Ok older readers might notice that there have been some changes to this fan fiction but its the kind of thing that makes it easier to read (I hope ) but changes to the story line and plot have not changed so if you were fine with the way it was before you can skip the first 3 chapters and not miss anything story wise. As for new readers you should note that I intend to grant all readers a different and unique reading experience with every story I make and put in here and please do enjoy
Kurenai walks Hinata home. She has been the little girls guardian for some time and even grew fond of never understood why the Hyuugas needed to hire a chunin to walk Hinata to and from ninja academy within there home village especially since the little girl was all but disowned by her clan, but today she would be glad for it.
Noticing that all the lights are out and that is to quiet, Kurenai stops Hinata
"Hinata I don't like this. I want you to go hide in that alley way behind the dumpster and stay out of site until I come for you. Do you understand?"
Hinata slowly nodes but ask "Why?"
Kurenai takes a deep breath before continuing "Hinata I just want to check something out and in case it is bad I want you to be safe. Now, have you learned about the transformation jutsu in class yet?"
Hinata slowly nodes and says, "I have. But I can't do it yet."
Knowing she didn't need to waste time explaining Kurenai gives her a small smile. "That's ok, but a enemy might look like me so I'm going to tell you a pass word; if the next time I see you and you don't hear the pass word run and don't stop." Hinata has the shakes now, she is scared, to scared to move. "Hinata, I promise nothing bad will happen to you." Kurenai tells her to calm her Kurenai feels safe leaving Hinata behind and checks out the area.
The first thing Kurenai notices is that all the branch members of the Hyuuga clan have had there seals activated until death.
Dear god Hiashi, what have you done now?
Kurenai believes only the main branch can activate the cage seals Believing that the Hyuuga have already spotted her, she makes no attempt to hide her presence. Upon entering the main house Kurenai's stomach does back flips only years of training allow her to keep her composer. Then she sees him, Itachi standing over Hinata's little sister with a blooded sword.
"Why Itachi?! Why, Hanabi was only four you monster! "Kurenai was on the verge of tears. Hinata is nine and half way through her first year in academy.
Itachi doesn't even bother to turn around. "The hyuugas were planning a coup,(Kurenai gasp and puts her hands over hear mouth)the order came from the Hokage and his advisers.
I had a choice you know, I could have said 'no' when they ordered me to kill every Hyuuga regardless of age.(now he does turn around to look Kurenai in the eyes he ether doesn't realizes he is crying or doesn't care if she sees him)They said they didn't want anyone to grow up with thoughts of avenging there family.
I figured if I kill the whole clan now as an example then no one else will make the same mistake. There is still one Hyuuga unaccounted for, were is Hinata?"
Kurenai knew full well that he would be able to tell if she lied to him. He might just interrogate her right there if she did lie. If she ran or tried to protect Hinata she would likely end up dead like all the other Hyuuga. Kurenai's options were limited, she had no choice but to tell him were she was hiding. "In the alley way four blocks down behind the dumpster, the pass word is 'repunsal'."
Itachi starts to leave and kill Hinata, "Thank you Kurenai "
"Wait, I have grown attached to her over these few months. No one should have to die alone and unloved ."
Itachi stops to listen to her.
Kurenai continues "I will deal with Hinata myself, she won't feel a thing. "
In side he felt a weight lift off him. "To make sure no one steals there eyes I have to destroy all in the main branch members completely." Itachi warns her.
Kurenai just says, "Ok." She begins to walk away.
He lets her go, its irresponsible and there's no trusting her to really deal with the situation. But he can only take so much and doesn't want the burden of killing every man, woman, and child in the Hyuuga clan on his soul. He makes the hand signs and breaths fire on the house setting everything on fire.
Kurenai realizes that she isn't being followed and comes up with a plan. I will take her to a near by village and hide her. Then a few years later I will tell the Hokage that I have a long lost daughter that I sent to live with the father when she was born. He sent me a letter saying that last week that he lost the means to take care of her. I want to go pick her up until he does and am willing to send her back because I don't want this ninja life for her. You know what, without explaining any more than I absolutely have to there is no telling how long it would take for the mystery man to get back on his feet. If Hinata is discovered later and is only a civilian then they will be less likely to kill her.
The Hokage knows I had an affair in my youth and did become pregnant, no one needs to know that my lover was Haishi himself and Hinata is my real daughter. I gave her up in secret when we discovered she had the byakugan. He was supposed to give her a better life. Anyway the best lies have a little truth in them. He failed in that, but maybe I can still give her a life let her hair grow out, give her some color contacts, no one would remember her in a month. This could work I really can save my little girl. If only she had gotten my eyes instead of his.
Ok guys here's the deal I know I don't read the naruhina fanfic for oc so I will avoid them when possible for your better reading experience I see no reason to make an oc when Kurenai will do just fine sorry about the confusion
"Kurenai-san is everything ok?"Kurenai smiles at Hinata,
"Hinata, you forgot to ask what the password is. "Hinata looks down ashamed. "Sorry Kurenai-san what is the password? "
Kurenai smiles again "You need to be more careful Hinata. From now on you can't let anyone know who you are, its for your own safety. "Hinata gets scared and moves like she will run away like Kurenai said if she didn't get the password. Kurenai puts her in a genjutsu in a peaceful sleep, and carries' her away.
Don't worry Neji fans he is still alive he just won't play a role in the story for a long time.