Hey guys! Update! WOOHOO! This chapter seemed to be harder to write, and I think this is going to be the last chapter, and then after that there's an epilogue…maybe.

Chapter 9

Chad stared out at the beautiful view and just began to play random chords and fingerings, not really knowing what to feel. He was numb in a way that he'd never felt before. He didn't like this feeling either, it was not something he was familiar with. It was all over her too. Allison Sonny Munroe. Why was he making Chad Dylan Cooper feel this way? Was she actually worth it?

"UGH!" Chad groaned loudly, as it echoed throughout the mountaintop and he felt a tap on his shoulder.

Chad slowly turned around and looked at Sonny and she had the face that read guilt and apologetic. She slowly smiled at him and Chad just narrowed his eyes and then raised an eyebrow, amused that she even came back. "Hey." Sonny smiled like she always did, big, innocent, and sweet.

"Hi." Chad replied hesitantly and Sonny came and sat down as she hung her feet down from the cliff and looked at Chad.

"I'm sorry." They both said simultaneously and then they glanced at each other and began to laugh, letting off some of the tension that was there.

"I'm sorry." They said again and they just laughed more and then they looked at each other, staring, with no words to say to each other.

"You first." Sonny said as she just stared into Chad's eyes, trying to read them.

"Oh, okay. Well, I'm sorry for making you go on this, I just…I just wanted to get to be closer to you and…hang out. I mean, yes, you have a boyfriend, but well…I wanted to still be a part of your life, but I pushed it too far and-"

"Chad?" Sonny said, looking down at her swinging feet, avoiding any type of contact with Chad, "Can I interrupt for one second?" Sonny said softly and Chad furrowed his eyebrows, confused.

"Technically you already did." Chad chuckled lightly and Sonny didn't even budge to smile, she just continued to stare down at her feet for a few moments and then finally take a glance at Chad, then back at her swinging legs.

"Well, um, Drew and I…we just broke up." Sonny said, as she felt her voice crack and tears slowly escape from her eyes.

Chad didn't know what to say or even if she wanted for him to say anything at all. He just stared at Sonny. This was the first Chad had ever seen her down at all. She was always in the happiest mood, no matter what happened. She never cried and if she ever did, well, she wouldn't let anybody show it. She was Sonny after all. She wasn't supposed to be sad like this…not ever and especially not over some jerk.

"I…" Chad hesitated, not knowing what to say, "I'm sorry." He said finally and Sonny looked up at him finally, without looking back down and she gave him a crooked, light smile and Chad smiled trying to cheer her up.

"It's not that I'm sad that we broke up. It's just how it all happened." Sonny voice kept cracking, and her mascara was running slightly.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Chad asked softly, trying to respect her space and what happened to her is only her business, but Chad cared too much to not want to know what happened.

"Well…" Sonny thought back to how it all went down…

FLASHBACK…(Sonny's point of view…)

"Thanks Chad…"

"Whatever. Bye."

I glanced at him once more, feeling bad for cancelling this on him. I mean, he tried really hard to make this special and everything, but I didn't want to do this to Drew. Chad may be a nice guy, but Drew was there when Chad wasn't.

I began to walk quickly towards the studio, finally reaching the entrance. I finally looked back at Chad, and I noticed he had left…"I'm sorry…" I whispered to myself and then finally decided to walk inside and go straight towards my dressing room.

I walked down the hallway quickly, finally reaching my dressing room and I opened it up and there was Tawni doing her make up as always and Drew was sitting on the leopard print sofa in the middle of the dressing room reading a magazine.

Drew glanced at me and Tawni looked at me through the mirror. "Well that was short. You were only gone for like…20 minutes." Tawni said as she finally turned her chair and smiled at me and I sighed, plopping myself down on a chair.

"I couldn't do it. It felt awkward, and well..it did end up being like a date." I explained and Drew looked at me and gave me a cold, harsh look.

"What?" he said in a low tone and I was appalled by the way he was acting. He was acting like it was my fault and it was so bad that I even went with him, and after all, I left for HIM!

"What do you mean what Drew? I'm here now! We got there and then I asked him to take me home!" I argued back, knowing he was just going to explode any second on me.

"You still went, and you KNEW that it was going to be a date! But you still went!" Drew argued back. WHAT? He can't just respect that I left for him and I wasn't there now. Nothing ever happened.

"I left. That's the point Drew, nothing happened. Okay? Can you just respect that?" I pleaded, feeling tears fill my eyes. Why was he being like this? Chad and I are just friends…well…

"No, I can't Allison." He said and I just glared at him. Nobody ever normally called me by my real, given name unless they were either trying to annoy me or they were angry with me.

"Fine then, then why don't we just break up?" I screamed loudly, feeling warm, salty tears stream down my face and I wanted to just collapse on my knees and cry hard and never get up do anything again.

"FINE!" he yelled furiously and then walked past me and then slammed the door so hard that the whole dressing room shook. I stood there, in complete shock, not knowing what had just happened.

I finally decided to let my legs give in and fall to my knees. I felt my voice crack and then after that I just bawled as hard as possible. "Sonny…?" I heard Tawni's footsteps slowly creep toward me and I heard a swift air movement when she knelt down next to me and put her arm around me.

"I'm so sorry…" she whispered and I nodded once, very slowly, then finally got up and left, knowing exactly where I was going to go…

End of Flashback…

"And here I am now." Sonny said softly and Chad tried to let all that sink in.

What was he supposed to do? Was he supposed to hug her? Tell her how he felt about her? Tell her that Drew was a total idiot for breaking up with an amazing girl?

"Sonny?" Chad whispered and Sonny looked up and Chad took his hands and brought them to her face and wrapped them around face and then kissed her softly.

When they finally parted, Chad rested his forehead against hers and said in a soft, low tone, "I love you Allison "Sonny" Munroe. You are the key to my heart and without I'd be nothing. Watching you be with the jerk broke me like no other and I want you. I don't want you to be in any other arms, only mine. I want you to be mine and only mine."

Sonny let each and every word sink in and with every word; she began to smile each time. "I love you too Chad Dylan Cooper." She whispered as she kissed him gently.

Cheesy ending right? Yeah, that's all I've got. Review anyways.