Disclaimer: Not mine, wish they were.

Challenge word: Wall

Word count: 100 *dances*

A/N: My first Castiel fic! Which is weird cause I *heart* him.

Implied Dean/Cas; maybe, maybe not. Whatever toasts your bagel... ;)


Brick By Brick

It happened so gradually, Castiel barely noticed it at first. A smile at a silly joke. A fleeting pang of worry. These feelings crept up on him so slowly, he hadn't even registered he was feeling. Until it was too late.

His superiors were concerned, he knew. They knew the signs and he was being watched. Uriel was assigned to him as 'support'.

Castiel had spent so long watching humanity, always keeping a wall of professional interest between himself and his charges.

Now, for a reason he didn't dare question, one flawed, angry human was chipping away at the bricks.