A/N: This is my FIRST IchiRuki fanfic. Honestly they are on my absolute favorite anime couples. Well here you go.

Chapter 1. The Roaming Soul

I linger. I guess you can say I'm nomadic. Well not really I just don't like staying in one place. I have no family and I still go to high school but no one knows that I don't have a place to call home. I sometimes hangout around bus stops, maybe local bars, parks, bridges, beaches, fast food restaurants. Right now I find myself just sitting in a stool at "Urahara's Bar".-Urahara Kisuke was of course the owner and one of the greatest people I have ever met in my entire life.-

"One beer Urahara" I said slamming 600 yen onto the table.

"You know I shouldn't be really giving you this stuff you're only sixteen. But I will because I think you can handle it. You remind me a lot of myself when I was your age. Confused, no where to go, just a roaming soul." He said slamming a glass of the golden substance onto the counter.

"On the house by the way." She whispered. I took a sip.

"This is apple juice not beer 'Mister Hat and Clogs' !" I groaned slamming my head onto the table. I lifted up my head to glance at the clock. The clock showed that it was 11:30AM. It was a Sunday night which mean I had school tomorrow.

"Sorry I'm not serving you any alcohol. Not tonight my friend" his chuckle rang into my ears.

"Hard day huh?" He asked.

"Yeah" I sighed.

"It's going to be okay" He rubbed my shoulder.

My stomach growled. Kisuke lifted a delicate blonde eyebrow.

"Have you eaten anything today?"

"Well I had some coffee from the local diner this morning… But I didn't have enough money to afford lunch, I needed gas money…" my voice trailed off at the last part. I honestly didn't want Urahara to worry about me. He has enough on his hands the last thing he should worry about is me.

"I'll get to whip you up some grub Rukia don't worry." Yoruichi was his girlfriend who helped him run the bar. She was a pretty good cook too if I say so myself.

"No honestly you don't have to" I whined.

"But I WANT to. Look at yourself Kuchiki you're bone thin." He squeezed the flesh on my arm.

"It's not much but it's something" Yoruichi smiled placing a plate with two rice balls on it. I gulped those things down within the matter of two minutes.

"You should have told me that you didn't have anything to eat earlier. How do you do it? Honestly. You always smile like you have no care in the world. But you have no place to call home, no family, but you still manage to smile and be happy." Yoruichi asked me.

"I dunno…" I said in a low voice.

"But no need to worry about me I'm fine" I smiled at her.

"Well look at the time I gotta get going. I need to find a place to sleep." I grinned scratching the back of my head. Both Kisuke and Yoruichi frowned at the same time. Kisuke slid an envelope on the counter top.

"If you need anything just come to me or Yoruichi and we would be more than happy to help you. We have offered you a place to stay with us numerous times but you always decline."

"We worry a lot about you Rukia.." Yoruichi said a little louder as I made my way towards the door.

"I'll take care of myself. I promise" I beamed. With that I stepped out the front doors of the bar and was on my way.


I sat in my dinky old van. It was parked on a beautiful -but small- beach in the town that I reside in, Karakura Town. I looked at the envelope. What could possibly be in it? I ripped it open to find out that there was 100,000 yen. I have to return the money to him I can't possibly keep this much. I notice that there a note from it. The note stated:

Rukia, before you even think of returning it I'm just letting you know that you can't. I won't except it. You deserve it. This is just some money I've been saving up and I feel that you need it way more than me and Yoruichi agrees too. So please keep it, you have got to take much better care of yourself Rukia.

- Kisuke and Yoruichi

Kisuke you are ridiculous. I smiled to myself just thinking about the fact that they cared about me that much. I looked at my watch, it's about 5:00AM. I should really get to sleep but I just can't. I went to the backseat of my car and slipped on my school uniform. I took my thick quilt and rapped it around my body and sat on the hood of my car. Watching the still dark, moonlit sky glisten against the water of the ocean. I let the sound of the waves serenade me. This has to be the most beautiful thing I've ever witnessed. I closed my eyes, swayed my head with the rhythm of the ocean, and smiled.

"Hey what is a girl like you doing out here at five in the morning?" I heard a strong and masculine voice ask me.

"Huh?" My ears perked up.

"You heard me. Shouldn't you be home with your mommy and daddy?" He asked. I looked up to see a very tall-probably about 6 feet or taller-, handsome, and muscular man.

"I don't have any" I replied looking down.

"Oh wow kid, I'm sorry. I my mom died when I was little so it must be hard on you not having a mom or dad. But don't you have a place to stay?" He questioned me.

"No…" I frowned a little bit.

"By the way I'm Ichigo Kurosaki and if you want you can stay at my place for tonight at least. I promise I won't try anything slick." He said lifting up his hands.

"I'm Rukia Kuchiki and no it's fine really. Plus I have school tomorrow, well in about three hours."

"There is no way I can let you go to the school in that." He said.

"It's okay. Honest" I waved my hands frantically in the air.

"May I?" He asked pointing at the spot nest to me on the hood of my hand. I nodded and I cracked a smile at him.

"I just want to let you know that I'm not leaving until I know you have a good place to stay." He smirked.

"I'll be fine I promise."

"A girl like you shouldn't be roaming around at this time of night."

"I know" I grimaced.

"Then you're coming to my house." He replied.

"And what if I don't?"

"Then those thugs staring at you over there will eat you alive. You might get raped, mugged, or murdered. God forbid, a lot of bad things happen at this time at night." He said plainly.

"Okay fine I give up. I'll stay at your place. But for tonight only. But how are we going to get my car to your place?"

"Well I actually took a cab here I live in an apartment not to far from here. Maybe we can take your car there?" He suggested.

"That sounds perfect." My eyes lit up.

I threw my quilt into the backseat and sat in the driver seat while Ichigo sat in the passenger seat.

"So how old are you?" He asked.


"Wow" he sighed.


"You're jailbait…"

"How old are you then Mister Kurosaki?" I smirked.

"Twenty-five I turn Twenty-six in three days" he replied flatly.

"Oh wow… If you want I'll just drop you off and leave."

"No it's okay it's not like we're going to sleep in the same bed or anything and I won't dare to do anything to take advantage of you while you're sleeping." His voice held the most honest and comforting tone I have ever heard in my life.

"I trust you" I flashed him a small smile.

I finally started the car. The car ride to his house was filled with an awkward silence. The only talking that was done was him giving me directions to his apartment.


He unlocked the door to his apartment and we walked in. It was nicely decorated. It has a modern touch to it and the view of the town from his apartment was beautiful.

"This is it. I hope it suits all of your needs." He yawned.

"This is AMAZING Ichigo. I don't know how to thank you" I replied completely flabbergasted.

"You don't have to" he grinned. I hugged him.

"Thank you so much!" I sobbed into his chest.

"You're welcome" he wrapped his strong, muscular arms around me and rubbed my head. I looked up and backed away.

"I am so sorry! I was just over whelmed with everything you've done with me."

"It's okay really" he patted my shoulder. I just simply nodded.

"Well my apartment has one room which is mine but you can sleep in it for the night. I'll just sleep in the living room."

"No really it's okay! I'll sleep in there. You already welcomed me into my home. I don't want to take over your room!" I pranced around his living room frantically.

"It is okay I promise" he chuckled.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Positive" he gave me a friendly wink. It wasn't a flirtatious wink it was just a friendly wink.

"Here's my roo-" He stopped in the middle of his sentence and stared at the girl who was sound asleep on his king sized bed.


"What is she doing here?!" He whispered harshly and shut the door.

"Who is that?" I asked him completely clueless to what was happening.

"That girl on my bed is my on again and off again girlfriend" he glowered.

"Oh I'm sorry maybe I should-" she was cut off by his deep voice.

"Don't even say it."

"Okay sorry" I laughed nervously.

"I'll be right back" with that said he went into his room. A few minutes later he came back with a big T-shirt, boxers, and a towel folded in his arms.

"Here you can sleep in this and here's a towel for you to shower. You look like you need one, no offense." He handed me the clothing.

"Thank you and none taken. I really need a shower."

"No need to thank me. Oh and the bathroom is across from my room." I went into the bathroom and took a fifteen minute shower. I came out changed and feeling refreshed. My hair that hung up to my shoulders was wet and disheveled. I walked into the living room to see Ichigo watching some T.V. I tip toed up to behind him.

"BOO!" I yelled behind him. He jumped, looked at me and laughed. I giggled at how he jumped.

"Wow you actually scared me" he laughed. I looked at his body to see that he had changed into his pajamas which consisted of a long pajama pants and no shirt. I blushed a little bit.

"Are you uncomfortable?" I guess he noticed me blushing.

"No it's perfectly fine. It's your house, it's not like I haven't seen a shirtless man before" I chuckled nervously.

"You sure?"


"Oh I have your bed ready" he turned off the television and grabbed my hand and led me to his room.

"It not much. I know it's in my closet but it should be really comfortable. I put a lot of cushioning in it so it should be good."

He went to lay down next to his girlfriend. He stared at me as I climbed into his closet.

"Thank you so much" I mouthed to him. He made an okay sign with his hand and winked at me. I giggled and closed the closet doors. I looked at my watch to see that it was about 7:00AM. Looks like I'm not going to school today.

A/N: I hope you guys liked it. I worked so hard on it. I will love the people who review forever. XD I just wanna know if you guys like it or not and I want to see if there's anything that you guys think that I can improve or add.