It was sunrise, which was early for the youngest Titan to be awake. Yet, Beast Boy sat in kitchen staring out the window. It has been a full year since he found Terra alive with no memory. He never lost hope that she would come back. He fantasized that one day she would run through the Titans door, right into his arms. She would tell him she remembered everything and that she loved him. But then, that never happened. For some reason, the one year anniversary was like a wake up call to Beast Boy. Terra was never coming back. He knew that, and deep down, he has known that for a long time. He sat on the Titan's couch. In the beginning, Beast Boy denied his depression but he gave up, everyone knew he was depressed.

The sound of metal hitting metal made him jump. He looked over the edge of the couch to see Raven turning on the kettle. She could not have known Beast Boy was in the room, unless she sensed him of course, but Beast Boy could never be sure when she knew or not. She sat on the counter in a direction so that Beast Boy could see her whole face. Her violet eyes were examining the tiled floor and her hair was a little frizzy. She looked upset and lonely, which bothered Beast Boy. She stood up suddenly and shivered, rubbing her hands together and holding them next to the stove for warmth. Beast Boy couldn't help but find that weird, it was the middle of the summer. He found it hard to believe that she was cold.

"You're up early," Beast Boy said, putting on the most cheerful voice he could manage. He smiled, hoping she would smile back. She nodded but she did not answer him, "What's wrong Raven? You look upset."

Raven poured her tea slowly, "I'm fine, Beast Boy." Raven sipped her tea slowly, "Why are you upset?"

Beast Boy laid back down, "Do you really care?"

"No," Raven answered in a her usual monotone. She waited for him to say something but he didn't. Robin entered the kitchen and slammed a newspaper down on the counter.

"I hate paparazzi," Robin began, "Turn on the news." Beast Boy sat up and hit the power button on the television remote control. They waited a few minutes while the weather report finished up.

"Now for the biggest news in the city, two of Teen Titans are rumored to be a couple! Teen Titan's leader was seen in the local park with an arm around the Titan Goth, Raven!" A newswoman said. A picture came up of Robin laughing with an arm over Raven's shoulder. Beast Boy turned to look at them. Robin was clearly angry, while Raven was full of shock.

"Um... Robin when was that taken?" Raven asked awkwardly.

"During our last fight, remember? I got hit and you helped me up and said something like 'next time just kick him between the legs' and I laughed, of course they twist everything to make it look like we're dating," Robin groaned and fell back on the couch, "What are we going to do?"

"It's just paparazzi, who cares? No one believes that stuff anyway," Raven said. The words had just finished coming out of her mouth and Cyborg and Starfire came in.

"You guys are dating?!" Cyborg yelled as he walked in. Robin shot an annoyed glance at Raven and Beast Boy fell to the floor with laughter.

"No!" Robin objected. He started explain the whole story to Cyborg finishing it with, "Any ideas how to stop this?"

"It will blow over," Cyborg replied.

"I can't go around with people thinking I am dating her!" Robin yelled pointing at Raven. Raven, who had been silently agreeing with Cyborg, looked up.

"What's wrong with me?" Raven asked quietly. Robin looked at her, slowly realizing what he had said. Before he could answer Raven left the room, clearly more upset then when she had come in.

"I didn't mean it like that," Robin said to the rest of the team, "I meant that... I like this other girl and I don't want everyone thinking I'm dating Raven because then it will look like I am cheating on the Raven if I talk to the other girl."

Cyborg rolled his eyes and said sarcastically, "Wonder who that other girl is."

Raven flew out of the Tower and into the Jump City. She didn't know why she was so upset but she was. She knew that she had no romantic interest in Robin whatsoever, but to her it seemed like he insulted her. She landed on the beach's soft white sand and walked into the city. Cars were already driving down the streets and people were already walking to bus stops. Raven was pensive throughout her walk, until someone grabbed her wrist and covered her mouth. Unable to speak, she couldn't trigger her powers to work. She struggled against the person only to find that they had her out numbered, three to one. She kicked them furiously as they dragged her into the alley next to them. The guy in front of her grinned, ripping down her leotard slowly, starting with her back. He had only gotten to the middle of her back when he stopped, "You like this don't you?" He traced down her spine with her finger. The second guy had been going through her cloak when he said loudly, "Whoa, dudes she a Titan!" The guy in front of her laughed and opened his mouth to speak but got cut off by a kick to the head. Red X landed next to Raven and kicked the guy behind her off. Raven used her powers to throw all three of her attackers away from her and they ran quickly.

"Are you okay?" Red X asked, handing Raven her cloak which they had dropped.

"You...helped me?"

"I'm not a bad guy, I just need money. Stealing is more of a career choice for me," Red X smiled again and wiped some mud out of her hair, "You should get back to your friends and boyfriend."

"Boyfriend?" Raven said, forgetting what had happened that morning.


"Oooh," Raven remembered, "He's not my boyfriend, that's just a rumor."

Red X smirked, "So you're single then?"

"Don't even think about it," Raven warned. She put her cloak back on and went to fly away but Red X grabbed her wrist, pulling her down slowly.

"Wait," Red X whispered, "Don't... leave yet."

Raven told herself to pull away from him but she didn't. She stood where she was and he looked her over.

"I saved you," Red X said slowly. Raven gave him a confused look.

"Um... okay...thanks?" Raven responded.

"Pay me back. Meet me tonight at that new French Restaurant on the other side of the city," Red X instructed. He teleported away before she could object.