Disclaimer: Pokemon Adventures/Pocket Monster Special is originally written by Hidenori Kusaka.
Pokémon/Pocket Monster is copyrighted by Nintendo/Creatures Inc./GAME FREAK inc.
Pokémon characters are trademark of Nintendo.
All rights reserve.

This is written for entertainment only. I claim no ownership of Pokémon/Pocket Monster and/or its characters.

Please note that each existing chapter are constantly uploaded due to changes within the story.

Green is the male and Blue is the female. This story is spoken from Green's point of view.

"Well, she was just 17,
You know what I mean,
And the way she looked was way beyond compare.
So how could I dance with another
When I saw her standin' there."
~ The Beatles - I Saw Her Standing There

"Ugh, what time is it?"


"What?! 11:30 AM?! Shit! This isn't good!"

The sun rays shining through my window are piercing my eyelids and it's telling me to get my ass out of bed to start my day. I turn my head to see beauty lying next to me. The innocent look on her face right now is a rare show and I happen to be one of the very few people to attend the screening. Her skin is smooth like satin and her sweet scent brings me serenity with a hint of euphoria. It's actually quite beautiful but since it's such a hard thing to come by, I don't expect to see this often. Although in return, my head will always feel ten times it's own size because of this girl and that lousy gym with a shitty pay.

Speaking of gym… Fuck, I'm late! My punctuality is one of the few things I take pride in and I beat myself up even if I'm a second late. On the other hand, she doesn't care how late she is.

"Blue! Wake up!"

This chick can practically sleep through anything and everything. If you tell my Rhydon to bulldoze through the walls, she wouldn't budge. Hell, an explosion will go off 5 feet away from her and she wouldn't even twitch.

"Damn it Blue! Wake up!" I grabbed her shoulder and shook her.

"… Go away…" She muttered and swat her arm around to shoved me off. She turned to bury the other half of her face into the pillow as an attempt to ignore me.

This pesky woman is eating away my nine lives and I don't know how many lives I have left. I have an important meeting with all the Kanto Gym Leaders and I'm already half an hour late. But first things first, I have to kick her out of my house because if I don't, I'm going to make a few new friends with some repair bills that's going to cost me half of my savings. And knowing her, I'm also probably going to lose a few valuables and priceless artifacts that might find its way in a pawn shop as a bonus. Why out of all days, does she have to crash in my place tonight?

Oh right, because I was a moron for giving in.

It all started yesterday, around 6:00 PM. I was walking home from my gym while anger running through my veins and stress clouding my mind, due to the last battle of the evening. The kid was a rookie and kept throwing a tantrum for losing. He kept making up some petty excuse and explains on how this is the fifth gym he lost, blah blah. I repetitively told him to emigrate and come back another time when he actually knows how to battle. Sadly, the brat refused to leave unless I gave him a badge out of pity. This is one of the first time I felt sorry for myself for seeing what this generation of trainers has evolved to.


The evening weather introduces me with a cool, windy current, adding a nice touch to this dry and sunny day. This allows the soothing breeze to hug my body and took some weight off my shoulders. However, it's not enough weight to be comfortable but hell, I'm not complaining because I just love the gust swimming through my hair.

When I was walking towards home, I saw her standing there, hanging around the stoop of my front door. That bright smile, the sparkles presented in her sapphire eyes, the long and silky auburn hair. She looks like an angel waiting to ease your pain away in a bed of roses.

"Hi there Green!" She introduces me with a sly smirk and seductive wink which I admit, is kind of charming.

"Blue, what are you doing here?"

"I want to pay you a visit. I knew you get off work at six so I loitered around your house to wait for you to open the door for me!" She's jumping around like a little kid jacked up on sugar. Oh wait, she is under the influence of sugar.

"Blue, can you at least clean up the place? Pick up all the candy wrappers around here. Fucking hell, you're a mess."

"Awww, did someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed? What happened? Did you lose five battles in a row or something?" She reach up to wraps her arms around my neck which feels like she's going to choke me. She even adds on that mischievous look in her eyes like she is trying to toy with my mind. Even with this uneasy feeling, I still want to hold her tight and dance through the night.

"Pesky woman…"

"I heard that about a million times, you really need to find a new nickname for me. Something more clever and original, okay?" She giggled and untangles her arms off of me. She bends down to clean up the trash that she left as part of her surprise visit.

Sigh. I can already tell this day is going to be hell. I reached into my pockets to look for, my keys? Where are they? I frantically look around and searched all of my pockets. I unzip my pouch and shuffled through my belongings to look for my house keys.

"Shit shit shit!! Where are they?! Blue, can you help me…" How can I not see this coming? It appears that the front door was opened by that so called 'angel' who probably pick pocketed me while she was gathering the wrappers. I don't think this hulking migraine can grow any larger, but it's almost ready to make my head explode.

"Are you coming in or not?" Again, that stupid grin is plastered on her face. That look she's giving me that makes me want to smack her in the face, but I can never hit a girl, no matter how hard they piss me off. It's part of a gentleman's code that every man must follow. If not, then I make sure they do.

When I walk up the stoops, my heart just went 'boom'.

End of Chapter 01.

Thank you for reading. Critiques (mistakes in grammar, spelling and sentence structures) are welcome and appreciated.