standard disclaimer applies along with a not so standard disclaimer: I do not own The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks by, E Lockhart.





The day I set foot on that beach, was the day that my whole family was having their annual get together. The Haruno Clan gathered for one month anywhere just to be together. And for the longest time I knew, no matter how many I went to I would still dread every moment I was there. For the most part no one really noticed. They just treated me like a child, a helpless little girl who always need someone to protect her. Never once did my own family think I was growing up into a teenager. Who had a mind of her own. Who, as cliche as it seemed, wanted to break free.

The way I was treated by my family was quiet similar to how I was treated at school. During my freshman year, I wasn't the best looking girl or even that average-okay girl. Like many girls right after their junior high years, I was still in my awkward stage. When summer vacation came I began to what my mother called "bloom."

During the summer before my second year at Konoha Academy, my extended and immediate family vacationed in Okinawa. One day in the mid-afternoon, just before sunset I went out for a walk. And that's how we meet.



Half an hour and a two hundred yards later, my body were freezing. I had gone for a walk in only my bikini. I was in such a rush to leave my relatives like an idiot, I forgot a sweater. Eventually, I decided to sit down on the warm sand and read the book in my hand.

"It's not safe for a girl to be on a beach alone."

I turned around. It was a boy with board shorts, a white t-shirt, and a black zip-up jacket. He looked about my age and his eyes were dark, mysterious. I could get lost looking at them. His face was straight forward and his hair near perfection.

"What's it to you?" My words came out as more of a statement rather than a question.

"Out alone on the beach dressed the way you are, you're just asking to be harassed."

His words were true. I wasn't thinking at all leaving alone and walking so far. "Whatever." The longer I looked at him the more I felt a connection. As if I knew him from where. But just where exactly... "You're not suppose to talk to strangers."

"Well my mom didn't really teach me well."

"What bring you to here?"

"At the beach. What do you think." I rolled my eyes. Thank you, Captain Obvious. "Is that The Hitcher's Guide to the Galaxy?" My expression mimicked my thoughts, I blanked. The mysterious boy began to walk towards me and grabbed the book in my hand. "It's a pretty good read, isn't it?"

"You've read it." I was surprised. Not that many people our age knew of the book.

He nodded. "You ask a lot of questions." I opened my mouth to say something, but he beat me to it."My brother gave it to me to read once," he explained, shrugging his shoulders. And before I knew it, we were talking about books. Ones we hated, loved, and to my great surprise, I found a cute book worm. And at the beach.

I shivered which stopped him from talking. "Cold?"

It was at this time, I understood his one worded replies. This boy had a lot that frustrated me. I shook my head however, my actions showed I was lying. He took his jacket off and my vision began to play tricks on me. Everything went in slow motion from this moments. My eyes widen and him taking off his jacket was so captivating. Definitely a cliché, right? My eyes went from his shirt to his defined stomach, his hair was blown by the wind. Wait, where did the wind come from? I gaze wandered towards his face. He blinked, he had long lashes. And when he finally took off the jacket I saw the arm muscles. Oh, kami-sama please forgive me.

"Here." He handed over the jacket. I took it and put it on. It had his scent and it was warm from his body heat.

"Thanks." I replied. A moment of silence. "What grade are you in?"

"Going into second year," He said, "And you?"

"Same, actually." I said smiling.

"What school you go to?" I was talking to this stranger and I didn't even know his name. Though, I felt so connected to him already.

"It's really up there on the best school list thing." It was actually number one in Japan and everyone would kill for that. The good looking and smart people were there. The rich and the famous. The most honored to get a scholarship like my family after generation to generation, will accept no matter what.

"Which one?" he asked.

"Umm..." Do I tell him? Should I tell him even if I don't know his name? Why question after trusting him in only a matter of seconds?

"Orochimaru's Predatory School for Boys. It's Oto's Academy sister school. It's way better than Oto and more exclusive."


"My school. That's where I go." he says in a matter of fact tone.

"Oh." I nod. It's not even my school.

"Now where do you go?" He askes.

I sigh. You get nothing past Mr. Tall Dark and Handsome. "I go to..." Pause. "Konoha Acadamy."

"Hn." He looks to the sea.


