Disclaimer: I claim NO OWNERSHIP to the characters shown in this story!

Jenny didn't want to fight, she flew back to her house and through the window in her room. "Why me? Why is this happening?'' she said almost crying. "I still trust you.'' a voice said, jenny turned to the door to her room and saw brad standing there.

Brad took a few steps forward until she was right in front of him. Jenny quivered her lip, then immediately embraced brad with him hugging back. "Their after me, and omega is on Eggman's side, what do I do?'' she cried. Brad separated from the hug and kept his hands on her shoulders. "Jenny its alright I'm here and I'll never leave you.'' he smiled. Jenny looked up into his eyes as did he. Their faces crept closer until their lips met. It was passionate, brad put her arms around her waist and jenny put hers around his neck. The floor below shook and few inches away from them a metal claw came up. The two broke apart, another hand came breaking through, it was omega.

Omega charged and tackled jenny into a wall. She was laid up against the wall then fell face forward to the floor. Two egg gunners flew in , one grabbed brad and took off with the other egg gunner. Jenny got up on her knees and hands. Omega held his chain gun to her head and was about to fire. Omega then shook, he retracted the chain gun and grabbed his head. Jenny stood up confused, "Jenny…the chip Eggman put…in my head… is off for the moment, but not for-'' omega stopped speaking and armed his chain gun again. Jenny charged at him and delivered a punch across his face sending omega crash through her room wall and landed outside on the street. Jenny gasped when the hole he went through he was gone. A apache helicopter hovered outside her house and fired its missiles, jenny took off quickly and grabbed the tail of the helicopter and ripped it off making smoke rise and soon the helicopter smashed to the ground.

Jenny got airborne and hovered outside her house. From on the ground below a tank fired its round and hit jenny in the back. Jenny crashed and skidded across the concrete street. She looked behind her and saw hummers coming at her. The soldiers atop reloaded the machine gun and fired. Jenny was pounded by the bullets then she had to take off into the air again. Three AH-1 cobras started chasing her, jenny stopped in midair then started flying backwards with the cobras passing her. Jenny latched on the window of the cockpit of one cobra, she jumped backwards and fired her laser limb at the propeller sending the helicopter falling.

The other cobra fired a missile which hit jenny, but she still managed to stay airborne. Jenny flew above the cobra, but not knowing one was watching her. The cobra watching her fired its missile, she grabbed the missile and kicked the warhead off it. The other cobra fired three missiles, she swung the missile knocking them off course, but the last one she swung late and it exploded.

The last cobra fired its missile, jenny grabbed it and pushed back to the cobra who fired it. A big explosion came, jenny was sent falling and crashed into a part of town surrounded by buildings. Sparks of electricity came from her body, parts of her body were coming loose. A row of tanks came from in front of her, and five cobras from behind. Jenny used what energy she had and flew low away from the ambush. Jenny ceased flying and stopped in an alley. She looked out from the corner and saw soldiers and vehicles coming in searching for her. Jenny kept running through alleys and alleys until she came to a dead end. She turned around, but coming through a wall was omega. He grabbed her and smashed her to a wall. He pinned her against the wall by grabbing her neck and aimed his chain gun at her head. "Omega its me, remember?'' she pleaded, Omega's eyes were glowing red. "Is this what you were built for? Destroying robots?'' she asked. Omegas eyes stopped glowing red, jenny ran around him and pressed a button on the back of his head, a slot opened and the chip controlling omega slid out. Jenny took it out quickly then crushed it in her hand.

Omega then spun his head in a full circle. Omega turned to jenny, "Thank you.'' he said. Jenny smiled then frowned. "We have to stop Eggman and rescue my friend, you understand?'' she told him. Omega armed his chain guns, "Definitely.'' said omega. Jenny and omega went back to her house, omega being the robot he is repaired jenny to full power. After that the two set off to find Eggman and stop him.

Jenny and Omega flew through the clouds. "There!'' jenny pointed to the egg carrier. They both landed on a section of it. Jenny got her buzz saws in hand and cut an opening in the hull. Jenny leaped in and omega followed. Where they were was a long hallway, with several doors throughout it. "Lets find the holding cells.'' jenny said to omega. Omega and jenny looked through each door they came across.

