Brace Face

Hello All, I am Ivy G. and this is Brace Face. Here's the thing about this story: It is already written. Well most of it, but still I have a lot more than this chapter already written and will thusly update daily. I would also like to say that although the first couple chapters are in Hallee's first year while she is fawning over Sirius, she will live up to the expectations in the description, but you can't just hate someone for no reason, can you? ;). Well anyway here's another announcement: Hallee is modeled after one of my best friends, from 5th grade to 9th grade. So if you have the urge to flame, remember, you are insulting an innocent girl. Who doesn't know about this fan fiction yet but still! Just remember that Hallee won't always be in first year, in fact this story focuses on her 7th. However your first year at Hogwarts is a big deal. So without delay (except for the disclaimer) I present to you: Brace Face.

Disclaimer: No matter how many shooting stars I wish upon, I shall never own Harry Potter.


Hallee King was 11 years old. She was short for her age (4 ft. 3 in. to be exact), shaped like a boy (well she WAS 11) with dirty-blonde hair to her chin, large hazel eyes, and pink braces. She was also currently fighting a losing battle, "But mom! Why can't I go to Alice's?" Alice Prewett was Hallee's best friend. They had been neighbors since first grade, when Hallee's mom had to move from the United States, California to London, England.

"Because, Hallee, you haven't cleaned your room. You know the rules of the house, no going out until all the chores are done."

"If I clean my room, THEN can I go to Alice's?"

"I don't see why not." Ms. King smiled and walked away, a hand on her pregnant stomach. She was going to marry her boyfriend of three years in one month, and Hallee would have a little brother in two months. Hallee didn't mind Josh Ackers, (Her mother's fiancée) he seemed nice enough. He was always smiling and hugging her, or kissing her mom.

Halle stopped thinking about Josh, and ran to her room. Upon entering she let out a huge groan. Her room was a mess. Clothes and shoes littered the floor, her bed was un-made, and her desk was covered in junk. By the time she finished cleaning, it would be too late to visit her friend. She groaned again and shut her eyes, wishing for nothing more than her room to be clean.

Suddenly there was a whooshing sound, and Hallee opened her eyes. She gasped. Her room, once a whirlwind of dirty clothes, bits of paper, and books lying open on every surface, was clean. Her bed was made, her clothes were folded and put away, and you could actually see the floor!

"H-Hello?" Hallee asked, looking around the room. Surely there must be a group of people in here, trying to play a trick on her. No one answered. Sure, weir d stuff happened to her. Like when a girl at school was teasing her about her braces, and the next day the same girl came to school with terribly crooked teeth. She would need braces for the next three years. Once her favorite book had changed colors, (she had decided that The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle had always been hot pink and light blue.) and was stuck to her ceiling.

But nothing so obviously impossible had happened to her. Alas, Hallee's short attention span ran out, and shrugging off the strange occurrence, she ran past her mom and out her door, shouting "Hey mom! Rooms clean!"


Hallee rang the doorbell to Alice's house once, twice, three times before someone answered.



Alice Prewett was standing at the door, a wide grin on her face.

"Hallee! Come in!" Alice yelled, glad that the hours of boredom sitting around in her room were over.

Alice had short hair to her chin that flipped out at the ends. It was such a dark brown it sometimes seemed black. She had a round face with warm brown eyes. Alice was also the only person Hallee knew who was shorter than her (4 ft. 2 in. So one inch). She was extremely skinny and very pretty.

The girls ran to Alice's room, giggling and talking the whole time. In Hallee's opinion, Alice's room was perfect, if not a little too girly. The walls were lavender, and there was a white bed, bookcase, and dresser. Light blue picture frames, holding photographs of Alice and her family at a restaurant, Alice and her pet dog, (A large black dog that no one could properly identify the exact species) named snuffles, and Alice and Hallee at the beach, outside school, at the park, and even in Alice's room were lined up on the walls. A light pink carpet covered the floor, where the girls were sitting now. Suddenly a knock on the door made the girls jump, and Alice ran over to see Mrs. Prewett with three envelopes in her hands. She winked at Alice and handed the mail to her, saying "These were DELIVERED just now, two are for Hallee." Before walking away.

Halle was confused. Why would her mail be sent to Alice's house? Alice looked like she was ready to burst with excitement, before shrieking, "Why didn't you tell me?!" In a high pitched squeal.

"Tell you what?" Halle asked, testing her ears for any permanent damage done by Alice's shriek.

"Oh, right! You don't know! You're muggle born!"

"Muggle what?"

"ARGH! Just read these!" She yelled, and threw two letters at Hallee's feet. She bent over and opened the first one, a yellowish envelope, addressed in emerald green to Miss H. King, Alice's room, The Prewett House, London. Hallee raised an eyebrow at the words, but opened it, none the less.




Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore

(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc.,

Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Miss King,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Term begins on September 1. We await your owl by no later than July 31.

A staff member from Hogwarts will arrive to explain to the muggles your situation, if you so choose to send your owl.

Yours Sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

Hallee looked at the letter, "What the Fu-"

"No cursing in my room!" Alice scolded. She laughed and said, "Don't you get it? You're a witch!"

"There is a nicer way of telling someone they are mean than sending them a strange and creepy note from…" Hallee looked back at the letter, "Hogwarts."

"No! That's not what I mean! I'm a witch too. And so's my mum! My dad is a wizard! Hogwarts is a school created to help young witches and wizards control their powers." She said, as if she were reciting something for school.

