
1.2 Chap 1: A Little Insecure

Disclaimer- I do not own any of these characters, Tamora Pierce does

Lord Wyldon had given all the pages the day off as kind of a holiday. Kel of course would be spending it with all of her friends including Neal. She had, had a crush on him for a while now and she got a little bit nervous around him. Luckily for her he hadn't seemed to notice.

She threw on a pair of breeches and a shirt after her bath and tied up her now shoulder length hair. Crown flew up to her shoulder chirping loudly. Kel laughed. "Alright, the food's coming!"

She poured some seed for crown and her flock and got a slice of meat for Jump.

After she had finished feeding the animals she heard a knock on the door. She answered it to see the whole crew outside. " Hey guys."

"Hey Kel," they answered.

"We were going to go riding, want to come?" Neal asked.

"I'm shocked you all would rather ride than go down to the Dancing Dove, but whatever."

They looked at each other deviously and Merric answered, "You want to go?"

"Yes! I can drink beer and get hopelessly drunk too ya know!" she shouted. Of course she didn't really want to do those things but she wanted her friends to think she would. Or did she? Was she glad her friends were finally respecting the fact that she really was a girl?

"Good we're going then."


The Dancing Dove was as crowded and loud as ever. Kel and her friends picked a row of seats at the bar and chatted as they drank. Kel ordered a beer like the rest of the guys but drank it slowly. She knew very well what would happen if she drank too many, and as soon as she finished one they would put another in front of her. As her friends drank their voices got louder and louder. She couldn't help but shout and laugh with them and found that she was enjoying herself.

Just as she was starting to have a good time her friends had to go and wreck it. They called over a bunch of flower girls and such and started flirting, including Neal! Kel was so disgusted by their display she felt like gagging. She stormed out of the bar, not the least bit concerned about making a scene.

She mounted and rode Peachblossom home, knowing that no one would even notice she was gone. They would never do that with her. No one would want to kiss the cow, the boy with a chest. She decided she really was sick of being just "one of the guys". She wanted to be a girl! She was going to make a distinct point of putting on a dress for dinner that night.

"Peachblossom, I am a girl right? I just want to be treated like one sometimes, ya know? I don't regret the path I've chosen in the slightest, but I want to dress up and put paints on and flirt a little! Is that so wrong?" Kel knew it was stupid but she took comfort in talking to the giant gelding. He really did seem to understand everything she said and he never had something to say back that she didn't want to hear. Peachblossom snorted and shook his head and neck. "I don't know if I should just go on being 'squire Kel' or if I should, ya know, take action! Be like a flirty court lady and get one of my friends to fawn over me for a change!"

"Maybe I should just stay like I am now and try not to be affected by whatever this odd feeling is, huh? I think that's a good idea. I'm just going to keep convincing myself that I don't need men because I am going to be on great adventures once I get my shield." She concluded.

*I think I have really gone mad! I am telling all of my problems to a horse like he could understand! But then, it feels good to confess to some one. Gods, why do I have to be like this? Can't I be a lady and warrior maiden? Shut-up, just shut-up! It's impossible and I am insane! * Kel felt tears roll down her cheeks and didn't stop them. She was far enough away that no one would see and she really wanted to cry. She dropped the reins, trusting Peachblossom, and cried into her hands for a while.

She didn't know that she was being watched or that her entire conversation had been overheard by a certain someone.