Nice To Know You

Chef was wondering if bringing a bum off the streets was really a good idea after all. Sure, it was an old friend, but still. He wondered about that as he looked in his really, really, really dirty bath tub. He shook his head. He'll worry about cleaning that mess up later. He walked out of the bathroom and into the kitchen, where Chris was. A shower did do Chris some good, but he didn't have any clean clothes to wear, so he was wearing Chef's over-sized clothes. He looked like a little child wearing Chef's clothes, just hanging loosely on his skinny body. Chris was sitting on the kitchen counter, munching on a sandwich he made for himself.

Chef frowned at the mess Chris left on the other side of the counter, not even bothering to put away the things he used to make his sandwich. He shook his head and started putting them away. Chris watched through his long grayish wet bangs, taking another bite of his sandwich. Chef looked back at him, scowling at him. Chris smiled at him innocently.

"Hey, thanks for the free food, dude!" Chris said happily, taking another bite.

"Yeah, yeah..." Chef grumbled, shutting the fridge's door.

"You got a nice place. Really nice. It's pretty small, but it's nice!" Chris babbled.

"It's cheap, so I don't care." Chef grumbled.

"I used to have a small apartment too! But, one day I didn't have enough money to pay the rent, so the landlord kicked me out!" Chris said, laughing.

Chef looked over at Chris and lightly frowned. Chris continued to eat his sandwich happily, swinging his legs a bit. Maybe loosing everything he had, also made Chris lose his mind a bit...Things like that happens to bums on the streets. Chef shook his head, growling. Sure, Chris was pretty crazy before, back when they were on Total Drama Island and Total Drama Action. But, this was different. They're aren't on TV anymore...This is real life.

"Say, where do you work now? You gotta have a job if you're living here." Chris said, interrupting Chef's thoughts.

Chef looked away, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I...had a job as a school's chef." he admitted.

Chris blinked and laughed out loud. Chef glared at him as Chris continued laughing.

"You? Working in a school? With little kids? That's too funny! I bet you scared half of those little bastards!" Chris laughed.

"Shut up." Chef growled.

Chris continued laughing, holding his sides. Chef rolled his eyes, grumbling under his breath. Chris sustained his laughter, still giggling.

"Y-You said you had a job. What happened? Did your cooking skills suck there?" Chris asked, giggling.

Chef glared at Chris, cracking few of his knuckles.

"No," he said, "I got fired because I harassed some little kid for being a smart-mouth, and the little dick told his "mommy" on me."

"Aw, that sucks," Chris said, "It's not like how it was back on TDI, right?"

Chef sighed and nodded. He leaned on the counter near where Chris was sitting. He looked over and lightly scowled at him.

"Do you wanna get a hair-cut later? I don't like how your hair looks now." Chef said.

Chris ran his fingers in his long hair and shrugged. "I don't care." he said.

Chef blinked. "You don't care what people think of your hair anymore? That's all you ever bitched about back when we were on TV!"

"Yeah, well. I don't care anymore." Chris said calmly.

Chef blinked again at Chris and shook his head.

"You really have changed..." he mumbled.

"That's how life is, Chef dude." Chris said, almost sounding sad.

It was quiet between the two, an awkward silence. Chris looked over to Chef and softly asked for something to drink. Chef went to the fridge, pulling out a can of soda.

"Chris, how long have you been living on the streets?" Chef asked, handing over the soda.

"For a while..." Chris answered, opening the can.

"Give me a real answer, boy." Chef growled.

"Fine. For at least three months now." Chris said and started chugging on his soda.

"Why didn't you ask for help? I would've helped you out." Chef said.

"I was being stupid and prideful. I thought, by the end of the first week, I would have a new job, get a new home, and have a new life. It just didn't work out." Chris said.

"You're an idiot." Chef said, shaking his head.

Chris looked over to Chef and Chef was surprised to see how sad Chris suddenly looked. Chef cleared his throat, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well, come on now. I'm here now. I'll help you get your life back together. And starting now, you can live here with me." Chef said.

Chris looked around the small apartment and looked back at Chef.

"I would take up space." he said emotionless.

Chef blinked in surprise again by that and he glared at Chris.

"No you won't. I take up space being in this dinky apartment, you idiot! Now, you're living here, even you don't want to! It's too damn cold outside, and goddamn it Chris, I won't have you freeze to death out there!"

Chris looked at Chef, who was still glaring at him. Chris softly sighed and he looked down. He clutched his head and placed his head down on his lap. Chef lightly frowned and he sighed. He went up to Chris and wrapped his arms around him. Chris clinged to Chef's shirt and he sobbed a bit. Chef rubbed Chris's back, feeling awkward for trying to comfort his old friend.

"Um, there there. It'll be OK." Chef said awkwardly.

Chris looked back up at Chef, some tears on his face. Chef looked down at him and try to smile, but failed. Chris leaned closer to Chef, a little too close. Chef tried to back away, but Chris suddenly caught him in a kiss. Chef jumped from this and tore Chris away from him.

"HEY! What's wrong with you?!" Chef yelled.

Chris try to smile jokingly, but he couldn't. He had a look on his face that would make anyone feel guilty.

"...I-I'm lonely." Chris said finally.

Chef looked at Chris, wiping his mouth on his arm. He sighed and muttered, "Me too."

Chef sighed harshly, shaking his head again. "It's gonna be hard to get used to this new you, Chris."

Chris lightly laughed and said, "It was nice knowing the old me, right?"

Chef lightly laughed too and nodded. They both laughed, a little awkwardly though.

"Look, if you're gonna live with me, don't pull that kissing crap on me, alright pretty boy?" Chef said.

"I'll try not to." Chris said, lightly smiling at Chef.

Chef lightly blushed from the smile and he glared. He walked away, mumbling about cleaning up the bathroom. Chris sadly sighed and sipped on his forgotten soda can. It was nice to know that Chef was still the same...

Author's Notes: o3o Sequel to Memory. I might add more to this story-plot, but maybe. Since I'm already behind on The Little Goddess. 8D;

But I will post more Chef/Chris drabbles! c: