Disclaimer: I do not own BLEACH, Prada, Gucci or anything else.

Opposites Attract

Chapter I

First Day

The school bell's screech rang down through the hallways of the school. Students laughed and chatted as the day began, all of them back from the one week break.

"Ah, Spring holidays are soon! I got the Prada spring collection already!"

"Thank God the tests are all over! My parents are gonna buy me a new Ferrari if my grades are good!"

"I can't wait until I go to the new resort my mom bought!"

"Oh my gosh! Look at my new Gucci bag! Limited edition!"

Karakura High. One of the most exclusive and high ranked schools in Tokyo where only the wealthy could attend. Posh and snobby brats were everywhere, bullies lurked around in every corner and the populars ruled the premises. Like every school, it had a hierarchy. Every group or person was in a category or a clique. There were obvious ones; the nerds, the chess or computer club, the losers, geeks and all the other negatives at the bottom of the chain. Then there were the jokers also known as clowns who basically kept the school laughing, they weren't number one but they fit with anyone. There were normals who weren't in any particular clique but were still liked and not usually picked on by the high ups. The skaters who usually hang out in the corners of the cafeteria, they also didn't have any problems.

And then came the populars. The populars were the jocks. They basically ruled the school. Somebody messes with them, that somebody doesn't come back for a week. The chicks that hang out with were known as the 'plastics', they were one of the most dangerous predators in school. Everyone was controlled by them, manipulated by them and destroyed by them if things didn't flow as they wished.


The huge glass sliding doors split open as Rukia approached. As she stepped through she was met with a huge modern room with the reception desk in front. As she looked around she noticed that everything looked more like a brand new hospital than a school. The room was an off white cream colour, accented with wooden panels and modern ceiling spot lights. Behind the desk was the school crest, shielded by a layer of glass. Everything was perfectly clean, especially the marble floor.

"May I help you?" Asked the receptionist from behind the desk. Rukia nodded and stepped forward, her dolly shoes softly tapping against the floor.

"I've transferred here from Mashiba High." The woman nodded and made a few clicks. "What is your name?"

"Kuchiki Rukia." A few moments passed as the receptionist typed and clicked on the computer, confirming the transfer. Rukia started getting slightly anxious with dealing with the thoughts of a new school, a new area and new people. She started looking around again and noticed two more hall ways. The first one she noticed already since it was just to pass the reception but more to the right, another hallway on the right and the third one to her left. They were all lighted with the same spotlights aligned in two parallel rows.

"Alright," the woman softly spoke, "Kuchiki Rukia, class 1-A, Empire building, room 415. That is your homeroom, which is ending in twelve minutes. Here is your map of the school grounds, new students tend to get lost since this school is enormous. These are your transfer files and confirmation papers, I can keep these for you to collect at the end of the day, if you wish."

Rukia smiled in gratitude and nodded, "Yes, thank you." She said taking the map, a red circle marked where she was meant to go.

"And lastly, your timetable." Rukia expected a simple sheet of paper but the woman gave her a small notebook, opened at the first page where her timetable was printed. The cover had the school crest on it with Karakura High School in elegant font. Then a simple sheet a of thin plastic protected the cover from damage.

"This timetable contains the code of conduct that you and your parent or guardian must sign, target sheets, useful information on pages ten to thirteen, events during the year, your personal attendance record and slots to write in your homework." She explained, catching her breath, "there is also space for any notes. This timetable comes free but if you lose it or damage it excessively then you must pay for a new one." She recited.

'Geez, this school really is over the top. A piece of paper would have been enough.'

"I see. Thank you." Rukia answered.

"Very well, do you need some to escort you to your class?" Rukia shook her head. 'This school can't be that big, can it?'

"No, that won't be necessary." She said, the receptionist pointed to the hallway on Rukia's left and the young girl nodded and walked away.


'Who was I kidding?! This school is colossal!' Mentally screamed Rukia. She sped down the empty maze of hallways with her books slipping out of her grasp. '413, 414, 415, 416, 4-!' "Wait!" She whispered and abruptly stopped and took a few steps back.

415. Class 1-A.

Her shoulders slumped in relief and she quickly composed herself. Taking a deep breath in she knocked out of courtesy and opened the door slowly, revealing the whole class.

The teacher stopped mid-sentence as the door opened and a short girl stepped into the room. Picking up a folder, she looked through it.

"Kuchiki Rukia?" The teacher asked and she nodded. Setting the files down, she turned to the class.

"Alright! Class, this the transfer student I told you about, remember what I said and treat her well!" She looked at Rukia, "My name is Ochi-sensei, welcome to the school." She motioned for Rukia to come closer. The raven-haired woman put her on best sugary smile and bowed.

"Konnichiwa! My name is Kuchiki Rukia, pleased to meet you." She sweetly said. The class's eyes were on her, judging her.

"Our seating plan is alphabetical but there are some exceptions sometimes, you will be sitting next to…" She scanned the register. "Ah, Kurosaki, the guy with orange hair." He didn't bother putting his hand up, he was the only guy with orange hair in the class. Rukia kept her sweet façade as she passed through the desks until she reached hers. The teacher finished with the announcements and the class immediately started chatting away. People got out of their seats and sat on tables and Rukia was the only one left out.

"Senna, you will be guiding Kuchiki-san around the school today." Ochi-sensei commanded. Rukia's eyes turned from out the window to a girl who was sitting on the opposite side of class, on table with a group of other people. Her hair just like her own but lighter and tied into a neat pony-tail by a ribbon, a light complexion and large, piercing orange eyes. The girl's eyes slowly turned to hers. A perfectly manicured hand lifted and barely acknowledged Rukia.

'I guess I should get used to this kind of treatment, I am the newbie, after all, nobody wants to get close with newbies.' She thought as she gathered her things. The bell rang and the class quickly got up and vanished, as well the girl who was meant to guide Rukia. Rukia rolled her eyes and got up.


Rukia was actually surprised that no bullies came up to her and that she wasn't tripped over yet, although she didn't really expect it, one icy glare was enough for people to get the message: Don't mess with me.

Currently, she sat on a bench reading a book during double gym class. Unfortunately, or fortunately (since Yoruichi-sensei loved running laps) she hadn't known that she had gym class so she didn't bring her gym clothes with her. And so, she was told that she could go read a book or explore the school. At first, getting lost in school wasn't a very colourful idea to her but she had already read the book once.

'Alright! Let's do exploring.'


Heels clicked against the floor in a steady rhythm, followed by two others.

"What was her name again?" A stern but clipped voice echoed through the empty corridor.

"Kuchiki Rukia. A transfer student."

"I see."

"Have you go anything planned for her?"

"I always have a plan."

"What should we do?"

A pause fell upon the group.

"Nothing. I want to see what she's like…"

This is the remake of The Life at Mashiba High, now titled Opposites Attract. There will be significant changes. For those who have not read The Life at Mashiba High, don't worry, you don't have to. Chapters will get longer since I just started this, so no worries about shortness.

Please review, I need to know your opinions!
