Title: Pain to Pleasure.

Characters: HP/DM. Contains Harry Potter Slash, boy love, Yaio. They are both eighteen, so it's all good.

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Draco Malfoy, or anyone else in this story. They are all owned and copywrited by J.K. Rowling. I simply own the idea.



Harry laid back on his sofa bed and closed his eyes, his heart beating rapidly. He didn't know what to think of what he and Draco had done earlier. He was confused by the emotions running through him, a mixture of confusion, fear and what he was most scared of was the happiness running through his mind and body.

He knew what he'd thought of Draco before and during the containment. He and Draco had always disliked each other, almost going as far as hating each other. But the month that had passed between the two of them had broken something about their relationship. And now he didn't know if he really knew what he was feeling for Draco.

By all rights he should hate Draco for locking him up, humiliating him and torturing him. But he didn't, somehow he found it freeing, what he'd done to him. Harry had never had his defensive and personal barriers broken down by anyone. No one he knew, Ron, Hermione, Remus, the Weasleys, would have ever dared push Harry to talk about his personal feelings or fears.

Draco had been the only who'd ever done this and Harry found it liberating, having one of his biggest fears outed and confronted.

But then it turned into something else, the night Draco had broken down and cried in front of Harry because of his cruel words. The things between them were so vulnerable and raw now.

Harry shifted on the bed and hissed when his ass ached. He grinned at the ache, and the face of the man who had was the cause of it flashed in front of his eyes, making a blush blossom onto his face. He felt so confused. Harry flushed again trying to figure out his feelings for the platinum haired man.

As he thought of the feelings deliberately, his body filled with warm and fuzzy feelings. He stared up at the dark ceiling and then sat up quickly with a low groan in his throat, when he heard the door open. The door shut and he heard soft footsteps walk over to the bed, he felt the bed dip and then a warm body pressed up into his side.

"Are you in pain?" Draco's voice purred into his ear, his lips brushing against Harry's ear.

Harry's eyes fluttered close slowly and whispered, "Not much…"

"Mm good." He felt Draco's hand push back the lock of hair lying across his ear.

And when Harry felt his tongue brush into his ear, he squirmed and murmured, "Draco…"

He felt Draco's smirk against his ear, before he was pushed back down onto the bed. His hips were almost immediately straddled by Draco. He reached his arms up and molded them against Draco's neck. Harry turned his head and sucked Draco's tongue into his mouth.

Draco ran his fingers down Harry's chest, growling at the shirt that blocked them from his skin. "Off, take the shirt off."

"Say please…" harry teased against his lips.

That earned him another growl and Draco started savagely ripping his shirt off. Harry let out an "Oomph." As his body was pushed up and then dropped back down heavily. "Or not…" he laughed lightly, before Draco nibbled his bottom lip.

Harry gripped Draco's waist and rolled them so he was on top of Draco, who squirmed almost right away. "Harry…" Draco said quietly, a threat tightening his words.

"Please…I just want to touch you." Harry whimpered and added a note of pleading into his tone. He pushed his face into Draco's neck and kissed him lightly right above his pulse.

He felt Draco's body relax under him and then Draco touched his hair lightly. He took this as a sign to continue, so he hummed happily and let his hands run down Draco's bare chest. He pressed his lips into his lovers collarbone and then down to his nipple. He licked at it experimentally and smiled when Draco bucked and sighed passionately.

He lapped at it again, enjoying the sensation of hearing Draco moan because of what he was doing. He closed his teeth over the hard nub lightly and felt the hands in his hair tightened almost painfully in his hair. Harry lifted his head and said, "Ow."

Draco tightened his hands even more and pushed his head back down. Harry went back to teasing his nipple and his hand slid up Draco's thigh, he ran it across the very noticeable bulge. He held the hardness in his hand and squeezed. Draco groaned loudly, and arched his hips, Harry understood what he wanted and pushed down his silky, dark green pajama pants. His hand covered Draco's thickness and he fisted it, while his mouth found the eager lips of the man beneath him.

