Weeeeell! How have we all been doin? I am great, tired, but great =] not been on in a while, I know, but I have amazing ideas for this! ENJOY!
Music – Crash – Matt Willis
Disclaimer – hugs is my cocaine
Angela's POV
"How was school?" Bella asked me grinning.
I scowled. "Well, Mike admitted he was gay." I said, with a hidden smile
"HA!" Bella smiled "What a day, I discovered a way to make coconut flavored pop tarts, and Mike is gay. See, this is a perfect day to go waste my life savings in Vegas."
"WHAT?" I hadn't noticed Charlie walk in, and evidently, from the look on Bella's face, neither did she.
"Did I just hear what I think I did?" Charlie said through gritted teeth.
"…No" said Bella innocently. "Ang and I are going on a road trip. I was just joking" Wow! I had never seen Bella lie before. Edward must have really messed up her head.
"How come you never told me about this before?" Charlie asked, hurt.
"Because… look Dad. Go make us all a cup of tea, and we shall explain everything" Bella said kindly.
As soon as he was out of the room, Bella turned to me and whispered quickly "You've got your case in my truck right?"
With that, she grabbed my hand, and moved swiftly over to the door. She opened it carefully, pulled us down the steps, and into her truck. Not bothering to shut the door behind her.
"Run, Run, Run, Run!" Bella urged me, shoving me into the truck.
She got in, started the truck and went. I looked behind us, to see Charlie open mouthed, his empty mug at his side.
Bella turned to look at me a massive grin across her face, before concentrating once again to the empty stretch of road in front of her. I heard her mumble something like, "I'm not breaking any rules here". I didn't ask, as this new Bella, well, quite frankly frightened me. She had a gleam in her eye that I couldn't put my finger on.
"It's such a shame Charlie had to walk in on us," she said, ruffling around in the glove compartment, ", I was hoping I could bring Jake along too, I know a bit of Vegas action would of done him some good." She said casually, finally pulling her hand from the glove box, and revealing two, florescent pink lollypops.
"You ready for a road trip?"
"Yes, yes I am"
For the next couple of hours, Bella drove in silence, always looking in the distance, as if she looked hard enough, she would see the glittering lights of Vegas.
Excellent, I'm now stuck with a psychopathic Bella, and 300 lollypops… yay?
Mike's POV
"Mike, honey, can you mop aisle 3? Some one spilt a milkshake." My Mom said, in that way where I just knew what the expression on her face was – she was rolling her eyes.
I was on the usual after school shift at my Mom's hiking shop. I checked my phone reluctantly… 48 new messages, damn it! My 'gay outburst' had spread like wildfire, which leads me to guess that these texts weren't the normal "Sup dude, popcorn, ninja movies, my place" messages from Ben.
I was still thinking of persuading my Mom to let me go to Vegas. My Mom and Dad still weren't talking, and I'd feel totally guilty if I left her now. But this may be my only chance with Bella, even if it is as the re-bound guy.
Flicking open my phone ignoring the now 56 new messages, I tapped out a text to Ben, "Dude, fancy sneaking off to Vegas for a few nights?"
It didn't take long for a reply, "Dude, I know you're gay and all now, but I honestly don't wanna marry you in Vegas!"
"Dude! We've know each other since first grade, I think I would of told you first! And that wasn't what I meant! Bella and Ang are going and I thought this could maybe be my chance"
"Oh… Bella… I dunno, man…"
"Aww, common… please?"
"…Fine! I'll bring my car over in 10, be ready!"
Crap! Ten minutes to break my Moms heart, and pack all my shit… Hmm…
Ten minutes later
Ben's familiar blue car pulled up, I chucked my large grey suitcase in the boot, and hopped into the passenger seat.
"So, whad'ya tell your Mom?" Ben asked, pulling into third gear
"Erm… I left a note?" I mumbled.
Ben started laughing, banging the steering wheel, "Dude, that is LOW!" he said, chucking a stick of gum at me, before devouring one himself.
The gum was bright green, and looked like it had just come from a nuclear waste factory.
"What?" Ben asked, seeing my hesitation to the colourful square of gum, "It was on sale, ok?"
Great, I am now stuck with Ben, and a heartbroken mother, with nothing but GREEN gum to cheer me up… Yay.
Weelll, another chapter done and dusted. Even though I am the author, Im quite getting into this story too =P