" Hey, Videl ! Whats up!" She said happily.Videl ran over and hugged her friend.( their not like that you sickos )

" Oh! Thank god your all right, I thought I lost one of my best fiends!" She said.

" Yeah, well. You have to be carefull ," the voice changed back into the cold drawling voice," who you trust now days!" She quickly backed away from the man as he showed some razor sharp K-9's.Videl started running.She found a shop door open and ran inside, and stooped down next to a tea table and layed down on her back considering she was petty thin she couldnt be seen unless someone was standing directly over her.She heard someone enter the tea shop.She could feel his prescence for some reason.She could smell death, and it was coming closer to her with every breath she took." Angel, come out, come out, wherever you are." She shudderd at the thought." I can smell you," he said.He started thrashing around knocking over the tea tables,one by one.Videl let out a small cry.She closed her eye's tightly.

' Man, this isn't fair,' she thought.' Why me? What did I do? I'v never even had my first kiss.' She wanted to cry.' I'm never gonna reach my 16th birthday.' She had an idea." I'm right here," she said.Considering it was pretty dark, she could sneak out of the shop and could probably make it to the monorail, and take that to Briko park and transfer from there to home.He walked over to where the voice was.Senseing him coming,she crawled over to another table and layed down on her back there.
She left just in time, cause right after she moved the man knocked over that table.
She stayed quiet this time and prayed that he would think she left.He growled.

" Angel, I'll play these childish games with you ,if you insist!" He growled.She heard thrashing around the place where she was hiding.Then it stopped.She strained her ears to listen to him. To see what his next move would be.Thinking he was gone she stood up ,and right there in front of her was the man that was chasing her.She tryed to run but he grabbed the back of her blouse." You just couldnt do it the easy way could you ?" He started laughing insanely.Videl started to cry.

" Why are you doing this to me?" Videl cried out." Please let me go!" She screamed." I dont want to die,yet,I wanted to get a boyfriend this year,and I wanted to get a first kiss." She stopped crying and just looked at the man.

" You pathetic Angel,what the hell is wrong with the gods if they picked someone like you to protect their pethetic humanoids!" He growled.He lowered his mouth to the girls neck and showed his fangs,which shone brightly in the moonlight." But never the less I have to make you one of us." She looked up at him with a look of pure terror.He lowered his fangs to her neck, and bit her.She felt the fangs peirce her skin ,she cried out in pain.

" YOU JERK!" She yelled.With a desperate attempt to get away she clawed him in the face and he dropped her to the floor.She landed on her ankle which sprung it on the impact of the floor.She brought her hand up to the spot where he had bit her.She tried to get up but he grabbed her and threw her through the window.She landed out side on the pavement and hit her head, glass shadering everywhere on top of her.
She opened her eyes barely wide enough to see the vampire coming towards her.Just then out of nowhere a teenage guy,well built,not to bulky,with spiked black hair and dark eyes ran infront of the vampire to stop him from getting to Serinity.He looked down at her and smiled.He then quickly frowned seeing that she wouldnt last much longer,she would die from blood loss.He hadnt realized that the vampire had already claimed her by bitting her.The teenager pulled out a sword off of his back and held it out in front of him.

" Leave this place, without the girl and I wont kill you." He said.The vampire ran towards the boy and brought out a circular blade and thrust it at the teenager.
The blade slit his arm and blood started gushing from the wound.

" Gohan Koshido, when will you give up on killing us? Tisk, tisk, tisk. Your a great warrior,it's true, but if you were a vampire you'd be even greater."He said coldly.

" NEVER!!!!!!!! I will never, join the vampires!" Gohan closed his eyes and brought his hands together and muttered something under his breath.A blue orb formed in his hands.He quickly brought his hands to side, and back to the front again and thrust the energy ball at the vampire. It hit him head-on in the chest and he flew backwords." Never, mess with an angel! " Gohan said smiling. The vampire got up and turned into a rotwiller and ran off.Gohan turned around and quickly put his sword up and ran over to Videl and picked her up and held her there in his arms.

