
Chapter 3 - Hospital


Jacob arrived at the school to pick up Edward. The drive was long but all he could think about was taking care of Edward. Pulling into the main lot and getting out he was greeted by a puffy eyed boy holding on to his left arm. Wincing in pain at every little movement made.

"I'm going to kill him!"

"Jake, please don't say anything to anyone."

"Edward I hate that he is hurting you again."

"I will leave as soon as I can, I promise."

"Okay, but I still want to hurt him."

Edward opened the car door and got in. He started looking around for Jacob but couldn't see him. He knew where Jake went. The sinking feeling started setting in. He would sure be in for it later.


Jake's POV

The drive was long. I hated being so far away. As I pulled into the main entrance I found my best friend standing there. Tear streaked face holding onto his left arm. I knew Jasper had once again hurt him. But I felt so useless as I could never get Edward to Leave that's jack ass. But as long as he was there I would stay by his side.

I made sure Edward had his back turned and getting into the car before I took off running inside the school and to their room. My luck was great, the door was unlocked. I opened it up and then slammed it shut once I was in there.

I was so pissed off, I knew Jasper needed to feel pain and before I knew it I was standing over a beaten up Jasper.


It didn't take long for me to get the hell out of the room locking the door behind me before I left.


Jaspers POV

I was asleep, never knowing that Edward left the room again. Until I heard the door slam shut. I opened my eyes to find a very pissed off Jacob standing above my bed. I had never seen him this angry in my life. Before I knew it I was out of my bed and in pain.

I knew Edward must have called him. That would have been the only way he would know.

As I clutched to my stomach I curled up into a ball to protect myself.

"Jacob that's enough!" I cried out looking up at him as the expression changed.

I waited there on the floor until he left before stumbling up to look to see the damage he had done. Holding onto my sides I knew I at least had a broken rib or two.

I mad it to the bathroom and looked at myself, I could already see the dark circles around my eyes forming. I knew I wouldn't be able to go to class like this today.


Arriving at the hospital Edward wouldn't help but to look over at his friend. His protector. The staff took him into the examining room and started asking questions. Some of them Edward wouldn't answer. Knowing he could get Jasper in trouble. It wasn't long before he went in for an x-ray.

As Edward sat there he thought about all the times he was hurt by Jasper. But something had a hold on him and he just couldn't break it. He loved him and didn't want anyone but him. Sighing as he looked over at Jacob, knowing that no matter what he would be there for Edward.

"Jake, thank you."

"I would do anything for you. Edward you need to leave Jasper."

"I know. I will when I can."

Jake sighed knowing that no matter what he said Edward would never leave Jasper. Edward was discharged with a dislocated shoulder that was put back into socket. After all the pain Jasper caused him, the only thing Edward could think of was going home.
