Remember Me

Disclaimer- I don't own Harry Potter

Summary- Only 5 years after being forced to leave Hermione returns. How will Severus deal with this? And will Hermione remember?

SEQUEL- This is a sequel to "Help Me" and its a Sequel sequel to "Leave Me"


"Hermione sweetheart we are leaving soon." Hermione Miah Granger barely let her poor mother finish the sentence before she came running down the stairs. She had been waiting a little more then five years for this day to come. Only last week had 11 year old Hermione received her letter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardly and ever since she had been bouncing off the walls in excitement.

"Mum can we just leave now?" Hermione asked as she did a double check to make sure all her stuff was sitting by the door.

"Soon sweetie soon." Terri Chavez Hermione's adoptive mother gently patted the overly excited girl's head. Terri watched as her daughter groaned and fell onto the couch and started reading a book, she shook her head and went over to the kitchen tabled where her husband was sitting reading the morning paper.

"I'm worried about her going back there." David Chavez sighed and placed his paper down before turning his attention to his wife.

"Hermione has never acknowledge her past there, she hasn't mention either of them since she was 6 I think she can handle this and if not we can deal with it then." Terri considered her husbands words before nodding her head "Besides for we know she may enjoy being back there."

"Yeah. We should get going." David stood up and gave Terri a sweet kiss before walking to their car. Hermione came running out of the living room and started helping her father load their vehicle. Her father drove them to the train station and together the three made their way to platforms 9 and 10.

"We can't go any further." Hermione nodded and hugged Terri who returned the hug.

"Have fun at school sweetie and don't stress your self out." Hermione nodded and hugged David who placed a small kiss on her forehead.

"Be safe dear. We both love you."

"Love you too." Hermione took a deep breath before following the orders that were in the letter and running at the wall in-between platforms 9 and 10 she was amazed when their was no crash and she found her self on the a different platform. She smiled in relief that the sign said she had in fact made it onto plat form 9 ¾.

Hermione sighed and started making her way to the train, it was crowded with parents who were trying to get their children settled. Soon she was settled and found an empty compartment for herself.

"Welcome home." Hermione whispered as the train started moving she rested her head against the cold window and watched the scenery past by.


Severus Snape was in a foul mood although that was pretty normal for him, he was beyond angry as he continued to chuck stuff at the walls in his dungeons. He spat out a new curse word each time he chucked a different text book at the wall. Today was the day his worst nightmare would be coming true. Every other staff member seemed to literally bouncing in their seat in excitement.

"Severus honestly your going to break the walls on of these days." Severus spun around turned to face Minerva McGonagall standing in the doorway glaring at the younger man.

"What do you want?" He spat as he chucked one last book at the wall.

"I came to see how you were doing. The students will be here soon."

"Yes I am very aware of the fact that they arrive at the exact same time they do ever year. " He grumbled and with a flick of his wand all the books he had been using for target practice were back in their usual places. Minerva shook her head before leaving the dungeons.

Eventually Severus decided he should make his way to the Great Hall before Albus Dumbledore sent someone to drag him there. He entered the hall and saw most of the Professors were already seated. Severus reluctantly sat down in his spot next to Professor Quirrell. After a few minutes of the Professors talking the students started to make their way inside the Great Hall. Severus raised his eyebrow in questions when the man next to him started muttering stuff to himself.

"Welcome back students before we start the feast we must sort the first years." Dumbledore announced to the now full Great Hall. Minerva walked back out the door before coming back in with the first years following her. Severus spotted her immediately she was staring at the ceiling in amazement. She still look so young and vulnerable in Severus opinion.

"When I call your name take a seat on the stool and I will place the hat on your head." Minerva looked down at the list in her hands " Abbott , Hannah." Severus tuned out the annoying hat that started calling out different houses. His eyes drifted over the students he wrinkled his nose in annoyance when he got sight of another red head; Weasley. His eyes stopped on the boy that was standing next to the Weasley, Severus eyes narrowed: Harry Potter. He was sickened back how much he looked like his father suddenly the boy's emerald eyes meet his own and Severus watched the boy twinge in slight pain and his hand reaching up to his scar. Severus glanced his eyes to the person sitting beside him, Quirrell was staring at the Potter boy and his lips were moving at a rapid pace.

