U people understand that the Naruto Characters DON'T belong to me. SO yah. We'll cut to the chase. :D

I opened my eyelids slowly. Not paying attention to who or what was around me. I felt a puppy lick my face and remembered yesterday. Deidara. Running.....


I stared at the puppy, not noticing who it was. I just stared at them for a while until my eyes adjusted. And there in front of me was Hidan. He licked my face again. I pushed him away from me and I heard a thump. Which I hurried my back up and put my hand on my head, feeling the rush of blood going down my body from my head and the short aching and dizzy feeling fell upon me. I listened again to Hidans words.

"WHAT THE..." He continued but it just fazed into Yada yada yada fuck yada shit yada yada is your problem?! and so on. Things finally became straight. And my mind cleared.

"FUCKING THROWING ME ON THE FLOOR?!" Hidan yelled loudly, and my head began to buzz. His loud voice just triggered a migraine.

"SHUT UP!" I yelled back to him after the 50th F-Bomb.

"DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO-" I put my hand over Hidans mouth before he could say anything else. I sighed and then a Tobi puppy jumped up on my face. I sighed and picked him up. I then slowly placed him beside me, and took my hand away from Hidans mouth. Which I regreted.

"DON'T FUCKING PUT YOUR HAND OVER MY FUCKING MOUTH YOU MOTHER FUCKER!" He yelled loudly. I sighed and picked him up off of the ground and him yelling what the fuck. I sighed, and I dispised his much unneeded swearing. I could have punched Hidan, but I didn't want to get on his bad side. He is an Akatsuki after all. And if they ever turn back into human then he can come after me and kill me. Which I don't want happening. That would be the worst thing to happen.

In my train of thought and Hidan swearing to put him down, there was a gentle knock that made everyone quiet. I placed Hidan down next to me on my bed and got up. I was glad I was in my pajamas, and I quickly headed for the door. I looked out the small glass window and saw something that made me want to cry. Another box. Who keeps giving me puppies?! I can't afford this! I can't even make enough for me let alone everyone else. Well, it's time for all of them to get jobs, or else I'm moving to another place.

I opened the door and looked at the now soggy box full of puppies. I looked up at the sky to see the rain falling. I felt bad for these guys. They were in the rain for who knows how long. I smiled, and grabbbed the box filled with the extra puppies. I carried it quickly into the main room where I had the other boxes, which I placed the newest box into the other boxes. I slowly opened it and peeked in. As soon as I did so though, my mind was sent to a different place, and I saw a man. Itatchi Uchiha? OH GOD! HE USED SHARINGAN! I looked down to myself to see I had no clothes on, and I gulped for dear life. But then I smilked. I closed my eyes and then opened them again, but with a strange looking eye. My eye activated, and immediately, the jutsu broke, and Itatchi was now using Sharingan on himself. I sighed with releif. My eye allowed me to reverse the attack on someone. So if someone punched me, then they would just be punching themselves.

I opened the box the rest of the way to see four more puppies. The whole Akatsuki?! I jumped when the two boys who weren't Itatchi jumped on me. I fell backwards, surprised by their attack, and then I saw a girl with blue hair come out of the box behind them. I smiled, Well at least there's one girl in the Akatsuki. But then I felt shark razor teeth puncture into my shoulder. I yelled from the horrible pain, and instantly the heard of puppies ran out of my room to my aid. And to my surprise, Zetsu quickly jumped and shoved the puppy who was biting me off my bleeding shoulder with a chomp mark.

"Are you ok?" Zetsu's kinder voice asked hoping for a yes, but I shook my head and pointed to my bleeding shoulder. Zetsu was attacked all of a sudden by a blue blob, or the one who bit me and he was thrown off. He looked at me straight in the eyes.

"HELP US." He said angrily.

I nodded and smiled, "You could have asked. I would have said yes considering now the whole Akatsuki is here." He looked at me shocked and then back at the other 8.

"Who are those three?" He asked looking at Naruto, Sakura, and Saskue, and Saskue immediately charged at his brother. I quickly used my free hand to grab him and pull him away. I let out a deep and irritated sigh.

"Naruto, Sakura, and Saskue." I told him as he nodded. And then the other male, whom was orange and had peircings surrounding his nose came up to me. his eyes were like boards you throw darts at, and in the center was the bulls eye. I giggled to myself, and he quickly walked close to my face.

"Help us, and we won't kill you." He said with no emotion. Everyone was quiet when he said that, and I sighed.

"I will." I said as my sighing frown turned to a week smile. He nodded and jumped off of me, and helped me up. I was releived when they gladly helped my with my shoulder, and it was nice having the girl and Sakura around. And when breakfast was ready, I hurried to my room where everyone was at, and pulled down the salt. I gently placed it on the ground and was glad that everyone made a line for the salt. I went back to the kitchen and sat down in my chair, which was the only chair at the end. I was running out of places for everyone, so I made one half that could sustain around 3 people on one end and the other end being a buffet. I stood up remembering that I had to tell them not to go outside.

The first person to come to the table was the man with peircings. I smiled to him and directed him to sit down at the table. He gently smiled back to me and nodded as he sat down.

"We never got an introduction! My name is Claire." I said smiling and directing the girl next to him.

"I'm Pein, and this is Konan. I'm the leader of the Akatsuki." He told me as I directed the last person to sit with them, which was a failure because Deidara wanted to be by me. Deidara hurried over to the couch and sat down. I smiled to his happyness. After Deidara got his food Itatchi was after. I smiled to him, even though he didn't know my name.