" Who Are You!?!" Videl asked.Gohan looked a little taken back at the question.

" Thats all you have to say? Listen, I just saved your life! And thats all you can say!"
Videl just realized that she said something wrong.

" Oh, I'm sorry! It's just I dont know anything thats going on ,and I was almost killed by that vampire!" She looked about ready to cry." I,I..I," she stuttered.
She started crying." I'm so sorry! Why did you even risk your life for mine?! And what the hell is an angel?!?" She cried.Gohan cradled her in his arms.

' Why am I doing this?' He asked himself.' I'v never did this to any other girl that I'v saved. Whats so different about this one?' He thought." Shh, its okay. Your safe now, your gonna be okay." He said sweetly.She looked up at him and stopped crying.Her
blue eye's shone under the streetlight.' She's really pretty,'he thought to himself.
He stared at her for a moment." Listen to me, you're gonna wake up in a few minutes so I'll let you know what's going on." She nodded." A long time ago, on Earth , our planets lifeforms and the vampires were at war. Earth won, and ever since then the gods, would pick 18 teens when they were born to fight war for the earth.
About 16 years ago the Earth started becoming populated with vampires, they started killing off the 18 that would be here now to fight for earth, you see we are picked before we're born,so they tried killing all 18 of us. They only got 5 dead,but they almost killed you also, you were a lucky one indeed."

" So am I an angel?" She asked.Gohan nodded.

" So,I could train you to use your power's, if you want, so I dont always have to save you." Gohan said. Videl nodded.

" What about school though?"she asked." What if he attacks me at school?"

" Well, there are already some there that know how to use there powers, plus I'll be there if you run into something you cant take care of yourself." He said.

" Well, thanks. But what about my cuts and bruises; will they be there when I wake up? And what about the tea shop, will it be damaged also?"

" Yes, so if you die in your sleep, you would die in reality." She made a gasping noise and then.........


" Huh, whats that?" She asked Gohan let go of her and walked off.he waved to her.

" Time to go." He said.
_____________________________________________________________________ Chapter 3: School and the "Other's"
Videl got up and got dressed for her first day of school.
She put on the required school outfit: blue ruffle skirt,black boots,white shirt,sailor overthrow with a bow.She did her long black hair up in a high ponytail with a red bow to hold it. She looked herself over in the mirror and remembered her dream, she had the fang marks on her neck,and her ankle hurt like hell.Her arms were scratched up from the glass, so was her face.She felt like crying again,she didnt want anypart of what was going on.But then again she was the tough-girl at her school so she had to be strong.She remembered Gohan,and smiled,' He was kind of cute, I guess.' She thought to herself.' I should thank him today,I mean since he goes to my school,and everything.' She smiled again." I look so bad though,but this is as good as it's gonna get today." She said.She walked down the stairs to find nobody home.
There was a note on the table. She picked it up and read it outloud to nobody in perticular." Videl- I left early to go to school, Mom left some money in the coffe table for your lunch.She had to go Okiyama to visit Dad today,I'm staying at a friends house tonight and Mom wont be back till Wednesday.
Till then,
Destiney," She finished reading the letter and frowned.' Well maybe Leeli or Shawny,could stay the night here tonight.' She thought. She grabbed her money and left for school.About halfway there someone stopped her.Someone grabbed her shoulder,she quickly brought her arm up in defence.She turned around to see her friend Leeli." Damn,you Leeli,you freekin
scared me!" Videl said in suprise.

" My god Videl, what the hell happened to you?!?" Leeli asked. " Did you get in a fight or something? You're pretty beat up!!!!!!" Leeli said concerned,but exctatic.

" I got in a fight with a rottwiller on the way home from the park yesterday."

