"MINA IM ENGAGED!" I screamed over the phone.

Last night, Alex and I went out for dinner. He finally asked me to marry him and it was the most romantic thing ever. We were at our table and there was peaceful music playing and we were both enjoying a glass of champagne. Then, after we had finished our meal, he looked me in the eye and smiled.

"Jasey, sweet, adorable, lovable, little Jasey Rae. I love you, and you know that, right? I've loved you since day one and every since, you've had me falling harder and harder for you. I swear, I fall more and more in love with you every day. When I first met you, I knew that things would be different. I could just tell. And everything you put up with when it came it me. I don't deserve a girl as great as you but I have you and I'm going to hold onto you for as long as I can because I love you and I don't ever want to lose you" he said to me. And that's when it happened. He pushed his chair out from under the table and looked me in the eye. He got down on one knee and said "I love you, Jasey and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?"

I had already been crying from when he said that he's been falling harder and harder for me. I said yes and Alex slipped the 14K White Gold three-stone diamond ring onto my left ring finger as we stood up hugging each other. I told him I loved him and that I was so happy to spend the rest of my life with him. It's hard to believe that in under a year, I will be a married woman.
Mrs. Jasey Rae-Gaskarth.. I like the sound of that ;)

Authors Note: WELL, guys I personally am in love with this chapter 3(: