Hello! I realize I've been AWOL for a really long time... and I respond with this crap. But... anyhow. It's actually not as bad as I thought it would be. It's my hopeless attempt at poetry, so... yeah. It's... okay. But the main point is focused on Elizabeth, since I realize that a lot of people think she's an annoying brat, but I actually really like her. So. Anyways, this whole series took me weeks to write, so don't be too hard on it, 'kay? :3

Disclaimer: All characters and story belong to Toboso Yana.


She remembers him
A happy child.
They often played together
And his voice calling, "Lizzy! Lizzy!"
Warmed her heart.

They took their many spills and falls
And though the scolding sometimes hurt,
They were easily able to forget in the midst of their laughter.

She loved to watch his two blue blue eyes
Because she thought they were the most beautiful colour
In the world.
Darker than the sky,
But brighter than the ocean.

Even then, he was shorter than she
And she loved that too
Because it made him seem

That much more endearing.
She always waited for their meetings
And wished for time to pass faster.
Faster, faster – she willed,
Not knowing she was wishing for the end.