~ Tap This! ~
A response to Katrina's Alphabet Challenge. She posted a word for every letter of the alphabet and challenged writers to write a brief story (ficlet) about Gio that revolved around that word.
F is for Feet.
Battling Henry for the title of Pick-up King of the Universe, Gio made his way around the bar, insulting all the prettiest girls and collecting their phone numbers as fast as he could pocket them. "Excellent!" he grinned to himself, "That Phil Roth knew what he was talking about--the Art of the Nova is a genius technique!"
Spying a lovely brunette on the dance floor with another guy, he sidled over and looked down. "Man, those are some big feet you have!" he exclaimed in an astonished voice.
"Are you talking to me?" the girl turned indignantly away from her dance partner, whom she promptly forgot. "Well, guess what, Mister, the better to step on your toes with!" A moment later, much to his joy, she had actually maneuvered him into dancing with her. Their salsa eventually ended and Gio hit the looker up for her phone number. She wrote it down eagerly and tossed it to him.
As he turned away from her in search of other prey, she tapped him on the shoulder. "I just wanted to mention that maybe my feet looked big because they were standing next to yours, which are so small, Gio," she told her new friend, then shook her head sadly and added, "I guess we all know what that means."
What was she talking about? Hadn't she given his tight jeans the once-over, and if so, why would she think that? Before he knew it, the Italian stallion had engaged her for another dance. "Damn!" he found himself thinking as he boogied, "She nova-ed me right back. I could have been collecting another phone number and here I am still dancing with Tina Tootsie."
At the end of the evening Henry won by a single phone number.