Awwww snap! You guys who reviewed are AWESOME!!!! ANNNNDDDDD I have like 5 story ideas!! But, im gonna need more soon! Soooo, keep the ideas a rollin! :DDD

This idea came from both 'Dimitri's tear drops of blood' and from 'Rozablood'!!

Vampire Academy Chapter Eleven, page 141

I leapt at his back, positioning myself exactly the way he'd taught me. I had the element of surprise. Everything was perfect, and he wouldn't even see me coming.

Before I could make contact, he spun around at a ridiculously high speed. In one deft motion, he grabbed me like I weighed nothing and threw me to the ground, pinning me there.

I groaned. "I didn't do anything wrong!"

His eyes looked levelly into mine as he held my wrists, but he didn't look as serious as he had during the lesson. He seemed to find this funny. "The battle cry sort of gave you away. Try not to yell next time. "

"Would it have really made a difference if I'd been quiet?"

He thought about it. "No. Probably not."

I sighed loudly, still in too much of a good mood to really let this disappointment get me down. There were some advantages to having such a kick-ass mentor-one who also happened to have a foot of height on me and outweighed me considerably. And that wasn't even considering his strength. He wasn't bulky, but his body had a lot of hard, lean muscle. If I could ever beat him, I could beat anyone.

All of a sudden, it occurred to me that he was still holding me down. The skin on his fingers was warm as he clutched my wrists. His face hovered inches from my own, and his legs and torso were actually pressing against mine. Some of his long brown hair hung around his face, and he appeared to be noticing me too, almost like he had that night in the lounge. And oh God, did he smell good. Breathing became difficult for me, and it had nothing to do with the workout or my lungs being crushed.

*now my story starts…*

I couldn't control the urge. I reached up, and kissed his lips. It was only a short peck, but the electricity that sparked throughout the kiss…it was mind blowing. I pulled back, and smiled at him. His eyes had grown dark, and he raised an eyebrow at me.

"I like a man on top." That got a laugh out of Dimitri, he started to chuckle, and I started to move out from under him. Astoundingly, he stopped me from moving. I just looked up to him in surprise.

"What are you…" I was stopped by his lips on mine. I was shocked for a second, than reasoning went through my head, and I started kissing him with more and more passion. I realized what was going on, and I tried pulling away.

"We can't. You know that."

"Can't you just shut up and kiss me. It's what you want, isn't it?"

"Yes, but we have to listen to reason…"

"Reason? Since when do you ever listen to reason?! I'm giving into what we both want…" He grabbed my face, and kissed me with all the passion he had. I couldn't help but give in. We both started to tango with our tongues, and things just started escalating from there. I wrapped my legs around his waist, and started to run my fingers through his hair. He had me sitting in his lap, arms wrapped around me, as he started to get up from lying on top of me.

He stood up and walked towards the bathroom of the gym. He pushed the door open, and placed me on the counter of sinks. He removed my hands away from his hair and went to look the door. He locked the door and put a chair under the handle. He sauntered back over to where I was, and started to pull his shirt over his head. He threw the shirt behind him, kicked off his shoes, and removed his socks. I couldn't believe that this was happening as he placed his hands on my upper thighs, near my waist.

"What changed your mind about this?" I couldn't help but wonder what was going through his head. I wanted to know him so much more, so much better.

"Have you seen yourself in action? You blow my mind every time you step into the gym and train." As he was saying this, he was pulling my sweaty shirt over my head. I was in my sports bra and yoga pants. "I could never get enough of you. I wish I could shout from the roof tops how badly I feel for you. All I want is to be with you. I would throw away everything, being a guardian, for you. For even one minute of being with you. This is probably all too much." He started to reach for my shirt, probably wanting to put it back on, but I grabbed his hands and then reached to cup his face in my hands.

"I love you. I don't know how I even thought that I could never be with you, but until that day I can publicly be with you, you will always be the one who has my heart." I brought his face to mine, and kissed his lips gently, but lovingly. I'm guessing Dimitri didn't like the gentle kiss, because he grabbed the back of my head, and pressed our faces together harder, so we were kissing with anger, desire, and lust.