"Come on. Konoha Academy? That school is infamous. You'd be a fool to not know what it was." True, Konoha Academy: the school for the rich and brightest of Japan. Ranked number one out of all the private school in Japan.

"Yeah, you're right." I blushed looking away.

"I'm going to be here all summer." He said. "It's going to be a bore."

"You could just leave." I told him.

"My Kaa-san doesn't want the family to leave this summer..." He pauses. I turn my face and look at his side view. As the sunset, set he looked amazing in the light. With his dark locks and those eyes. He's body build, everything. It looked so perfect it could be made into a movie poster.

"Why?" I asked, curiously.

"It's nothing."

"Oh." I still don't know his name. "Hey—"

My phone rang. I got it out of my bag and, told him, "Sorry, my Kaa-san won't give me space." He chuckles.

"Where are you? I am walking down the beach. Sakura, where are you?"

"I'm by the sea."

"Don't get cocky with me. Where are you?"

"Hold on." I cover the reciver. "She is too up tight right now. I got to go."

"Hn." He said nodding. "Maybe I'll see you tomorow."

"Sakura! Who are you talking to?" She barked at me. Whatever, Kaa-san.

"Maybe you will." I smiled.

"You did say Konoha Acadamy, right?" I nodded. "Okay then."

"I got to go." I told him. "Kaa-san, I am walking back okay? Just stay where you are. Relax okay?" You don't know his name! I shut the phone and yelled out, "Hey I didn't get your name!"

"It's Sasuke." When I turned around he wasn't there anymore.

Sasuke, huh?




The next day I went to the beach again. With Sasuke's jacket. I didn't get to give it back yesteday after he suddenly disappeared.

I went back walking down the beach in jean shorts and a gray t-shirt. I walked down the shore looking for the mysterious boy from yesterday. Everywhere I looked no one.

My family was still having breakfast. The whole lot of them: kids, aunts, uncles, my parents, and grandparents. My sister? Off with her friends this summer; she got out of the fun filled family gathering to spend her summer before college started in Hokkaido. Lucky her.

I redid the two hundred yards I walked yesterday in hopes to find him. I was getting a work out and tired of looking.

Where is he?

I was a fool to think he'd come around once more.

Why was I so hopeful of his arrival?

I check my watch, it's seven thirty and too early to suspect anyone at the beach. I sat down on the sand and took out my phone. Three bars. No one is going to call you this month, dummy. My roommate... her boyfriend... maybe Shikamaru or Shino. My only friends were super genius Shikamaru Nara and Shino Aburame, bug boy. My roomate and her boyfriend were pretty much acquaintances. I talked to a few people at school but didn't know them on a personal level.

My mind let go as I waited. I began to play sodoku on my cellphone. A million thoughts ran thru my head.



He's not going to show up.

He said he would see me later. It is later.

He's not going to show up.

He was really cute.

He was really smart from what we talked about over a book.

He's not coming.

He was Mr. Tall Dark and Handsome.

He was quite an intresting person.

He's NOT going to show up NOW.





"What are you doing here?" I turn around. Wearing a blue t-shirt and white shorts with his hands in the pockets was Sasuke.

"Uh, your jacket." I said standing up. I got on my feet and handed him the leather.

"Keep it. I can always buy another one like it," he replied dully. I rolled my eyes. Rich people.

"Okay then." I said. What do I do now?

"Where you waiting for me?" He asked walking towards me slowly.

I gulp. Why am I acting like this? I can't answer him and seem desperate. "Umm... uh..." Why am I acting like this?


"No." He raised his brow. "Well, maybe..." He stares at me still. "Okay, maybe I was."

"Maybe?" He smirks.

"Yeah well got a problem with that?" I replied rolling my eyes. Act cool, Haruno. Act cool.

"Aa. Not at all," he said simply, as he sat down next to where I stood. Feeling awkward, I sit back down next to him. Then, as if we knew each other since forever, we started talked to each other like it was common nature.

That was when I thought I might be in love. Keyword: thought.




Little did I know he was like the Loyal Order.



author's note: [post: 04/15/16] Hello everyone! Now tell me, did you hate it? Or did you love it? Let me know in a PM or review~ Have a lovely day, evening or night wherever you are in the world! (: