Last Chapter!

It was a few days after Kyuukon was released from her trainer. The weather had become warm and summer-like again. Darkrai was leaning against the slide in the garden's playground, falling asleep. Kyuukon, who had went to get a drink of water, came back and nudged Darkrai excitedly.

"Darkrai! Darkrai, wake up!" Kyuukon urged, working her paws on the ground. Darkrai opened his eyes and looked down at Kyuukon. "What is it?" he yawned.
"Look!" she ordered. Darkrai moved from his spot to see what Kyuukon was fussing about. His breath was taken away to see what was there.

Hundreds of thousands of fireflies lit up the night, slowly floating around. The yellow-orange lights flickered beautifully at each other.
"Oh wow," Darkrai breathed, "This is.. amazing."
"I know," Kyuukon replied, rubbing her muzzle against Darkrai's arm.

A firefly came near Darkrai. Interested in it, he cupped his hands around it and peered inside. The insect crawled in his hands, not casting off any light. Darkrai was disappointed, so he opened his hands and let the firefly fly away. Only then it lit up. Kyuukon laughed. "You looked so amazed. Haven't you seen fireflies before?"
Darkrai nodded. "Not this many, though. There's gotta be at least a million."

Kyuukon jumped toward a firefly, trapping it under her paws. She looked between them and smiled as she opened them back up, letting the insect free. Darkrai couldn't help but to smile. He went to Kyuukon's side, setting his arm around her. He glanced up at the moon, which was a full circle and gave off a bright white light.

"Do you miss being a trained Pokemon?" Darkrai didn't know why he asked that question. It just came out. Kyuukon looked up at him.
"I don't know... I don't think about it, really."
"Did you have the time of your life while you were?"

Darkrai set his lips on Kyuukon's, kissing her while surrounded by the fireflies. Thank you so much, Arceus, Darkrai thought as he backed away from Kyuukon a bit. He gazed up at the stars. I know I probably don't deserve this... Still, I'm really happy you let me have Kyuukon.
"You alright there, Darkrai?" Kyuukon broke through Darkrai's thoughts. Darkrai looked down and smiled, petting her fur.
"Of course," Darkrai said with a smile, "Everything is perfect."

- - - - -

Arceus gazed down from the flat-top mountain with Cresselia, Shaymin and Celebi at his side, watching Darkrai.
"Do you think Darkrai will dump her at some point?" Cresselia wondered out loud.
"That would be a cause for celebration," Shaymin said sarcastically.
"Shaymin, a cause for celebration would be you keeping quiet for once in your life," Celebi chirped in.

"I don't think Daakurai would dump Ninetales, considering I let their relationship pass," Arceus sternly decided. Celebi looked like she was fuming with anger. "Don't overheat," Shaymin snickered. Celebi didn't respond.

"By the way, Celebi," Cresselia said, changing the topic, "Word has it you were in Alamos Town with Ninetales. Why?" Celebi didn't answer. Arceus was interested in Cresselia's question. "Yes, why?" Arceus pressed.
"Uhh.. well..." Celebi stammered. "I was... bored...?"

Arceus chuckled. "Maybe I shall invite Ninetales this New Year's Eve." Arceus quickly changed the topic. Cresselia looked appalled.
"But then she'll get jealous of me 'cause I'm prettier!" Cresselia argued.
"You wish," Shaymin muttered. Cresselia hit Shaymin.

"Why are you doing that?" Celebi asked Arceus, ignoring the other two's sissy fight. Arceus shrugged.
"I suppose I'm getting soft on the two," he assumed.
"Arceus, I have a question," Celebi prompted, lowering her voice.
"Why did you let Darkrai and Ninetales be together but not Suicune an-"
"Oh, shut up," Arceus grumbled as an order. Celebi simply obeyed.

You were lucky, Daakurai, Arceus thought. He didn't know if he was being bitter or not. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Arceus cleared his throat and raised his voice.
"Sheimi, I want you to let Ninetales know she can come with Darkrai on New Year's Eve. You let her know tomorrow, got it?" Arceus ordered. Shaymin nodded.

"But what if she isn't there? And can I come?" Cresselia asked repeatedly.
"Of course she'll be there," Arceus sighed, annoyed, "And yes, you can go with Sheimi."

- - - - -

The morning after the swarm of fireflies, Darkrai woke up with his arm around Kyuukon. Careful not to wake her up, Darkrai shifted around, looking at the sky. There appeared to be an odd shape flying in the sky. Darkrai nudged Kyuukon awake, grabbing a rock.
"Nnn? What is it?" Kyuukon yawned.
"Watch this," Darkrai told her. He stared at the sky for a moment and then flung the rock at the flying object. As soon as it hit it, the object fell out of the sky, landing somewhere in the garden.

"Bull's-eye!" Darkrai cheered, punching his fist into the air.
"What was that?" Kyuukon asked, confused. She rubbed her paws with one paw.
"The morning bitch. Though I don't remember subscribing for it," Darkrai chuckled.

The two of them went to investigate where the object had fallen. Or if it was even an object at all. Darkrai worried it was an innocent Pokemon. They came across a white-and-green reindeer-looking Pokemon, who was stretching out her legs from the fall. Darkrai knew it was Shaymin.
"I was worried it was a Pokemon," Darkrai sneered, "At least I know that wasn't what I knocked down."

"Oh, shut your mouth!" Shaymin shouted, immediately getting up.
"After you. But that would be weird for me to say, considering you're a guy..."
"SHUT UP!!" Shaymin screeched, "I am not a guy! You are!"
"I know I am."

Shaymin stomped her feet in anger and frustration. Darkrai though she muttered something, but he wasn't quite sure.
"Anyway, what are you doing here?" Darkrai demanded, "I didn't ask for a wake-up call."
"I came down here because Arceus told me to," Shaymin grumbled. She walked up Kyuukon.

"Hi, I'm Shaymin. Arceus told me to tell you that you can come to our little 'party' on New Year's Eve with your boyfri- pardon me. I mean, Darkrai."
Darkrai clenched his fists. He wanted to pick up Shaymin and squeeze the life out of her eyes, causing her to explode. But then again, Darkrai knew that Shaymin didn't really have a life.

"Oh, really?" Kyuukon gasped. Darkrai didn't believe it himself, but he didn't feel like questioning Shaymin.
"Yep. Be there," Shaymin said, nodding. She lifted up into the sky. "Now if you'll excuse me, I would appreciate it not being treating like a punching bag. Take it out on your girl over there," Shaymin called out, flying away. Darkrai was about to throw another rock, but refrained from doing so.

"I guess that means Arceus really trusts us," Darkrai exhaled, stretching his shoulders.
"Well, that's good right?"
"Sure is."

Anyone catch the song refrence other than me and the person who typed this?