This continued until Draco was practically bouncing his hips into Harry's hand. The sofa bed was squeaking loudly and somehow Harry found it very erotic, he pulled back from Draco's kiss and said, "I want to take you in my mouth. Suck you off."

Harry had never spoken like this, and he blushed fiercely, but Draco seemed to love it because he groaned and said, "Yes. Get to it."

Sliding down Draco's body, he nuzzled into his right thigh, his face scraping against the minimal curls covering his erection. "I want to lick up you…" Harry whispered up to Draco, who moaned loudly and moved his hips, making his erection nudge against Harry's cheek.

Turning his face, harry made good on his words and licked up the smooth, quivering erection. "Oh…" He smiled at Draco's moan and licked up each side of it. He stopped up at the tip, "I want to taste your precome, lap it up, on my tongue." His voice was husky and hungry.

"Harry…Taste me."

So Harry flicked the tip quickly and then tongued at the tip, he moved his mouth back, "I'm gonna swallow you whole."

He only received a loud moan and then proceeded to do what he was told. He swallowed Draco, and moved his head in a slow, exaggerated way. Draco seemed to love it, but wanted more, so he pushed his hips up, thrusting his erection into his mouth. His hands tightened on Harry's hair.

Harry groaned at the taste of Draco, he loved having Draco push into his mouth. Scraping his teeth lightly up it, Harry pulled back with a pop. He looked up and whispered, "Draco, I see that you need to come…Come into my mouth."

Draco did in fact look like he was about to come, his face was dewy, his hands clenched at Harry's hair and his eyes were closed. His breath came out quickly, and Draco shivered, his words strained, "Swallow it…"

Wrapping his mouth back around his lover's erection, he moved it up and down. Draco yelled out and his cum spurted into Harry's mouth. He put his hand on Draco's bucking hips and he swallowed quickly, so that he could hold Draco as he came back down.

His hand stroked Draco's heaving chest, he stared up into Draco's glowing gray eyes a smile on his face. Draco ran his fingers through Harry's hair and whispered, "Come here."

Harry pushed his body up Draco's and let the other man pull his face down for a soft, slow kiss. Draco opened his mouth almost shyly and slipped his tongue lightly into Harry's. Harry reveled at the shy move and let their tongues slide together. His hand reached up to cup the man's face; his fingers stroked the irresistibly soft hair lying on his cheek.

He pulled back and was surprised to hear Draco whimper in protest. But his lips brushed Draco's cheeks, his eyelids and his forehead. "Harry…" Draco said softly, his voice calling for him. Harry smiled and looked down, he moved his lips down to the eager lips below him and kissed him until he had to pull back to yawn.

"Go to sleep, Harry…" Draco said pressing him back down onto the bed. Harry lay down and curled up to him but when Draco made to get up he pouted and reached out to hold his wrist. Draco smiled, "Harry I just want to grab a blanket."

He laughed when Harry blushed and said, "Oh", quietly. He slipped off the bed and grabbed at the quilt on the floor. It must have got pushed off the bed when they were fooling around. He flung it out, to cover Harry and then slipped under the blanket too.

Harry grabbed around Draco's waist and pulled him close. Draco was stiff for several moments but he finally relaxed and molded himself against Harry. Absentmindedly Harry ran his fingers through the pure blonde hair, his fingers gently massaging the scalp. "Mm…" Draco sighed contentedly and put his hand behind him, to pull Harry's leg over his. Then he just left the hand there, his hand heavy on Harry's skin.

Nudging his head into Draco's neck, Harry kissed the spot behind Draco's ear, "Mm good night."

"Shut up and go to sleep." Draco murmured without any real venom. "Bloody saps all Gryffindors, I swear." Draco said quietly, his lips smiling.

Feeling at peace, for the first time in a long time, Harry closed his eyes with a huge smile on his lips, and a beautiful man, he cared deeply for in his arms.


