A/N I do not and will never own Twilight. All rights belong to S.M.


Life. It is such a beautiful thing. It is everything that you need to live. It is everything that you need to love. This is why I do not have anything to live for. I do not have life. I have nothing to live for, nothing to love. No one to love. I wish I had these things, but I do not. All I have is school and my mom.

You see my parents divorced when I was just 6 years old. 9 months after the divorce my father was killed in the line of duty. Peter, my father, was an officer of the law in L.A. so it would be assumed that his life was always in danger, which is what put his marriage in such peril. I miss my dad. I remember all the times that we spent together, especially after the divorce. Those were the times that I coveted because it was just the two of us and whatever we deemed to do.

I loved my father with my everything. I understand that he was my father and that love is nothing like I would feel if I were to love another, but I want to love someone that was just as kind-hearted, loving, smart and handsome as my father. Granted I am only 17 and I have my whole of existence left to find this man, but I do not think that it is possible.

All of this you see is the reason why that all I have to live for is school and my mom. Renee, my mom, deemed it necessary to move after my dad was killed. She didn't want to raise me in such a violent city. So 6 months after my dad died we moved from town to town. From the west coast to the east coast. To the Canadian border to the Mexican border. And everything in between.

I do not know what my mom is looking for and why. All I know is that she has not found it. We have not lived in the same town for longer than 6 months. This is why I have no friends. All I have is my mom and school. School, you would think it would be hard for me to maintain my grades, but surprisingly it is easy. I have somehow managed to keep a 4.0 GPA. My mom does wonder how, she does not understand that all I have to worry about day to day is getting my school work done. She doesn't really understand my loneliness. I might forever be lonely.

I am to start a new school in 2 weeks, in a new town, Forks, WA. What a name? The only thing that really concerns me about being here is that we moved here for a man. A man that mind you I have not met, but my mom says is a prince. I just can't see how she can date this man that ironically enough is police chief here in this small town. And just to make things even more complicated his name is Charlie Swan. The only reason this is a complication is because you see my name is Bella, well actually Isabella, but I prefer Bella, Swan.