Omega opened one and it was the holding cells inside. "Over here.'' omega waved his hand. Jenny came running through and inside the room. Omega shut the door, he armed one of his chain guns just in case. Jenny checked in each cell, mostly empty ones was all she found. Jenny smiled she found the cell brad was in, brad though was asleep. Jenny grabbed the bars and bent them outwards. Jenny went in and gave brad a gentle push. He slumped over and opened his eyes. "Jenny? Is that you?'' he said surprised "I'm not leaving you either.'' she smiled they both hugged. Jenny helped brad up and exited the cell. Suddenly a red alarm went off. "He knows we're here.'' omega said.

At the entrance of the cell area, it was being banged on. An explosion came from it and flooding in were egg gunners. Omega switched his guns for flamethrowers. "Mind if I help?'' jenny said and she had a canister she armed with a hose, it fired oil. Jenny fired the oil across the robots, covering them in black. Omega lifted off and flew above them, he fired his flamethrower, what once were a brigade of robots were turned into nothing but a pile of burning metal. Some of the robots even exploded into pieces. Omega stopped in front of the doorway out of the cellblock with in front of him bits and pieces of burning robots.

Brad and Jenny exited the door first with omega following. "Head for the hangar.'' omega noted. Jenny took a left in the hallway leading to a double metal door. Omega clenched his fist and punched it repeatedly. He dented if enough for him to tear open the door. The three found themselves in the large hangar. The huge opening doors remained shut inside the hangar. Jenny went to the controls and scanned it for the button to activate the hangar doors. "Which one is it?'' she scratched her head. Zipping past her was metal knuckles he came and tackled omega to the ground both struggling against each other.

Omega grabbed metal by the neck and punched him in the chest making the robot crash into the metal wall of the hangar. Omega charged after him and elbowed metal into the wall further. Omega grabbed him by the neck and armed his chain gun and aimed to his head. Omega let bullets punch through metals core processor. Omega stopped firing and ripped his body into shreds. Omega flew down in front of jenny. "I'm going back for Eggman, I will bring this ship down.'' he told her "How?'' jenny asked "I will take the egg carriers reactor core and bring it to the bridge and destroy this ship along with me.'' omega said walking away. Jenny then jumped and grabbed his hand, omega stopped and turned around her. "Please don't go.'' she begged.

"There cannot be peace without a sacrifice.'' he then continued walking. "Jenny come on!'' brad yelled from one of the dropships. Jenny ran to the dropship and when she got on she continued to watch omega until he was gone to finish what he started. Brad flew the dropship out of the hangar, luckily jenny found the button for it.

Omega smashed his way through a metal door and found the reactor. A bright ball of blue electric energy. It was concealed in a glass ball. Omega pressed the button opening the hatch, he grabbed the reactor and headed for the bridge. Omega arrived, Eggman turned to him and widened his eyes. "What are you doing with that!'' he shouted shocked "I will destroy it along with you.'' "We'll see about that.'' Eggman smirked. Metal sonic came from above and dove on omega making the reactor fall out of his hands. Eggman then ran out of the room like the coward he is.

Eggman got to his hovership and flew out of the Egg Carrier making another escape. Omega armed his chain guns and fired at metal who was flying in front of the giant glass window in front of the bridge. The glass was shattered and soon broke with the wind gusting in. Omega picked up the reactor and ran for the opening in the window. Inches away from it metal tackled him again, the reactor falling out of his hands. Metal was on top of omega, omega kept his hand on metals face keeping metal away from destroying him. Omega reached for the reactor, but couldn't reach. Omega gave an uppercut making metal fall back. Omega stood up and aimed his chain gun at the reactor and fired a single shot. Jenny was watching from on top a hill with brad. The Egg Carrier burst into flames, chunks of debris falling from the sky.

Jenny lowered her head and cried. Brad hugged her, she cried into his shoulder. Brad took one final look and gasped "Jenny look!'' he said. Jenny saw omega flying toward where they were standing. He was burnt and dented. He landed in front of them. Jenny came and hugged him. Omega was taken back by it, but let it pass. Omega and the others walked back to jenny's house. After making it back home safely. Jenny and Brad were told by omega to meet him in front of the house.

They found omega waiting there for them. The two stood in front of omega. "I would like to say thank you for your help, but I must leave.'' he spoke. Jenny and Brad didn't like and frowned, "I've made new friends, thanks to you.'' he pointed to both of them. "No problem.'' jenny and brad said. Omega activated his boosters and flew away. Jenny and Brad waved goodbye, they both held each others hand, both blushing. Jenny met a new robot ally, they fought hard because of their teamwork. Sometimes all you need is each other.