Lovers at War

Got new beta and she worked on all the first seven chapters yeah, thank my girl Rena!!

Disclaimer: Twilight and all it characters are not mine, I mean no copyright infringement.


My mind wandered to the possibilities of what could be happening an ocean away. I inwardly cringed, this was my fault, I should have known better, and even if this wasn't my crime, I had contributed. It was my job to make sure nothing happened, but he was too valuable an asset, even if they refused to admit it.

After everything I had gone through in this existence, and after surviving some of the worst times in history, this had to occur now. In our human days, society did not accept us. Now, in our afterlives, when I thought we were free from those who looked down upon us, we are reminded of the ruthlessness of our kind.

Trees, cities, lakes, rivers, I passed by it all not stopping, not resting; it wasn't as if I needed to rest. I ran, knowing I needed to find them in order to save my life, my meaning for existence. Why now? Why intervene after so many years?

I never tried to run, I knew it was wrong, that I was breaking their rules, but I could no more follow the rules than I could break them. Many knew, but no one betrayed us, of that I was sure.

They hadn't done anything, I could feel it, they were waiting for me to come to them. Like a lamb to the slaughter, surrendering to the bullshitted lies they instilled. How they would twist their true, saying that it was for the greater good of our kind, that they were protecting the secret.

I would not be so easily manipulated like others of our kind. Those who were either too easily convinced or unwillingly forced to believe them. What they weren't counting on was that I wasn't going alone; which is why I had to find them. If I didn't, I might as well just go alone to my doom, because if they took him away I had no reason to live.

I would be approaching my destination soon; and I could feel my insecurities rising. Would they help? Would they believe me or were they like the others? I had put so many in danger, could I do that to this coven, no, to this family? More questions filled my thoughts, yet that is all I ever thought about, questions. Never did I find the answers. Soon, I told myself, soon I would answer them all one by one.

A putrid smell surrounded the land where their scents began; it was old and easily meant the owners were not close. I cut through where the horrible scent had been though, not a second could be wasted, besides at the speed I was running it took only a mere second of torture to be at my destination.

The beautiful white Victorian style house came into view. All of them were standing outside; I thought they were expecting me. Yet, as soon as my figure came into view all of their eyes, with one exception, conveyed one emotion - utter confusion. Those once sky blue eyes looked a mixture of pain, shock, and love; I longed to make the initial two disappear.

A/N: This is the first of my previously unbeta'd chapters, but it's fixed and we can move on!