That same morning Carter pulled into work-his mind swimming with confusion.

Last night-seeing Susan with another man. He had felt nothing. More than nothing-he'd felt relief.

He'd almost made a terrible mistake-just like he had all those years before when he'd almost kissed her.
And just like those years before-fate had stepped in and lent a hand-showing him the truth.

He loved a big sister. Not a lover.

But seeing Abby with Luka? Relief was the last thing he could have felt.

It had angered him. Upset him-it pained him. In truth it broke his heart to see her in his arms.
It was more than petty jealousy-it was the deep felt anguish and despair only felt by the broken hearted.

He didn't just have feelings for her. It was more than frienship-more than chemistry. It was love.

He loved her. It hurt so much-it could only be love. But did he love her enough to risk being hurt again?

He was fed up of thinking about it. He decided he'd take a few days break from the subject. To clear
his head-and get some perspective. Maybe he was overthinking the whole situation.

"Hey Carter!" his thoughts were interrupted by Haleh as he walked in the entrance to the admit desk.

"Yeah Haleh?"

"Weaver says for you to discharge the head lack guy in 4."

"Whatever-why can't she do it?"

"She's trying to find somebody to fill Abby's place on the nursin' staff."

"What-why, she back at med school?"

"Na-ah, she leavin' for Florida this morning. Gettin' the train at 11.00, just called in a little while ago."

"Wah? What-why? no-oh my God-Oh my GOD-i...i gotta go."

"You what? You just got here!"

"I'm sorry I gotta go."

Carter jumped into his car and raced as fast as he could tpo the Chicago Train station. He looked at his watch,
The train was at 11.00. He had only 5 minutes.

*She can't move to Florida-she can't . Oh my God I can't lose her now. How could I have been so
stubborn? How could I be so stupid? Why didn't I just listen to her. Damnit-I won't let her go.*


Finally carter pulled into the station parking lot. 5 minutes left.

Carter ran as fast as his legs would take him-until he saw her standing at the side of the platform about to board
the train.

"ABBY!" he yelled. "ABBY! WAIT!"

Abby turned around shocked to see a gasping and worn out Carter standing bvefore her.

"Carter-what are you doing here?" she said almost indignantly.

"Abby-wait please, don't go- I don't want you to go." Carter said as he clutched her hands desperately by the
side of the platform.

"Carter it seems to me you don't know what the hell you want..." said Abby attempting to slip away.

"You're wrong-I want you." Carter

"Carter I don't have time for this..."

"Abby- listen to me." Carter said as he looked into her eyes-feeling for the first time in ages a feeling
of utter clarity and certainty."

"Abby- I love you. I've never loved anyone the way I love you. complete me.
When I was lost in a hell of drugs and depression-YOU lifted me out. You were with me every step of the way.
You never gave up on me-you were my angel. And I love you. "

"Carter you don't love me-you love the *idea* of me maybe but you don't love *me*..."

"Yes I do. I love you."

He held her hands softly as he smiled-speaking directly to her heart.

"I love the way you hate getting up in the mornings. The way you scratch the back of your
head when you're nervous. I love how you love dead flowers. I love the way you laugh.
I love the way you gobble down hot fudge sundaes!!I love that you're so complicated.
I love the way you carry yourself. With beauty and grace. I love the way you are. I love you."

She stood unable to speak. He had caught her so helplessly off guard that she was stunnned.
Just yesterday he had practically accused her of the whole business with Luka saying he
didn't want this-and now here he was at a train station professing his *love* for her.

As if reading her mind he said quickly:

"I don't care about Luka-I don't care about Susan-the only thing that matters to me is that you get off this
platform and come home with me. If I lost you I wouldn't just be losing my best friend-I'd be losing
the love of my life. Do you hear me? I won't walk away from this. I won't lose you. If you love me
you'll stay. "

He put his hands and cupped her face looking into her warm brown eyes-that were now tearful.

"Abby-do you love me?"

To be continued....

Well folks-what say you? Does she love him???