Ok, so this is a short chapter, but it's the final chapter. I realised that I had no real ideas to go with to carry the story, and if I kept going on about how depressed Booth was no-one would want to read it. So here it is - it's a kind of sudden ending, but I couldn't think of any other way.

I want to thank you all for reading this story. And for all the support.

"This bone shows marks of trauma."

"Yeah, I can see that. That's why it has a huge dent in it!"

"Sorry, Agent Booth, but I'm just stating the facts. Would you like me to continue?" Zack asked.

"Yeah, yeah, go on."

Booth was pissed. He had never wanted to end up having Zack as his Forensic Anthropologist – everyone knew that. Zack and Booth hated each other, in a way, and they never talked face to face. Brennan often threatened Booth by saying that she could assign Zack to work for him instead of herself.

He never realised how much hell it would be.

It had been 3 months since Brennan had died. Booth was regaining his life. He knew he could never leave the whole squint squad. That was the only reason he agreed to work with Zack. They had already lost one of their own, and Booth knew it would be hard if he left too. Zack was now head Forensic Anthropologist, and was trying to teach Interns.

Booth was trying to head back to normal life. He knew Brennan would never want him skulking around. So he had gone out and found a girlfriend. Emily, her name was. The good thing about her was that when she talked, you could never tune out. She was really sweet, funny, and entertaining. When Booth was with her, he found it hard to think of Bones.

Which was his overall plan.

He had learnt to immerse himself in life, do everything he could to forget about her, because when he tried to remember, the pain became too much to bear.

He hadn't forgotten her promise. That he would die for her. He thought of suicide, but knew that she would never have wanted him to die like that. She believed he was a warrior with a lion heart – that he would die in battle, or doing a good deed or something.

"Um, Agent Booth?"

"I recommend questioning the wife."


"She plays baseball."

Booth groaned. "You want to come too, don't you?"

Zack tried to hide his questioning look mixed with excitement. Booth sighed. Zack was trying to do everything he could to fill in for Brennan – including wanting to go out into the field with him.

And he didn't have a choice but to agree.

"Fine, but don't ask anything or-"

"Or you will shoot me between my oxibi-"

"Eyes. Just be a normal person and say eyes."

"Or you will shoot me between the eyes."

"Thank you."


"Just stop."

Zack pursed his lips, trying to say something.

"What?" Booth asked.

"Mmmm….Can I have a gun?" He asked hesitantly.

"No!" Booth said, and turned, walking out to his car. Zack followed, carrying his notes and the case file. He opened the passenger door.

"What are you doing?" Booth asked. "No, you're in the back."

He saw the disappointment glaze over Zack's eyes. He gave in. "Fine, you can sit in the front."

No matter how hard he tried, he was still finding it difficult to like Zack. He was just too….annoying. Booth couldn't find an exact word to describe him, but that was the closest.

They travelled in silence. Zack tried to create conversation, but the look on Booth's face cut him short.

They arrived at the wife's house. Booth climbed out of the car, stepping onto the footpath. He quickly saw blood on the concrete, and called Zack around. He drew his gun, and pointed it towards the house.

"Zack, stay behind me, okay?"

"Ok, why?"

"Just do it."

He walked slowly up the drive. He heard cars behind him and knew backup had arrived. He heard a few footsteps, and soon 3 more agents appeared beside him. Together they all walked towards the front door.

It burst open.

A woman ran out, the wife. She held a pistol, and pointed it at the first agent, a woman. They were all wearing bullet-proof vests, but the lady was aiming towards the head. The other agents and Booth trained their gun on the woman, threatening to shoot.

"Put the gun down, lady," Booth called. "It's okay."

The lady was hysterical. "How is it okay? My husband is dead! So is my son! And I killed them!" She laughed. "And soon this young girl will be dead too – because she INTERFERED!"

She pulled the trigger. At the same time, another agent blasted the woman with his weapon. Booth saw everything in slow motion. He looked at the woman, and suddenly she was Bones. Her brown hair, her prominent cheekbones, and her kind eyes.

And she was about to be shot.

Booth couldn't let that happen to the woman he loved.

He ran towards her, and threw himself in front of the woman. Only then, only inches away from her face, did he realise that it wasn't Bones at all.

And by then it was too late.

The bullet slammed into his gut, below the beltline of the vest. Blood flowed out of his stomach. He doubled over, though still trying to stay upright. It wasn't working too well though. The other agents and Zack ran over to him.

He tried to wave them off. "It's too late. It's too severe. Leave me."

"Booth, you need help," the female agent said, tears flowing. It was her fault she was dying.

"No. I promised her. I promised…"

"You promised what?"

"Bones." He spoke to no-one. "You died… for me….. so I'm….. taking a bullet for….you. Thank you…."

His hands curled over his stomach. An ambulance screamed around the corner, and paramedics raced to save him.

Seeley Booth died on the way to the hospital.

He didn't mind.

He did it for his partner.

I know it was very sudden, but as i said, i couldn't think of any other way. Please review and tell me what you think, about this chapter or the story as a whole. That would be great.

Thanks for sticking with me, guys!

Till next time!