Skunk as training with fox and while he was Rabbit was behind a tree watching Skunk well because lately he couldn't help but be around Skunk and he had these feelings. One day he figured he was in love with Skunk but he didn't tell anyone because everyone thought he loved fox witch was true until a couple months a ago. He let everyone think he was still in love with fox but didn't hint that he felt anything but brotherly love toward Skunk.

" Skunk focus will you." Fox said to Skunk. Skunk just said "ok i will." but fox new he wouldn't cause he had something on his mind but more like someone. She knew that Rabbit for Skunk for a while even before he found out himself and a couple of months ago Skunk told her he loved Rabbit well more like she overheard him say it on the phone to someone.

Skunk couldn't focus on training with Fox anymore because he had Rabbit on his mind then from the conner of his eye he saw Rabbit training himself without his shirt on and Skunk started to blush and knew Fox could see it so he turned his head.

Rabbit wanted to train to stay fit so he started to but it too hot to have a shirt on so he took it off and knew Skunk could look to see what he was doing. He turned around just in time to see Skunk blush and turn his head towards Fox. " I wish I knew how Skunk felt about me" Rabbit sad to himself.

Fox got done with Skunk and went over towards Rabbit to talk to him about how he felt. "Uh Rabbit can we have a talk about Skunk.?" Rabbit just turned around to her and sid "sure why not." Fox sat on the ground and pat the ground next to her. Rabbit sat down. So Fox just said " Look i know how you feel about our Skunk and let me say he feels the same about you. he can't stop talking about you,looking at, and also day dreaming about you." Rabbit just stared at Fox and said after a couple of minutes " but we can't be together because everyone. Fox just sighed and said" whatever but if you hurt him your die ok." then walked away.

Later Rabbit felt a pair of arms wrapped around him so he jumped but notice it was Skunk so he asked " Hey, um Skunk can you tell me something.?" Skunk just looked at Rabbit for a minute then answered " sure what do you wanna know.". Rabbit just turned around stared into Skunk's eyes and asked him " Do you think I'm cool.?" Skunk just stared at him like are you kidding kind a look but he answered anyway" Yea I think your kool." Rabbit had a huge grin on his face while saying "thanks Skunk your the best!" Skunk just blushed and hugged Rabbit.

A few days later Rabbit and Skunk was on a mission to get something from baboon. But right now they were camping out. Skunk was sitting in front of the fire and Rabbit was sitting on the cold side. Skunk got up and forgot that his blanket had wrapped around him was to long so he tripped and fell on top of Rabbit. When Rabbit and Skunk notice when they woke up was that they felt something against their own lips. It took both of them to realize it was each other. Skunk back away slightly and Rabbit just stared at the ground.

The next few days were awkward because a couple days earlier. None of them talked to each other. At night Rabbit would watch Skunk sleep and think to himself that he was his and fall asleep. Skunk couldn't at all one night. Skunk was getting tired of the quietness so he said " Rabbit how did you sleep last night?" Rabbit just said " like a baby" and didn't even look at Skunk. Rabbit still felt weird about what happened.

The next day Skunk and Rabbit got back a jewel and it them about 5 days to back home. For the next few weeks they didn't talk.