Chapter 4

I woke up and smiled. Todays the day I go on a date. I took a shower. Dried my hair. Then I started to straiten it. I finished. I picked up a green shirt and some blue jeans. I put on some DCs and grabbed my bag. I walked outside and saw Elmo standing there.

"Hi Elmo" I said.

"Hi Sakura" he said. Then we walked to our bus stop. When we got there I walked up to Hinata.

"Hey" Hinata said.

"Hey, are you excited?" I asked Hinata.

"Yeah, I can't wait" Hinata said.

"Then the bus came. We got on. I sat by Hinata.

"Sasori wants to see Friday the Thirteenth" Hinata said.

"We can go see that" I said.

"Your sure?" Hinata asked.

"Yeah, i'm sure"

Then we got off the bus. Elmo walked up to me.

"Sasori wants to know if you want to see Friday the Thriteenth" Elmo said.

"I don't care"

"Ok, its at 7 o'clock, it finished at 9 so at 9:30 we will paint the bus" Elmo said but whispered at the end.

"Ok" We walked into the school because the bell ranged. We got to class. I sat next to Hinata and Elmo. Throughout the whole period Sasuke has been giving me this creepy look. Why is he looking at me like that? Is he going to do something? Its starting to really creep me out. Hes been like this the whole time. Then the bell rang so I got up and walking in the hallway. All of a sudden I felt my back in pain because it hit a locker. I looked up at who it was. It was the dumb old Sasuke.

"Let go!" I screamed at him. He tighten his grip on me.

"No, now do me a favor" He said.

"What?" I asked,"But you have to let me go first"

"Not untill you anwser me"

"Please, just let me go of my hands, your hurting me"

"Not untill you tell me"

"Your didn't even ask a question"

"Does Hinata like me?"

"No, now let go"

"Make her love me!" He yelled.

"No, never!"

"Yes!" he yelled squeezing my hand. Then I screamed in pain. I heard footsteps in the allway and saw Hinata and Elmo. Elmo ran up to ma and pushed Sasuke off of me. Elmo then punched him in his face. Sasuke slammed into a locker. Then Elmo punched him again and Sasuke got a big black eye. Sasuke tried to kick Elmo, but Elmo moved and pushed Sasuke against the lockers. He pulled Sasuke's arm back. Sasuke tried to get away but got his face slamed in the lockers. Then Elmo let go of Sasuke. Sasuke ran towards me. I moved at the last second and heard a big banging noise. I tuned and saw Sasuke getting punched in the face. Then Sasuke ran away. Elmo walked up to me and hugged me.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

"Yeah,you" I asked.

"Yeah, I can fight so don't worry."

"Ok, but I still was really worried about you" I said.

"I know, I kinda went a little overboard when he went at you" Elmo said.

"Yeah, I was scared alitte, then I moved" I explained.

"Are you sure your ok?" Elmo asked.

"Yeah" I sad. Then we walked to class a few minutes late.

"I got lost and he went to find me,but he found Hinata too" I lied.

"Oh, I won't count it against you then" We then sat by Sasori.

"What really happened?" Sasori asked.

"Sasuke kinda did something to Sakura" Hinata said.

"What?" Sasori asked.

"He tried to make me break you two up. He had me pinned against a locker. He also had my hands" I said.

"Are you ok?" Sasori asked.

"Yeah, but Sasukes not" I said.

Then we heard the door open. I looked up and saw Sasuke. I noticed he had a bloody nose,black eye, and a few bruses. He was looking at me. He was still giving me a weird look. The look looked like he was going to eat me alive. Then he sat down next to me. He was passing me a note. It said:

Meet me after class. If you don't i'll hurt Hinata. Don't you dare tell Sasori,Elmo,or Hinata. If you do i'll hurt your family.

I closed the note. What am I suppose to do? Should I just go?

"Are you ok?" Elmo asked.

"Yeah, don't worry" I said with a fake smile and my eyes said no.

"You can tell me anything" He said.

"I know" I said.


I walked out the door.

"Hey guys,sorry, I forgot something in there, i'll meet you later" I said.

I walked back in and saw Sasuke. Sasuke stood there leaning on a desk holding my notebook I forgot."What do you want?" I asked.

"I want you to date me since Hinata won't" he said.

"I'll never ever ever date you, I have a date with someone anyways"

"So, I don't care!" He yelled.

"Well, I do care" I said and snatched my notebook away and ran out the door. I ran into Elmo.

"Sorry" I mummbled.

"Its ok" He said helping me up," What happened?"

"Sasuke took my notebook and told me to date him"

"Don't worry, you still on for the date?"

"Yeah" The rest of the school day was boring and went by fast. I went home. Hinata came over. She was in a black music note shirt, jeans, and some high heels. I was in some jeans, red shirt, and high heels. She did my hair. She fully straighten it. Then we went outside and sat on my front porch. We waited for about 5 minutes and then we saw them. They came up to us.

"You two ready?" Sasori asked.

"Yeah" We both said. Then we walked up to the limo. Inside was Elmo and a driver. We got in the car.

"Howd you get a limo?" I asked.

"My father is a famous lawyer, and my mom is a famous actress.

"Oh" I said. Then they got to the movie theater. Elmo and I got in first.

"What movie and how many?" A guy asked.

"Friday the Thirteenth and 2 tickets" Elmo said.

"Ok" the guy said and gave us the tickets after Elmo payed. We walked inside the movie theater and went up to the snack stand. He bought 1 large coke and a large popcorn. We waited untill we saw Hinata and Sasori walk up to us with there own drinks and popcorn.

"Ready?" Elmo asked.

"Yeah" We all said except Elmo. We walked in the theater. We sat in the back left corner and sat down. During the movie I screamed and closed my eyes. Hinata did the same thing. After the movie we walked back up to the limo. We got in. The driver drove us to a fancy resterount. The driver opened up the doors and we got out. Elmo led us to the front.

"Do you have a reservation?"

"Yeah, for Elmo"

"Oh,sir nice to see you again,i'll get your seats" He said and led us to a booth. I sat by Elmo and Hinata sat by Sasori

"What would you like?"

"I'll have a lobster" Elmo said.

"Same" I said

"I'll have a crab" Sasori said.

"Same" Hinata said. We waited untill the food came.

"Are we still doing the thing?" I asked.

"Yeah" Elmo said while nodding a thanks to the waiter. We all ate and left. The driver dropped us off at our houses.

"Mom i'm going with Elmo for a while!" I yelled running upstairs. I changed into some old jeans, a old tee shirt, and switch into some old shoes. I ran out the door. I got back in the limo becuase I saw Elmo.

"Do you have the paint?" I whispered.

"Yeah" He mummled. The driver drove us to a park right by the buses. We got out and carried the bag full of paints. The driver drove off. We walked to the buses. Me and Elmo started to paint the buses. When I was getting more paint I kinda through some paint at Elmo. He looked at me and had this evil smirk on his face. Then he put his hand in the paint and grabbed me. He flicked some paint on me and laughed. I smiled and put my finger in the paint. I started to write my name on his shirt. He started to laugh again.

"So am I yours forever?" He asked.

"Yes" I said and smiled. We finished painting the buses. The driver came and picked us up. He dropped me off at my house. Then I walked up to my house and went to sleep.