"My name's Claire, you're Itatchi right?" I said smiling to him. He nodded with a ,hn, to it. I sighed when he went over to the couch and sat down next to Deidara. Next was a blue man, who was the one who bit me. He seemed flustered for some reason, and I smiled to him.

"My name's Claire, and you are?" I asked kindly. He jumped to my kinder wording and he quickly answered me in a kinder tone.

"I'm Kisame. Sorry about bititng you and all..." He said as he hurried to sit next to Itatchi. He seems so flustered around me for some odd reason. Maybe it's just girls. I shrugged to myself and greeted Tobi, who hugged me and I directed him to the main room. He nodded and skipped over in front of the couch where he sat in front of Deidara. I smiled and giggled. Then came Hidan, and Kakuzu to follow, and I directed them to the couch too. Naruto, Sakura, and Saskue were after and I directed them to my extra room, which simply had my Ninja Equiptment. Lastly was Zetsu. My stomach churned for a second when we met face to face, and I blushed when I realized his tall structure, and I smiled. I pointed him to my bedroom, and he nodded.

I grabbed my own breakfast with another plate and walked into my bed room, and saw Zetsu simply laying on my bed, he looked at me. I was holding two plates, and then his normal face turned to confusion. He didn't grab a plate, and I think he thought I wanted to.... in my bed. And I handed him a special plate. It didn't have much, but his face glowed when he spotted what he liked. A hand. I smiled to him, and he nodded.

"When did you go out and get this?" He asked me quietly.

I smiled to him, "Early this morning I went out for a jog and I found a dead body laying in the street. I took it and made a meal for you." I said with my voice becoming more and more quiet as I talked. He gazed at me with happiness. "Thanks." He said simply and began to eat his strange meal. I smiled, and I could tell a blush had grown on my face. Did I like this jerk? No, I was only for Kiba. Even though my chances were dim. In the middle of my thoughts I heard a knock on the door, and quickly everyone ran and hid in my room to wait and transform back into puppys.

"C,Claire?" I heard from outside. My face grew an even deeper blush. He wasn't ashamed of me? Maybe he came over to scold me... I ran to the door and quickly grabbed the handle. My hand turned and I pulled the door open for the man outside to enter.

"K, Kiba?" I asked shyly. He smiled and he closed the distance between me and him. His arms gently and quickly wrapped around me, and his head fell onto mine. His breathe was gentle, but it moved my hair being that powerful, and teeth could be heard clacking together. Out of nervousness I guess.

"I'm sorry about last night." He apologized hugging me tighter. I smiled and my own arms wrapped over his shoulders, and my right arm moved up and onto his head, and I felt his fizzy and brown hair.

"It's not your fault Kiba. It's mine." I told him, trying to make him feel differently about the night.

"How about it's neither of our faults." He said to me whispering into my ear. And I heard a burst of barks come from my room, and then the door slammed open. The first puppy to be seen was Deidara, the only one Kiba knew of at the time. I have to think of names for them, and quick! I could just called them by the first letter of their names and say it's a nickname!

"Hey D!" I said happily turning around and picking him up. He looked at me confused, and I quickly stared at him and then back, trying to tell him that Kiba couldn't know about their status. He nodded, understanding and I twirled around, handing the puppy to Kiba.

"He's a cute pup!" He said taking Deidara from my hands and looking at him. Deidara simply kept a puppy like smile and when he was set down he ran right over to my legs. Then next to be picked up was Tobi, whom kept jumping up onto my leg, begging to be next. I smiled and picked him up, showing his odd coat to Kiba, who jumped at first to the site of the odd colors.

"W, What's up with his coat? Did you paint him or something?" He asked with a snicker afterwards. I shook my head and pointed down to the other pups.

"This is the color they all started as when I found them in the boxes."I told him and his eyes went down, only to find Kisame, the blue pup first.

"H, HE'S BLUE?!" He asked confused. I nodded and we walked over to the couch.

"Yah, that one's pink." I told him pointing to Sakura. He smiled, and then seemed to be deep in thought.

"That looks like Sakura... And that one looks like Naruto... And Saskue?" He asked sympathetically. I nodded and began to talk about other things, trying to keep the confused boy in front of me occupied with other things. After a while I finally got him to calm down, and he enjoyed having Tobi rub up against him like a cat, and he smiled and laughed at how friendly he was while I, or Itatchi was in the corner hiding from us with Kisame who simply lay next to him. The two were gosh darned adorable, and I couldn't help but let out a little aw. Kiba laughed at me for a moment at my weakness for adorable things. I smiled back at him, and slapped his arm in a bit of anger.

"Don't laugh at me, they're cute!" I said glaring at him, and smiled and put his right arm around my shoudlers, forcing a small meep out of my lips, and a blush to grow across my face. His body heat was like a fertilizer, and it helped my blush grow deeper and redder as his other arm wrapped around my other side, and his face was so close to mine. My blush had grown such a deep red it was like blood splattered on my face.

Unfortuneately, Zetsu didn't want our perfect moment to happen...

XD I leave you readers here just to make it better. So that you have to wait for the next chapter to see what happens. :3 Meow.

Zetsu-I 3 U Claire- :D *glomps Zetsu whom regrets saying he hearts me*
Zetsu- =x=''

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