Chapter One: New Faces

Disclaimer: I claim NO OWNERSHIP to the characters or anything shown in this story!

The city of Station Square is where it all begins. Night spread across the sky, the city lights shining brightly. A giant flying fortress flew over it quickly. Its blue fire coming from the engine exhausts. The ship was known as the Egg Carrier. "Where is he?'' a man asked aggravated. A robot replied, "He's still following us, his speed increasing!''

The ship rumbled like it was hit by a meteor. "He's inside!'' the robot yelled "Seal the blast doors!'' the man shouted. Throughout the ship large chrome doors closed in every entrance way. "Well, any sign of him?'' the man asked "Sir, he's gone-'' the robot was cut short when from below them a metal claw like hand grabbed the robot and pushed his way through. The intruder was one of the most destructive and most powerful robots built: E-123 Omega.

Omega looked at the robot in his grasp, he simply squeezed and the robot was offline. Omega tossed the scrap to the side and glared at Eggman. Dr. Eggman a genius, but the reason of Omega being here. Eggman sat still in his chair. "You must be terminated.'' omega spoke arming his machine gun which formed from his hand. "Omega listen do you really want to do this?'' Eggman reasoned "Yes I really want to destroy you.'' omega said aiming his powerful chain gun at Eggman.

"I can help you, together we can rule the world!'' Eggman lied, he reached for a button under his chair and pushed it. A red alarm went off. Omega aimed his gun at different spots in case anyone would ambush him. Omega then noticed Eggman had escaped. Omega's eyes just glowed more red from Eggman's cowardly act. From behind someone tackled omega down. Omega lifted himself back up, he saw waiting for him: Metal Sonic. The size difference was the main part, omega was larger leaving metal smaller, but quicker. Omega retracted his hands for his flamethrowers. Metal lunged first, omega countered by firing the flames directly into metals body. Metal went spiraling backwards.

Omega retracted the weapons and brought back out his hands. Omega hovered off the ground and charged at metal. Metal dodged to the left and swung his feet into omegas back. Omega crashed into the wall of the inside of the bridge. Omega shook the hit loose and saw metal charging again, omega simply held up his fist with metal crashing into it. Omega grabbed metal by the skull and repeatedly punched his large fist into Metal Sonics stomach.

Omega swung metal in a circle and let go leaving metal to crash into the floor. Omega armed his chain gun, but he stopped when something hit him in the back. He saw a metal like arrow with electricity coming from it. Slowly it drained omegas energy levels. Omega put away the gun and fell to his knees with his hands on the floor. Eggman was the one who fired it. Eggman walked over in front of Eggman smirking. "Metal sonic dispose of him.'' he laughed.

Metal picked him up with both hands and flew out of an air duct. Metal flew above clouds and stopped in mid air. Metal with great force threw omega downwards, metal flew back to the Egg Carrier. Omega was shut down no control of the danger he was in. Although a city was below him, the city of Tremerton. Omega crashed into a large pile of garbage he landed at the dump. Damaged and shut down, what new challenges await Omega?

The next morning, a young boy by the name of Tuck was hiding from his older brother Brad. Tuck was on purpose trying to annoy him. Tuck stopped in front of the dump. He ran through the entrance and hid from brad. "Tuck! I'm not going to follow you forever!'' he yelled. "Then go home!'' tuck shouted back "I wish I could.'' brad mumbled. Brad really meant it he left the dump leaving tuck alone.

Tuck looked out from a pile of garbage to see it was clear. "Now lets see what I can find.'' tuck said rubbing his hands together. He stopped on top of a mound of garbage and put his hand to his chin looking around. Below his feet something stirred. A metal claw came out of the garbage and grabbed tuck, nearly squeezing him. Raising out of the filth, was omega. Tuck screamed of course. Omega stared at the human in his grasp, "Innocent individual.'' he said and put tuck down. Omega's jet boosters fired up, omega launched into the sky flying away. Tuck stood there with his mouth opened in shock, he immediately started shouting "BRAD!!!'' he shouted looking for him.

Brad stopped in front of his house when he heard the scream. Tuck came running up to him breathing hard. "Tuck what's going on?'' he asked sounding like he didn't care. Tuck was babbling words and kept pointing to where the dump is. "Okay never mind.'' said brad walking into the house. Tuck followed him and kept blabbering words. Everywhere brad went tuck followed and tried to get his attention. Brad stopped in the living room and sighed.

He covered Tuck's mouth with his hand. "Now what are you trying to tell me?'' brad asked again "A…Robot.'' tuck said scared "Really, robots here? I would never have thought of that. Are you sure it wasn't Jenny?'' he replied "Yeah jenny would be hanging out at the dump. It was another robot, but much bigger, meaner and-'' brad covered his mouth again. "Listen either the robot will leave or jenny will kick his butt, either way you see it nothing bad will happen.'' brad told him. An explosion sounded from far away. The two ran out the door and saw smoke rising from town. "Come on lets go!'' brad yelled to tuck who followed him to town to see what was going on. Brad and Tuck made into town, cars were overturned or sticking out of structures.

The two hid behind a car and saw the cluster was the source of the invasion. Although several cluster troops were being thrown or destroyed by none other then XJ9 normally known as Jenny. "Wow didn't see this coming didn't you?'' brad stated. Jenny who was in the midst of the fight took cover behind a car with her laser limb ready in both hands. She rose from her cover and fired at cluster soldiers attempting to dive bomb at her. She rolled out from cover and took into the air and swung her fists at airborne cluster troops.

A well aimed shot hit her in the back by surprise. She turned and saw a platoon of elite cluster troops. They all fired at her, jenny flew left and right avoiding the shots, but then a missile came and struck her sending jenny crashing into the street making a small crater. "Why don't they give up?'' she asked herself. She noticed surrounding her were elite cluster troops, she took of quickly, but the troops fired right before she took off. Unfortunately one of the shots hit her flight stabilizers sending her falling crashing again into the street.

She was damaged of course she was about to get up when a elite robot came and dropped a piece of debris on her legs. She couldn't move in the condition she was in. Surprisingly Smytus landed in front of her. "Well, well, well if it isn't XJ9.'' he smirked "Why don't you get this thing off me so we can really fight!'' she said "No thanks I can finish you like this.'' he armed a laser rifle at her forehead. "Just wait until your done for and the world will belong to the Cluster, no one can save you!!'' he mocked. That's when a metal hand grabbed Smytus by the head and threw him overhead. Jenny gasped, her rescuer was Omega.