My hands wrapped around his neck and pulled our bodies closer together. My legs wrapped around his waist, and I squeezed his body even closer. Our tongues were entwining, our hands were interlocked, and our bodies were pressed together. I didn't think it could get any better. Then, he pulled away.

"Come here." I jumped down from the counter, and walked towards him, as he walked away from me. He stopped when his back hit the wall. He grabbed for me, and started to pull my pants down, as he got on his knees. He threw my pants on the growing pile of clothes. I felt a little self conscious about not wearing underwear, but it is always so constricting.

"I wondered about this part…" All of a sudden, I felt fingers plunge into my wet folds, and my body tensed but relaxed at the increasing pleasure. My fingers found Dimitri's hair, and pulled a bit.

"Not to hard dear, I won't be able to taste you any longer if you pull my hair out…" And then he went back to work, licking and sucking and biting. I felt the pleasure increase and increase until it kept growing where I felt like releasing.

"Cum for me Roza, Cum." With my leg over his shoulder and his head between my legs, he started to rub where my jeans meet my pelvis. It felt fantastic. I grabbed his hair a little harder, and felt myself clench, and release. I heard him slurp, and like more of my juices as they flowed down my legs and onto his face.

"Delectable if I do say so. Enjoyable?" I grabbed paper towel, and cleaned up his face, and between my legs a little bit more.

"You have no idea…yet." I pushed Dimitri against the wall, and started to pull down his pants, and was shocked when his junk almost poked me in the eye.

"Oh gosh!"

"What…?" I could hear the question and uncertainty in his voice.

"It's so…so big!" I grabbed it with my right hand, and pulled it into my mouth as I licked my lips. As I stroked, I sucked it in and slightly less than out of my mouth. I heard some moans from above, and knew I was doing an okay job, but decided I could do much better. I started going faster, stroking and sucking. And then I started moving it around my mouth while turning it with my tongue.

"God….Roza!" I took that as he was enjoying it. I kept doing that, and then started sucking in and out again, going faster…and faster…and faster. He started to slide down the wall and landed on the ground, with his legs giving in on him. I bent over his penis, and kept sucking and swirling his dick inside of my mouth.

"Roza…I'm about to…" I knew he was about to release, so I grabbed a little harder and went even faster.

"Shhhhiiitttt." I felt him release into my mouth, and I swallowed everything.

"Fuck Roza….You have no idea…"

"Oh, I think I have some idea." I smiled as I cleaned out my mouth of his lovely cum with water, and I felt him come up behind me. He grabbed my waist, and pulled my back to where my butt was touching his crotch.

"Dance…" I felt him whisper into my ear, and it made me shiver, but also started me to move. I started to grind against him, and rub my ass into his crotch, as I felt his dick get harder and harder.

"I want to make love to you, can I?" Dimitri was still whispering into my ear as he asked me. I turned around, wrapped my arms around his neck, and kissed him with so much passion; I was unsure where it all came from. He kissed me back with just as much passion. Soon, the passion and lust increased. We were suddenly on the ground, ripping each other's clothes off; pulling, tugging, and demolishing. Soon, we were naked, and everything was just rolling with no stops.

"Ready?" Dimitri had pulled back, and looked deep into my eyes. I shook my head and smiled. Since he was on top, he reached down and kissed me deeply, while slowly plunging inside of me. It went smoothly since my cherry got popped when I was in grade school. Dimitri looked at me with doubt, and a questioning glance. And then he did something out of the blue, pulled out and grabbed his clothes.

"What's going on? Why did you stop?" I sat up on my elbows, and then wrapped my arms around my body; self-consciously.

"Why have you never told me that you've had sex before?!" He had grown angry and a part of me was very frightened.

"I haven't. And if it's about my cherry, I popped it in grade school." My anger had increased because he had assumed, and accused before he even asked! I grabbed my clothes and began to put them on. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Dimitri just standing there, confused.