"I've told you countless times that I do not have any wish to discuss my parents or my childhood Harry." Draco said, his face darkening with annoyance.

"Come on angel…You can trust me." Harry poked his bottom lip out of his mouth and staring over his goblet of wine at his lover, of two weeks.

As he expected Draco gave him an annoyed look, he hated Harry's little nickname for him. But he seemed to choose to ignore it, "Harry, I don't wish to delve into my inadequate childhood." Then he winced.

"So you had an inadequate childhood?" Harry said slowly.

Draco rolled his eyes, "Jesus Potter…Let it go, slip of the tongue."

"Angel I just want you to talk to me." Harry stood, stepped over to Draco and slid into his lap, one of his arms going around Draco's neck, the other playing with the collar of his shirt.

With an aggravated sigh Draco rolled his eyes, but wrapped his arms around Harry's waist. "I do detest that nickname."

"But Draco, you're just like an angel, with your snowy hair and beautiful glowing skin." Harry's hand rose to lightly stroke the hair he was talking about."

"My personality isn't that of an angel is Potter?" Draco said sarcastically.

Harry pulled Draco's chin up roughly, so he was looking into his eyes, "It can be…Most of the time, you put up a front, to hide how wonderfully sweet you really are." He leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to his lips before pulling back, "I just want to get that front dropped in front of me." He kissed him again before saying, "And my name is Harry, not Potter."

A little breathless from the kisses, Draco shook his head blearily, "Harry…"

"Please angel? Talk to me…"

Draco gave him a dark look, but it changed to curiosity, then to a vulnerable look, "Fine Harry. So my childhood wasn't perfect. But whose was? My parents didn't always shower me with affection, but who did? And I was punished when I was bad, who wasn't?"

"Don't twist your answers, Draco."Harry tipped his head and looked into his eyes. "How about I open up first." He sighed and said airily, "Well…I spent the first eleven years of my life locked in a cupboard under the stairs. My aunt, uncle and cousin, abused me, insulted me and treated me like a slave. They often refused me food and I was always wearing secondhand clothes. No one cared for me until I met Ron and Hermione. I didn't have a home until I got to Hogwarts and I never heard one nice thing from my own family until the day I left them forever." He stopped and took a deep breath.

Harry looked down at Draco who was staring at him in disbelief and shock. Harry smiled and put his finger under the gaping mans chin; he pushed it up, "Close your mouth Angel."

Draco gulped and said, "Harry…I don't know what to say. That was just such a…" Draco couldn't stop staring at Harry and he couldn't seem to find anything to say.

"I know. Big rant. Your turn." Harry smiled at him lazily, his finger stroking down his cheek.

Nodding slowly, Draco shrugged, "Look, I-I just… My parents really do love me, Harry, they do. It's just I didn't turn out how they wanted me too. I let them down." Draco looked down, his eyes sad. "And when I was bad or I disappointed them, my parents punished me…in a way that they saw fit. They never meant to hurt me. They didn't shower with me affection constantly, but when they did I knew they loved me. I do wish they had been around more, but…They were busy a lot. I can understand that. Other things are more important than I am, Harry. I can't be the most important thing all the time."

Harry sat watching him in silence; he pulled Draco's face up again, "You are to some people Draco…"

Blinking rapidly, Draco looked up at him with suddenly fearful eyes. But he shook his head blearily and then looked up with a wicked smirk that had Harry shivering with lust. Draco's hand reached up and unbuttoned Harry's pants, "Are we done with the twenty questions now Harry?"

"No…" harry said quietly, his own hands roaming the front of Draco's shirt, "But you've been a good boy and I think we can take a short break."

"Mm how about a long break?" Draco said, lifting Harry onto the table, his hands pulling at Harry's pants.

"Or that…"


Harry put his head onto Draco's damp chest and let out a low breath, "Mm why do we always end up on the kitchen floor?"

