DISCLAIMER: I own none of the er characters mentioned within this fic. All
other characters mentioned are my own.


AN: My inspiration for this story struck me recently while I watched
the GODFATHER trilogy for the 100th time.(It's the best sage ever!!)
Anyway, for some reason or another, I had the idea to write a fic revolving around
Dave Malucci as an Al Pacino/Michael Corleone sort of guy.
It's my first fic with Dave as a starring character. On ER
Dave makes indirect references to understanding people with violent
famillies or backgrounds. Most people assume it's because he was abused or
something but I thought I'd take a more origianl spin on it and play around with it.
It is not essential to have seen the GODFATHER or any other film of that
nature to appreciate this fic. I hope.
I hope you find it entertaining. All reviews welcome. Baby Jen. XX


Part I: Family Matters.

It is New York City. As the clock strikes 8.00pm, a number of black
limosines can be seen pulling into a long darkened drive way. At the end
of the driveway is a 3 story mansion. Standing guard at the front are two tall
ominous looking men. 10 minutes later 5 men are seated around a dining room table
-as an entourage of body guards look on. The five men-all dressed in fine
Armani suits sit-sipping Martinis, nervously glancing at the clock on the wall.

8.30pm. The door to the room opens-and a new face enters the room.

He is older looking-yet dashing. His face is stern, but his features appear nonetheless
quite hansome. His dark hair is streaked with grey. His surprisingly toned
pysique is displayed to it's best in a dark Versace single breast. He takes
his place at the table-the nervous tension in the atmosphere is momentarilly
relaxed by his confident aura.

He speaks. His deep raspy voice reveals the presence of
a strong Italian accent.

"I would like to thank you all for coming...during these
'interesting times'."

The room nodded in agreement. They had nothing but respect for the Man.
He was Don Antonio Malucci. Head of the 'familly' and based in
New York cit. He was both respected and feared amoung those who
knew him. He was often refered to as THE DOCTOR.

He spoke again.

" As you know, the situation at the moment
is of a some what complicated nature. For those of you
who are unfamiliar with the details...my associate and
conciliary Roberto DeMalia will now fill you in."

Roberto DeMalia was a lean mean looking man. He had worked for
Antonio Malucci for 16 years. No one dared cross this
individual-as he was the right hand man to the DOCTOR.

He stood up to address the room.

"Thank you Don Malucci. Gentleman, the situation is as
we last left it.A shipment of cocaine was stopped by the Border policia
in Mexico. The crew insisted that they were sent by Don Malucci.
As you know-the Malucci Familly has always held a no-drugs policy
in matters of business. This crew were obviously
hired by one of our enemies to frame our familly. As you all know,
our business is flourioshing with the unions and the casinos-this
is a an attempt to crush our success.
The question therefore is to determine exactly who is behind this set-up."

Don DeMalia sat down as the faces in the room became more grave.

Don MAulcci stood up and addressed the room one last time.

"Well my friends-there is nothing we can do right now. I've dispatched
a group of my best men to investigate. They are undercover as we speak to try
and shake down our enemies till we find the ones responsible.
I want to do everything possible before going to the mattresses on this one.
I don't want any unnecessary bloodshed. The quicker and quieter we can keep it, the
better. Bada bing, bada boom. Anyway-we meet again to re-assess the situation
this time next week."

The meeting was broken and the various groups were ushered into long black limos.

Don Malucci sat down in his chair behind his desk. He looked around at the pictures on his walls.

His daughter Maria. She was only 17 years old. She was still living with him.
She looked so much like her mother; Carla. He looked at the portrait of a young man
in his early twenties. Short dark hair and dark eyes. He looked so much like his father.

"Young David!" muttered Don Malucci to himself as he picked up the picture. "How I wish you did
not despise your familly so."

"It's the familly BUSINESS I despise, pop." replied a voice.

Don Maluccie looked up to see his son standing in the door way.

"David-what a pleasant surprise. You never come anymore."

The Don stood up to greet Dave in the traditional Italian fashion.

Dave stood back and replied: "I'm here because Mom asked me to come."

The Don sat back down again as Dave continued to speak.

"She said-she said you haven't been to well recently. I just wanted to check you were...OK."

"I see." replied the Don. "I have some pressing issues at the moment that's all. Nothing
I haven't seen before. You don't need to worry. "

"Maybe I don't but you should. You're not too young any more Pop-you got high blood pressure,
you got Diabetes-you gotta realise this 'game' is a little bit too much for you now."

"I am your father David-you don't talk to me like that. I will be trwated with respect..."

"Respect? You want respect? You think you deserve it? You're not a legit business man
you're a mafia criminal. YOu don't...."

"ENOUGH!!!!" yelled Dave's father.

The Don lowered his voice.

"You made your choice -you wanted nothing to with my business. I respected that. What I
do with my business-is MY business. YOU respect that. Do you understand?"

Dave scowled and nodded slowly.

"Whatever-you wanna have a death wish-leave me out of it. I DON'T want anything to do with
you or your damn....'business' .......Tell mamma and Maria I stopped by".

With that Dave shut the door and left to begin his shift at the Hospital.