"Granger, Hermione." Severus snapped his attention back to the sorting, he watched as she slowly made her way to the stool, her hand reached up to brush back the wild uncontrollable bush on the top of her head. Minerva placed the hat on her head as soon as she was seated.

"GRYFFINDOR." The Gryffindor house cheered and Hermione happily made her way over to the table. Minerva turned her attention to Severus and smirked, he glared at her in returned and she went on calling the students. Severus was happy that his godson Draco Malfoy was in his house although there had never been any doubt about that.

"Potter Harry." The hall went deadly silent then everyone suddenly broke into whisper, the boy in question pale slightly and made his way to the stool, Minerva place the hat on his head. Once again the hall went silent as they wait for the hat to make a decision.

"... better be – GRYFFINDOR." Severus sighed in slight relief for the boy not being in his own house and watched as the hall erupted in cheers.

"Welcome back to a new year at Hogwarts. Before we begin the feast I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Thank you." Severus stared at the old man and the hall erupted in cheers as the tables were filled with food much to the new students amazement.


The next morning Hermione woke up completely refreshed from the best sleep she had in such a long time. She had never been so excited in her life before she couldn't wait to go to her classes. Hermione was up and already in her robes by the time her roommates started waking up. She made her way to the Great Hall by following some of the older Gryffindor students. Once most of the hall had been filled up the Head of Houses started handing out the students time tables. As soon as Hermione got hers she found out her first class of the day was History of Magic, followed by Charms, Transfigurations, Defence Against the Dark Arts and lastly Potions. The schedule change ever couple of week so the classes would never be in the same order and on certain days of the week Herbology. Hermione smiled at her classes and noticed most of the students were leaving for their classes, she followed their examples and made her way to her morning class.

During her first week at Hogwarts Hermione found that she loved all of her classes even potions although she would never admit it. Most students in her grade ignored her because of the fact that she was smart and enjoyed learning. She followed their lead and choose to ignore them as well she was civil with her roommate but most just for the fact that they have to live together.

After a long day of classes Hermione made her way upstairs to her dormitory to get a nice long sleep. Hermione climb into her bed and fell into a deep sleep before her head hit the pillow.

"Get up you worthless piece of shit." Hermione recognized the slightly slurred voice of her father she covered her mouth in order to stop the whimpers that were trying to escape her. She hated when her either of her parents drank that golden stuff.

"Come out come out wherever you are. You know you can't hide from me. I'll find and when I do you be big trouble." Hermione smoother her with her hand in a last attempt of her father not hearing her. She looked at the floor beside her bed from her hiding spot under the bed, she could see her father coming closer he feet suddenly stopped before her bed she was frozen. Hermione let out a loud ear splitting scream when her father grabbed her hair and dragged her out from under the bed, he threw her against the wall she let out another ear piercing scream. She could the tears welling in her eyes, she looked at the door way her mother was standing there with a bottle of that horrible smelling golden stuff. Hermione looked back at her father who was appoarching her and she tried to crawl away she let out another scream as he grabbed her foot and slapped her across the face.

"You ungrateful little brat. Doesn't even know how to respect her parents." Hermione stared into her father's glazed over black eyes she could see her reflection in them. She was only 4 years old. She numerous ear piercing screams as he father continued kicking her in the stomach.

"Miss. Granger."

"Hermione wake up." Hermione's body continued thrash against her blankets and she was screaming at the top of her lungs. Her three roommates stood around her bed trying to her up.

"We need go get Professor McGonagall." Lavender Brown told her two roommates Parvati and Padma Patil. The twins nodded and Parvati nodded and left the room to go and find her.

"Hermione come on you have to wake up." Lavender continued shaking the thrashing girl's shoulder.

"She not there. I couldn't find her." Parvati told the two girls when she re-entered the room.

"We need a Professor-" She was cut of by a particularly loud scream from Hermione "-NOW!"

