When the Peach Splits

Oooookay, everyone, I've been getting requests to make a sequel to this one shot. ^^ Cosmo acting "fatherly" is a little different then what

we're used to do….but it's kinda endearing. Don't you think?

This is the middle part of the Fairy Family Trilogy. The first one (You might want to read it or you'll be a tad confused here) is the dark tale of

Beloved-Wanda and Timmy fiction mother/son fiction. Cosmo's fiction came second-and I am working on Poof's.

Ah, well. On a major updating spree of all my new/old ideas. Soon enough, I'm going to stop writing any fiction that is not Ninja Turtle. :) But

I don't like to leave stories hanging, so…..


"A Father means so many things...
A understanding heart,
A source of strength and of support
Right from the very start.
A constant readiness to help
In a kind and thoughtful way.
With encouragement and forgiveness
No matter what comes your way.
A special generosity and always affection, too
A Father means so many things
when he's a man (or moron) like you..."

Well, this was dull.

Dull, dull, and dull.

So dull, Cosmo felt vaguely interested in pondering the depths of this immeasurable capacity to feel truly and completed: bored, deeply

bored, bored stiff, bored to tears, bored to death, and jaded.


Now he was bored to tears, AND in need of a dictionary!

Not to mention the obscure fact that Momma Cosma was going to have the pictures copied, pasted, and most likely put on a global internet



Well, better that then the one with Crocker in a prom dress. That one still mentally scarred people.

Cosmo glanced down at the snoozing boy and sighed.

How LONG could one kid sleep? This was almost as bad as his one godkid Ripp. The darn kid didn't even MAKE any wishes for twenty years!

But it was true enough that Timmy hadn't been sleeping so well, lately. Cosmo blamed the economy.

That or the Muppets. Whichever came first. Those eyes….the size of eggs….

Cosmo shuddered as Timmy slept on.

The series had never been particularly nice: Only Obert the Grand Duke had been granted a happy ending-his dream job of being a garbage


But Edward the furry red monster ended up joining the mafia, while Overlarge Poultry and Gerick the Super villain turned to lives of crime.

Cosmo still made Wanda check under the beds of their castle for Enerica's demented rubber turkey.

The green haired fairy sighed again, hands absentmindedly sweeping through chestnut hair.

He wasn't very good at the whole "Fatherhood" thing. Handling Poof was bad enough....

...and Timmy was one of his best amigos! How did you give a paternal treatment-whatever paternal meant-to someone like Timmy?

He COULD try and use Mr. Turner's example....

....but he really rather he did something right for a change.

* * * *

Was Timmy sick?

Cosmo had a great cure to use-you wrapped the body in seaweed, peanut butter spread across your face, drink some nine day old tea....

Feh. Worked better then Dr. Studwell's-Dr. RIP Studwell's-usual cures, anyhoo. His plans usually featured some type of horrifically gruesome

and not at all very fun looking surgery in the "fun box" of doom.

Not to mention, rather expensive.

Cosmo's minuscule mind finally drifted back to his old location.

Timmy could handle a thing or two....he'd learned to expect that.

Being cloned, turning evil....twice, being shrunk, having his tonsils removed, being turned into a dog, being turned into a bird, enduring

Vicky, being trapped in a video game, being turned into an adult, being turned into a girl (Oh, yeah-Cosmo gave him points for that one)

Going back in time, being turned into a blob, being turned into a mythical creature, being trapped in Ustinkistan, being turned into a fly,

being turned into a mouse, being mobbed by an army of Dads, being attacked by adorable woodland creatures, racing around a TV network

pursuing an evil babysitter, outrunning his own future self, being Cleft, finding Catman a job, finding his DAD a job....


Can he stop now, or go on?




And....the most recent...

Cosmo swallowed, and unconsciously gripped the boy closer.


But the boy had hastily seized the rubber ball that was Cosmo from the road as he staggered into another upright position.

The boys had been in a game of four square, before a sickly green ball bounced away down the road, yelping and threatening to hurl the entire time

as Timmy groaned.

"Geez....hang on, guys. I'll get it."

Wanda and Poof had been watching the spectacle with interest from a nearby picnic table as a thermos and lunchbox.

As Timmy whipped around, eyes bright and snappy, it had happened.

The boy froze, like a deer caught in the headlights.




Cosmo had bounced helplessly away as an uneasy silence swept over the schoolyard.

And, as people began to rush forward, they had to wonder where that screaming was coming from.

* * *

Timmy's parents had been away on "business."

So all Wanda could do was watch, helpless and furious, as her godson was taken away on a stretcher.

But that didn't stop the fairies to take the boy away while he lay in the ER.

In Timmy's room, while Wanda struggled with a roll of bandages, shaking Timmy's body.

* * * *

Timmy's limp body...a pale, unmoving, limp little...

It had been the same when they had tugged Timmy's body out of the Darkness.

Body used to the Darkness' nourishment, he had come out, confused, waxy, and frail after three days.

But he had been fine after a few hours. But after his accident...

Cosmo winced. He'd had no idea what to do at the time. It had been Wanda who had taken charge. The green haired fairy had been

paralyzed by shock at the day's events.

- - - - -

When someone you regularly expect to come out on top is lying cold and close to death in your arms, what do you do?

And what do you expect?

But what about now? Wanda had left again-giggling. No doubt that Digital Camera would have to be burned.

What did he do now? Sing a lullaby?

No. He had a voice that would cause undead cats to writhe in their graves.

So, what....?

Cosmo gazed at the ceiling.


The green fairy would be the first to admit he wasn't the brightest bulb on the Hanukkah bush-whatever THAT was....but he DID like

the poems of what's-his-name-the dude who wrote poems that resembled a house burglar...

Cosmo awkwardly cleared his throat.

"There is a place where the sidewalk ends
And before the street begins,
And there the grass grows soft and white,
And there the sun burns crimson bright,
And there the moon-bird rests from his flight
To cool in the peppermint wind.

Let us leave this place where the smoke blows black
And the dark street winds and bends.
Past the pits where the asphalt flowers grow
We shall walk with a walk that is measured and slow,
And watch where the chalk-white arrows go
To the place where the sidewalk ends.

Yes we'll walk with a walk that is measured and slow,
And we'll go where the chalk-white arrows go,
For the children, they mark, and the children, they know
The place where the sidewalk ends."

Cosmo wasn't sure, but he thought he imagined Timmy smiling in his sleep for a moment or so.