" Oh, thats all.Phew ,I thought we were under attack by vampires again! But that wouldnt happen, hopefully." Leeli said.They walked along the road that led to there
school.Leeli spotted her boyfriend Goten and yelled to him." Hey Goten, Come over here right now!" Leeli yelled to him.Goten was tall and had spiky black hair that stuck out in front, and he had almost identical black eyes to Gohans, but Gohans were more serious. Goten started walking over to the 2 girls, following Goten was Gohan.

" Hey ladies." Goten said.He looked at Videl and said," Who did you fight this time,
tell me it was that jerk Toma, and I'll kick his *uckin ass!" He looked at Videl and waited for an answer." Well,then out with it."

" No need to kick anyones ass," Videl said eyeing while Gohan," I got attacked by a rottwiller, thats all." Videl said." Hi Gohan," Videl said while looking at the tall well built teen behind Goten.

" How, do you know Gohan, Videl?" Goten asked.

" He helped me yesterday when I was being attacked, didnt you Gohan?" She winked at him.Everybody looked at Gohan.

" Yeah, I did,that dog was pretty big, i'm glad I came along when I did.See even I got hurt," he pointed to the bandage on his arm." I dont think she could have lasted much longer-" he was cut off by Videl.

" Excuse Me! What did you just say.You Dont Think I Could Have Lasted?!!!!!!!!!"
I COULD HAVE TAKEN CARE OF MYSELF, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!" Videl yelled getting half of the streets attention.

" What I was just saying that you needed help,thats all!" Gohan said.Goten and Leeli
were laughing there heads off while Videl ran up the street." Whats so funny?"
Gohan asked.

" You actually just said that to Videl Mamouri!" Leeli said.

" Any other guy who would of said that she would of clobbered in no time." Goten
said." Your A Lucky One."

" I'm gonna go appologize," Gohan ran up the street after Videl.

" There goes a good one," Leeli and Goten said in unison.

Gohan caught up with Videl pretty quick,he found her sitting on a bench right outside of their school. She had her head in her hands, and she looked sorrowful." Hey ,Videl , I'm sorry." Gohan said sounding apologetic.She looked up at him and frowned.

" No, Gohan, I'm sorry. I shouldnt have yelled at you, it's just I'm not used to people helping me. I'v always had to do things for myself,and I'v never needed help before, not by anyone. And no ones ever seen me cry, except for you,now. I'm supposed to be the "Tough" girl around here," Videl said with sadness in her voice.
Gohan sat down beside her and put a comforting arm around her shoulders.

" Listen you dont always have to be so tough, yuo know,let someone else fight the battle sometime, and give your self a break for once." Gohan said in a caring voice.
Videl looked up at Gohan who was now blushing at the fact that he actually said something sweet to a girl.

" You know, thats the nicest thing anyones ever said to me." Videl said." Here,this is for helping me," she reached up and kissed him on the cheek.Videl got up and turned around to look at a now stunned Gohan." Maybe since your training me now, i could show you around Tokyo sometime," she waved to him," see you around." She walked towards the shool.Gohan sat there stunned now touching the spot where her lips had touched.Leeli and Goten came up the walkway towards him.

" Hey, did you get slapped by her? I told you that you shouldnt mess around with Videl , she's a tough one!" Goten said while looking at gohan touching his cheek.

" Oh, no , I didnt get slapped. I got thanked, I guess," he said blushing.

" What did she do?" Leeli piped up.

" She, she uh, kissed me.......I think." Gohan said while stuttering.Leeli and Goten burst out laughing." Whats so funny?" Gohan asked.

" She actually kissed you?" Leeli maneged to say in between giggles.

" Is that good?" Gohan asked cluelessly.

" I'd say that you have some possibilitys now!" Leeli said smiling.

Author Ramble: Thats the first three chapters. I know the prelude sounds very lame but the story will get better I promise, just give it a chance.The stuff about the lepords, snow owls, ect. are ancient tribes, if anyone got confused.Sorry if the story was confusing but it will get clearer soon!!!!!!!!!!!^_^ Oh yeah and I dont mind Flames but atleast review, please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!