"Because after the second time, you wanted to be on top and we couldn't do that on the table." Draco chuckled, his hand stroking Harry's hair.

"Oh right…"

Harry rolled off Draco and stretched. They'd been at it all day, after having their latest deep talk. Draco would open up at his past and his feelings and Harry rewarded him with mind-blowing, fierce sex. He knew it probably wasn't the best way to approach it but at least Draco was opening up. And that was the most important thing to him.

"Beautiful…" he heard Draco whisper. He looked to his right and saw Draco sitting up, staring at him.

He smiled, "Did you say something Angel?"

Draco's eyes snapped to him and he blushed, pink on his snowy cheeks. "Oh um…No."

"Uh huh." Harry smiled wider but stood and pulled Draco up to kiss him. "You're beautiful to angel." he batted his eyes, playfully flirtatious and received a scowl back, but he could tell it was half hearted.

He walked out of the room to take a shower, after he was done he settled onto Draco's bed with the book he was reading. He was getting pretty into it when he heard a creak and looked up. When the door opened he strained his neck and looked at Draco in the doorway. He frowned again when he saw that Draco was wearing a cloak over his clothes.

Draco walked over to him and laid his hand on Harry's still wet black, messy hair, "I'm going out to town. I'll be back in an hour."

Harry pouted and bit his lip, "Where're you going?"

Draco shrugged, "I'm going to town, to get groceries."

"Okay…" Harry shrugged and pretended to not care, but Draco saw the look on his fear on his face, and sat next to Harry on the bed. Draco shocked him by kissing him passionately before saying, "I will come back Harry."

Harry shrugged, "You better. I don't want to die here."

With a dark chuckle Draco grinned and yanked at his hair, slightly painful but just a tease. "You're not going to die here." He kissed him again before he stood and pulled at the hair again. As he walked to the door he said over his shoulder, "I'll be back in an hour."

Staring after him, Harry sighed and felt an edge of anxiety pull at his gut when he heard the front door close behind Draco. He didn't really trust Draco to come back, that would be just like him. Not coming back after promising Harry that he was going to come back. And Harry didn't want to be left here alone or any where alone actually.


It was a half hour passed the time when Draco said he would be back and Harry was trying not to panic. He sat heavily at a chair by the table and dropped his chin onto his palm. His foot tapped against the floor and sighed heavily. He looked up when the door opened and scowled at Draco who walked in, shaking the rain out of his hair and pulling his cloak off.

It was a moment before Draco looked up to see Harry scowling at him. "Oh Hi…"

That only made Harry pout more, Draco rolled his eyes and put the satchels of groceries on the counters before walking over to Harry. "You're mad?"

Harry just sniffed and avoided his eyes, Draco knelt down and put his arms across Harry's lap and then his head over them, "I'm sorry I was late…I just had to think to think Harry bear."

Not able to ignore that last comment, Harry chuckled and said indignantly, "Harry bear?"

Draco flashed a smile up at him, "You gave me an annoying nickname, I thought it was my turn to give you one."

Rolling his eyes Harry tried to look mad again, and Draco bit his lip, "I'm sorry Harry if I worried you Harry."

Knowing he was close to throwing a tantrum like a child, Harry took a deep breath, "its okay…Do you want to talk about anything?"

Draco sighed and stood, he whispered something and then door popped open. He looked sad when he looked back to Harry, "You can leave Harry…I can't…I don't want to force you to stay any longer. It's not right keeping you here... and I'm sorry for kidnapping you, torturing you, being cruel to you and keeping you here against your will…You can go home if you want to…" He looked at the floor as he said this and Harry could see him shaking.

Harry stared at him in disbelief and happiness, he stood shakily and as he walked past Draco to the door, Harry saw him close his eyes like he couldn't watch him leave. Harry walked past him and put his hand on the door; he stared outside and then pushed the door close, his eyes already back on Draco.

Draco whirled around at the sound of the door shutting a panicked and devastated look on his face. When he saw Harry still standing there, he blinked and stepped close to him, "But…Why?"

"Because I once told you that you were the most important person in my life…that hasn't changed Draco, it's probably grown more true." Harry stepped closer and stared at the stunned Draco, he put his hand on his neck and whispered, "And I can't go home Draco…Because without you there, it's just four walls and a door, not a home."

Eyes softening, Draco seemed to melt into his gaze. "Harry…"

Putting his fingers on his lips Harry shook his head, "No…don't argue. I need to be here with you. I can't imagine not being with you."

This time Draco really did seem to melt into his arms, "Harry, you stupid sappy man…" But Draco ended each word with a kiss. And his arms wound around his neck and he pressed his body into Harry's.

"Mm yes I suppose I am, but I can't help it. Something about that adorable, mean little smirk of yours just makes me want to stay with you." Harry teased him, his arms tightening around Draco's waist. He pulled back and said, "Do you want me to stay, Draco?"

Draco rolled his eyes and pulled Harry close again, he cuddled into his neck and whispered, "Take me to bed, Harry bear?"

Harry smiled and swooped down and pulled Draco over his shoulder, ignoring his shocked yelp. He patted Draco's butt and whispered, "Gladly Angel."


Harry woke up a few days later and stretched his hand out to feel Draco, but he didn't feel his body. He lifted his head and saw that Draco's side of the bed was empty, besides a note and a pretty red flower. Harry smiled and smelled the flower as he read the note.

Harry bear,

Off to the village. Would have woken you up but you looked so peaceful…Be back soon, promise!

Yours completely,


With a playful smile, Harry put the note back down onto the bed and got up. He took a shower and brushed his teeth and ate some biscuits Draco had made the night before.

It was only when he realized that he'd managed to finish a quarter of the book he was reading when he began to worry. Draco had said in his note that he'd be back soon, but it had already been two hours, counting the time would've taken Draco to get ready to go out.

Harry put his book down and started to pace the small cottage. He was trying not to overreact because he knew Draco would tease him mirthlessly when he got home to find a distraught Harry. But after another twenty minutes of pacing Harry whimpered and sat down at the table facing the door.

After awhile he put his face down and let anxious worried tears fill his eyes. Maybe he'd scared Draco off…Maybe he ran away from Harry and all the things Harry had said to him. Or maybe he was hurt… not everyone had forgiven all the death eaters and their immediate families. Someone could have hurt Draco!

Jumping up, he hurried to the door and flung it open. His vision was almost immediately blocked by a mass of brown curls and red hair. Harry yelped and pulled away hurriedly. "Harry! Oh we thought you were dead!"

Harry stared weakly at his friends and said croakily, "Hermione? Ron?"

Ron chuckled, "Well yeah!"

"What are you doing here?" Harry asked slowly, still wondering where Draco was and getting more anxious about it by the moment.

"Were…Were rescuing you, Harry." Hermione said uncertainly.

"Rescuing me?"

"Yes. It took several complicated spells but we figured out that Malfoy had kidnapped you. Finding you was even trickier." Ron said looking jubilant. "Well okay Hermione did most of the work, but you know… I helped."

"Are you okay Harry? What did he do to you?" Hermione asked looking like she expected the worse.

Harry's expression couldn't have helped her opinion much because he was in shock, he elicited a squeak out of her by suddenly reaching out and grabbing her by the shoulders, "Where's Draco? What did you guys do?"

"Draco?" Ron said in confusion.

Hermione squeaked again but said shakily, "Harry…its okay we got him, he's gone. You're safe."

Harry felt a cold shiver through him and he shook her a bit, "What did you do!?"

"Harry, mate…we saw him in the village, we approached him and he tried to apparate, so we had to restrain him, he fought back but we got him." Ron said slowly, pulling the shocked and scared Hermione out of Harry's grip.