"I go check the hall way." Padma said as she ran out the room. She ran out the portrait and scanned the corridor and could barely make out the dark figure of the most feared potions master. Padma ran over to him.

"Miss. Patil what are you-" His words were cut of by the jumping girl in front of him

"Professor Hermione is having a nightmare and she won't wake up."

"Go find Professor McGonagall." Severus turned around and started to walk away.

"Please sir. Professor McGonagall is not there and she won't stop screaming. She is in pain." Severus stared at the girl before motioning for her to lead him to her. Padma sighed in relief and lead the Professor to the dormitory that Hermione was in. She opened the door and Severus walked in to see Hermione thrashing wildly in her bed as the blanket tangled around her legs. She let out a piercing scream that the girls cringe at.

"You three out. One of you go to the Headmaster's office and tell him to find Professor McGonagall. The other go get Madame Pomfrey. NOW!" He order when he noticed the girls still standing there, the three jumped in surprise and ran out of the room. Severus sighed and turned back to the girl on the bed, he gently brushed her hair off her forehead and then started shaking her shoulder.

"Miss. Granger you need to wake up. Miss. Granger." Her screams stopped and turned to whimpers.

"Miss. Granger it's just a bad dream you need to wake up now." Her body went deadly still and she was silent. Suddenly she shot up in her bed gasping for air, she took a deep breath.

"Miss. Granger it was just a dream." For the first time Hermione noticed the Professor sitting on her bed, she viscously wiped away the tears that were streaming down her cheeks before she threw her arms around his neck. Severus stiffened as soon as she touched him, he patted her shoulder awkwardly once before the dorm room burst open and Professor McGonagall and Madame Pomfrey entered the room, the stood frozen in the door way when they saw the sight before them, Severus pushed Hermione off him and aloud Minerva to comfort the girl. Severus took one last look at the girl before taking his leave and left the Gryffindor tower.


The school year seemed to pass very slowly in Severus opinion. Tomorrow morning the students would be leaving. The boy-Who-Freaking-Can't-Die once again defeated Tom Riddle's pathetic attempt to kill him. Quirrell was also killed because of his "involvement". Severus had put up with the fact that Harry was the spawn of James Potter the boy that had made his own schools year hell, and had saved the boys life a couple times during the term. Severus was sitting in his potions classroom he had a open text book on his desk even though he wasn't really reading it. He stared at the empty tables in front of him. He let out a groan when someone knocked on the door, it was a soft quiet knock.

"Come in." A few seconds later the door opened and the bushy haired Gryffindor stood there.

"May I speak with you Professor?" The girl wringed her hands together in front of her, and rocked back in forth on her heels. Severus quirked an eyebrow at her nervous-ness. He waved the girl over and gestured to the seat in front of his desk.

"Is there something you needed Miss. Granger?" Severus asked after the two sat in silence for while.

"You and Professor McGonagall sent me away. After you guys rescued me from my parents you two plus Madame Pomfrey brought me back here than two years later you send me away. You swore I would never have to go back there." Severus stared at the girl before him, he swore for a moment he saw the broken six year old girl he was forced to send away.

"I don't know what you want me to say."

"You know Professor I had nightmares for three years after I was sent to live with Terri and David. That first year was truly horrible I stopped talking, I spoke with no one. After a while I realised that I was gonna be there for a while so I started speaking with people."

"I would never put your life in danger ever and I wanted you to be safe, that's why you needed to go." Severus sighed after a few minutes of silence. "You need to go back to your dormitory, it's almost time for curfew, Miss. Granger." Hermione nodded and stood up she walked back to the door before stopping and turning her Professor once more.

"You know Professor you can call "Miss. Granger" all you want but deep inside you and I both know my name is in fact Hermione Snape. It changed the day you rescued me from my kindergarten class when I was four years old. Goodbye Professor. Have a good summer." Severus watched in astonishment as the young girl walked out his classroom door.

"Goodbye Hermione." He whispered.


A.N- I hope you enjoyed and please review to let me know if you want more