Hi! I'm Lacey Camille! This is my first Fanfic and I am only writing it to figure out how to use this site. If you want me to continue, feel free to review and I'll see. As I am writing this author's note, I have absolutely NO idea what the story will be about. So if it comes out kinda crazy, tough. AHA, I JUST HAD AN EPIPHANY!


Ah, silence. It was the very best kind of love when your life was like mine. A love that didn't have to be put into words. I briefly wondered if Edward would still love me when I told him my secret. I sure hoped so. And if not, I could just use the "you-kept-your-being-a-vampire-a-secret" card.

"Edward," I said, rolling over on to my side to be met with my favorite crooked smile.

"Yes, love?" He whispered, gazing around us at the perfect meadow. Our Meadow.

"I have to tell you something. I didn't want to tell you, but, I'M TIRED OF LIVIN' A DOUBLE LIFE!" I screeched, watching as confusion clouded his face.

"Wait… What?" he asked, "isn't that what Miley said in the Hannah Montana Movie right before she blew her secret?"

"Yes," I said, shocked, "how do you know?"

"Me and Emmett went to see the 12:01 showing the day it came out," he said, shrugging.

"O-kaaaay" I said warily, "not the point. I just need to tell you that….that… I have a double life! Just like Miley! I'm actually a famous person! I'm………………………………………………………………………………………………………………KRISTEN STEWART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Thanks for reading! Please rate and REVIEW! Let me no if you want me continue, and some constructive criticism would be lovely. I know this is very short but I just wanted to figure out how FanFiction worked. I will do more if people like it and promote stories and thank helpful reviewers with IDEAS FOR CHAPTERS and excessive niceness.