Harry took a deep shuddering breath and said through gritted teeth, "Where. Is. He?" All he could think was that if they had hurt Draco…He didn't know what he would do.

"Ginny and George have him out in the woods." Hermione said quietly. She looked up at Ron and said, "You should go get them, Hunny."

Ron gave Harry another look, one that clearly said he feared for his sanity, but nodded and hurried away.

With a groan Harry, stumbled back until his legs hit the chair and he sat heavily. He heard Hermione approach him slowly but didn't look up because he didn't want to show his anger. "Harry…Why are you so upset about Malfoy?"

"His name is Draco!" harry said his eyes staring deeply into hers.

"Oh…Okay well why are you so upset about…Draco?"

"I don't ever want to see him in pain."

Hermione's eyes widened and then after one tense moment of staring into each other's eyes, her eyes softened, "you…You and Draco?"

"Yes…" Harry said with a slight blush, but in a proud voice that brooked no arguments.

"Well he's not my first choice for you…But if you're happy, I'm happy Harry."

Harry smiled at her and then jumped up when he heard four voices arguing. Three people burst into the cottage, dragging a very angry, and very restrained blonde man in between them. They dropped Draco roughly on the floor in front of them and then smiled at Harry who gasped and growled at them.

He ignored George's cheerful hello and Ginny's red faced, smile and dove for Draco. He dropped to his knees and pulled his wand that Draco had given back to him out of his pocket and pointed at the ropes restraining him very tightly, ignoring Ginny, Ron's and Georges confused and cautious words and noises.

"Draco are you okay?" Harry asked checking over every inch of Draco's face. He growled when he saw the split lip.

But Draco had already stood and glared hatefully at the other people, yanking Harry up and behind him. "Get out of my house!" He yelled at the suddenly defensive people who were quickly pulling out their wands.

"We'll be happy too, when you release Harry!" Ron snarled back.

"No!" Draco growled back, yanking Harry's wand out of his limp hand and pointing it right back at Ron.

"You really think you could take all of us?" Ginny taunted.

"Give me the chance…Please." Draco said in a cold voice, his gray eyes narrowed dangerously.

"Stop!" Harry yelled stepping in the middle of them. Draco's hand closed over his wrist and Ron and Ginny reached out at the same time. Harry gave all of them a warning look and turned back to the Weasley's, "Look you guys it's great that you came to rescue me, but I don't need rescuing!"

All three Weasleys gave him a confused looks, their wands still pointed at Draco. "You were kidnapped by Malfoy, right?" Ron asked.

"Technically…Yes." Harry blushed when he heard Draco snort, his grip never once relaxing on Harry's wrist.

"Yeah…So we rescued you!" Ron said slowly, like he thought Harry was being dumb.

"No. It…Well it started off by Draco kidnapping me, but it's not like that anymore. I can leave anytime I want to." Harry said his face flushing.

"What? Then why would you stay?" Ginny asked, looking very lost.

"Because I don't want to, I want to stay here with Draco."

"Why do you keep calling him Draco?" Ron yelled desperately.

Harry glanced back Draco who raised a bored eyebrow at him, Harry bit his lip and then looked back at the Weasleys, "Because we're..." but he lost his words and stared helplessly at them.

"Because you call your lover by their first name." Draco said coldly, stepping forward to stand by Harry.

George, Ginny, and Ron all looked shocked, but then George chuckled, Ginny sat heavily on the chair by the door and Ron turned beat red and yelled, "Liar!"

"No…He's not lying Ron." Harry said slowly staring at his best friend, hoping that he would understand.

Ron stared at him desperately and then glared at Draco, "What did you do to him? What spell is he under?" He nodded at Harry angrily.

Harry's jaw dropped, and Draco snorted his trademark sneer on his face, "Well first it started off with hand jobs but then we stepped up to sucking."

"Draco!" Harry yelled angrily, his face fierce.

But at the same time Ron had raised his wand, and yelled, "Stuptify!

Harry threw up his wand and a shield jumped up to stop it from hitting Draco, who was growling, his eyes deadly. "Ron!" Harry and Hermione yelled at the same time, both voices shocked, though Harry's voice was also tinged with outrage.

George and Ginny were staring between Ron and Harry with torn looks. Ron glared at Draco, his eyes just as deadly. "Harry we'll figure out whatever spells he has on you!"

"He doesn't have a spell on me, Ron! I'm not under any sort of any influence! I'm here with Draco, because…Well because I choose to be and mostly because I love him." Harry said desperately choosing to ignore Draco's quick look and the way his hand tightened over his wrist again.

"No. I'll figure out what he's done to you. But you have to come with me." Ron grabbed Harry's arm and yanked him forward.

Draco growled and moved forward again, "Let go of him." His voice was dark and evil.

"If you think I'm going to let you keep Harry here to let you do with what you please, you are insane!" Ron yelled yanking on Harry's arm again.

"Let go of me!" Harry yelled shaking the both of them off his arms. "Draco, please give me a moment with them." Draco shook his head and Harry gave him a pleading look. Draco scowled at him before turning and stalking out of the room, slamming the bedroom door shut. Harry winced and then looked back at Ron who looked victorious. "Listen Ron, I'm not under any sort a spell or potion or anything. As hard as this is going to be for you to believe, I'm in love with Draco." Ron gave a disbelieving noise and Harry held up a hand for silence, "It's true. I love him and I'm not going to stop, you have to believe me. This is me. Harry James Potter. I love him. You need to accept that, because it's not going to change." Harry said slowly.

Ron gave him a desperate look and shook his head, "No. I can't do that. I'll find out what he did to you, I promise." Ron gave him a fierce look, then turned and walked out.

Harry stared after him, shocked and distraught. He took a deep breath and swallowed hard. "Harry mate, I'll talk to him." George said his voice gentle.

Harry nodded and thankful he'd found another friend who supported him. "Thank you, George."

"Come see me soon, you can even bring Mal…Draco." George said the old mischievous smile on his face. He turned and hurried after Ron.

Hermione stepped forward and said quickly, "Bring him round my flat for dinner sometime, Harry." She stood on her toes and kissed his cheek before rushing after the two red haired men.

Harry heard a door creak open and looked around he saw Draco peek out and smiled, "You can come out now."

Draco stared hard at Ginny but stepped forward to Harry's side. Ginny stood and stared blazingly at Draco, "You had better treat him well Malfoy. And you had better love him as fierce as he loves you." Her voice was hard but honest.

Harry watched Draco meet her gaze levelly and he nodded, "I will and I do." Harry's heart jumped into his throat and he couldn't help but beam like a right idiot.

"Good." Ginny said, she couldn't seem to look at Harry, but said, "I wish you all the best of luck then." She hid her face but Harry could feel the emotions rolling off her, and he shifted guiltily. She ran out of the house and apparated right away.

Harry sat heavily in a chair and put his hands over his face. "Harry?" He looked up at Draco's anxious face and then jumped up, he ran his finger across Draco's split lip lightly and frowned, "Oh Angel are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Draco said, his lips pushed lightly against Harry's fingers, "Are you okay?"

"No…but I'm sure I will be." Harry said, looking down.

"Are you disappointed that you didn't go with them?"

Harry's head snapped up, "No! Angel I'm not feeling like I should have gone with them! I meant what I said I love you and I want to be with you."

Draco scooted forward and wrapped his arms around Harry, "Good, because I don't know what I would have done if you left me." He peeked up at harry, looking so vulnerable and cute that Harry smiled, "I love you too much Harry Bear."

Harry buzzed at hearing that again and whispered, "Say it again!"

"Bossy…!" Draco said with a wicked grin.

"Mhm. But do it!"

"I love you Harry Bear and everything will work out I promise!"

"Love you to my snowy angel." Harry said, pushing his lips into Draco's eager ones.

-The End.