"Riiiight. I'll believe that when I see it. And what is all this stuff about owls?"

"Well that's how people in the wizarding world communicate! They send owls, with notes attached to their legs. OOOH! You simply HAVE to come to Diagon Alley with me for supplies! Well you actually have to because it's not like your mum knows how to get there…I wonder what kind of wands we'll get? Honestly I had no IDEA you were a witch! Well actually the whole braces thing with Millie kind of got me thinking….but I never REALLY thought about it! It makes so much sense now!"

"Wait! Diagon Alley? What are muggles? WANDS?"

Alice sighed, "Diagon Alley, a place only for wizards and witches, it's kind of like a mall, only better! Muggles are non-magical people, and yes, WANDS. You kind of need them to practice magic." She said all this as if she were explaining addition to a two year old.

"Okay, so let's say I'm starting to believe all this, how do I send an owl back?"

"Well you can use ours. But before you send it back, you might want to read that other letter."

Halee looked down, and picked up the pristine blue envelope. In all the excitement she had forgotten about it. It was labeled similarly to the first one, however instead of emerald ink, it was addressed in silver.




Headmistress: Olympe Maxime

(Order of Merlin, second Class,

Member of International Confed. of Wizards)

Mademoiselle King,

You have been graced with being accepted at Beauxbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.

Consider this a great honor. French students are usually the only students accepted at Beauxbatons, we are sacrificing very much.

Term begins on September 1. Your owl must arrive no later than July 31.


Olympe Maxime


"Um…" Hallee looked at the letter, her eyebrows raised.

"Woa! You got accepted to Beauxbatons!" Alex was staring with her mouth open in awe.

"Yea…I guess…but I think I'll stick with Hogy warts or whatever, this place seems a little too snooty for my taste."

"Well, they are one of the fanciest wizarding schools."

"Really? I'm just surprised that there's more than one!"

"Oh there are plenty! Most are really small though. Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, and Durmstrang are the three top schools. Beauxbatons is by far the snootiest, though. They only accept either the most beautiful, or the most powerful. That's why ninety percent of their student body is a least half veela." She rolled her eyes.

Hallee was still looking at the letter. Why did Beauxbatons choose her? It said that they only chose French students in the letter, and then Alice had just said they chose the beautiful or powerful. Well Hallee was NOT French, that much she was positive. She didn't consider herself to be beautiful either, not that she was ugly, but she definitely wasn't beautiful. And there was no way in hell she was powerful. She had just discovered she was a witch and not a moogle, or whatever Alice kept saying.



"Because I don't know any magic, are people going to think badly of me at Hogwarts?"

"NO! Of course not! I'm a pureblood –not that it matters- and I don't know ANY spells AT ALL!"

"What's a pureblood?"

"Someone who's parents, and their parents parents, and their parents parents, and so on, are wizards and witches. Pureblood is a silly word though. It means that your blood isn't tainted with muggle…I told you it was silly."

"Will people hate me because of my parents?"

"Well….some people might be a little rude, but don't ever listen to those people! They are a bunch of lowlifes who think that just because they have magical parents they are better than everyone else! Plenty of muggle-borns have grown up to do wonderful, fantastic things. And plenty are much smarter, cleverer, and such than 'purebloods.'"

Hallee smiled and gave Alice a hug, "Thanks, so you're going to Hogywarts?"

Alice laughed, "Yes. I am indeed going to Hogwarts."

"Then I think I will too. Wizards and Witches can never separate Alice and Hallee!"

Both girls began cracking up, before finding Alice's mom, and asking her to send their replies back to Hogwarts.


A day after the "Witch Incident" as Hallee and Alice were now calling their acceptance to Hogwarts, a man came to Hallee's house. He had silvery-white hair and a long beard to the middle of his chest. He introduced himself as Professor Dumbledore and explained everything from Knuts, Sickels, and Galeons, to dragons, sphinxes, and goblins. He said that he was glad Hallee was going to Hogwarts, and she could find her uniforms at Madame Malkins. He then asked if Hallee would need help getting to Diagon Alley, but she politely turned him down, saying that she and Alice were planning on visiting together. He said goodbye and left, after giving Hallee tickets for the Hogwarts express, and instructions on how to go to Platform 9 ¾.

"Well…" Hallee's mom said, looking nervous, "I'm really not sure about this honey. Magic doesn't seem very safe."

"If you don't let me go to this school, I will never have control over my powers."

"And then maybe the magic will go away, and we can forget this ever happened!"

"Mom! No! I have to go! All the weird things that happen to me! Don't you get it? It's magic! And I don't think it will ever just go away! And to be totally honest, I don't want it to!"

"But sweetie, I don't even know where Hogwarts is, what if something terrible were to happen?"

"I have Alice! And all the teachers at Hogwarts too!"

"Oh…do you REALLY want this?"


"Are you sure?"


"Well…fine. But I expect a bat, or pigeon, or whatever those people send-oh I expect a letter every week! Do you understand?"


"And NO leaving the school AT ALL. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes yes, Thank you sooo much! I love you!"

Hallee's mom smiled, and looked over at Josh, who hadn't said anything the entire time, "Oh honey, Hallee's a witch! Isn't this exciting?"

Josh looked at Hallee with fear in his eyes, "Yes. Very."


And that would be the first chapter. I will update tomorrow, or even this afternoon. It all depends on how many people…REVIEW! So remember kids:






W-izards and witches.

Yes I did just make that up on the spot. REVIEW!