"I'm sorry." I had all my clothes on, while he stood there in his entire glorified nude self. He had his head down, looking defeated.

"Me too, me too." I grabbed for the handle and started to turn it, when Dimtiri's hand was on mine. He pulled me against the wall, and kissed every part that he could reach. And the parts that he couldn't reach, he touched with his hands. Of course, my body responded and I couldn't stop myself from touching him everywhere. Once again, I found my clothes on the ground, and that I was naked. Dimitri lifted up my legs and plunged deep inside of me. I muffled the scream that almost erupted from my mouth. He thrusted harder and harder inside of me, making me feel more and more orgasmic. I couldn't keep the screams of pleasure from escaping my lips. I moaned into his neck, as I sucked and kissed his arms, chest, and face, basically anything I could reach. I could feel myself coming closer and closer to my climax, and I could tell Dimitri was too, because he gripped me tighter. I also could tell, because, beyond my disbelief, he thrusted deeper and harder inside of me. I clenched my arms around Dimitri's neck, as he wrapped his arms around my waist, and we climaxed. Our juices flowing between both of us, freely and full of happiness.

"Holy shit comrade, that was…words cannot describe!"

"Roza, I…I am peacefully happy. We…we belong." I was standing on my own two feet, being wiped clean by Dimitri with wet paper towels. He stood up and wrapped his arms around me, as I wrapped mine around his. It felt complete, right, and he felt these feelings too. Life could not get any better. But then, I realized that we would have to go back to being student and mentor, and I was not happy with that. I wrapped my arms tighter around Dimitri, planning on never letting go.

"Roza, what's wrong?" He tried to remove my arms from around him, to look at my face, but I didn't want to let go.

"We'll have to go back to normal after we leave the bathroom. I don't ever want to go back to being your student, I mean I love it, but I want to be able to be with you…and I can't." I wanted to cry. I wanted to lock the bathroom door and never leave.

"Roza, we'll be together. Maybe not now, but later. After you graduate…I'll work to change charges, and become security of the Royalty, instead of Lissa's guardian. We'll make it work, don't worry. It'll take some time, but it'll happen. Don't worry."

"That's all I'll do. What are we going to do about classes?"

"We'll still have them, but this can't happen, okay? I know it'll be hard, and we might give in. But your training comes first; Lissa's life comes before us. Okay?" I knew he was right, and that this would work out in the end, so I nodded my head. But then realized he couldn't see me shake my head.

"Okay." I pulled away from hugging Dimitri so tightly, and kissed him on the lips. After we pulled away, we rested our heads together.

"I think it's almost dinner time. Let's get moving." Dimitri gave me one last squeeze than we helped each other get dressed. When we were all cleaned up, Dimitri left the bathroom first to see if it was all clear. It was. He grabbed my hand and led me out to the doors to the outside world. We stood inside the gym, not wanting this to end. I hugged him with all my might, and he hugged me back just as fiercely. Then he grabbed my face, and kissed me so passionately and deeply, that I felt my legs give way.

"Know this. I love you, you and only you will I ever love with my entire heart. Now go, or I won't let you leave forever." I reached up and kissed him, and then ran out of the gym, on the verge of tears. I stopped before the corner that hid the gym, and saw him standing outside watching me. Then, I did the hardest thing I have ever had to do, I continued to run away. I knew there was never going to be a way we could be together, and that the next time I saw him, he would be all business. He would never give away to what we had. Dimitri would pretend like it never happened, and that is what hurt the most. I just wish we had more time together, like we just had. But, I knew we never would, ever again…

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed it!!! Kinda sad, and I know your probably confused with the ending, but its kinda out of book character, so just give me the benefit of the doubt! :DD I hope to right more chapters soon!!! But I have finals next next week, and will have to study for them this upcoming week!! BUTTT it's my 6 month with my boyfriend on Monday!!! :DD Once again, let me know if you want me to write a certain lemon for a certain part!! And those of you who asked for a part, I have them written down on post its, and post its throughout my frost bite and vampire academy, so I am working on them!! Don't worry!!! Ta-ta for now! :DD