disclaimer: Emerald Twin Blade does not own Hanasakeru Seishounen or Li-Ren or Prince Lumati.

Emerald's News & Nonsense:

I wrote this for a 3-Word Prompt in my English III class... It's short and based on Episode... 17, I believe. So proceed with caution!


Sulk, Capture, Cradle

A Hanasakeru Seishounen 3-Word Prompt

There was no time to sulk… not anymore.

The exiled Prince Lumati of Laginey had done nothing but sulk since the media reported that his older brother, the new king Somand, had banished him from his homeland. When he could no longer sit back and watch nothing happen, he made his escape from the Barnsworth estate. However, he was captured soon after by mercenaries hired to take him back to Laginey.

It was a life-changing experience for him… to be abused and held at gunpoint. What surprised him the most was how Li-Ren had gone so far to rescue him… The older boy had been shot in the shoulder, and his bodyguard murdered. All too save him… pitiful, pathetic little ex-Prince Lumati.

What happened after everything was settled again was beyond unexpected. Lumati had broken down and cried in front of his temporary guardian. His mantra, 'A Prince lets no one see his tears,' did not even cross his mind.

He expected to be looked down on, or for an arrogant scoff to echo off the walls as the older boy took his leave… but Li-Ren Fang, the head of the Fang Group and family, had pulled him into a comforting embrace and cradled him as he continued to cry.