A/N This is my first story, and I have to admit, I have no idea where to go with this. The idea popped into my head and just wouldn't leave, though unfortunately it didn't pop in fully formed! So your ideas about where you'd like this story to go would be very appreciated!

Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling, not me. Applicable to all chapters.

Ginny Weasley has dated her fair share of men. Not an excessive amount that made her seem as though she had commitment issues, but merely that she had not yet met "the one" and is confident she'll find him. At some point.

But her dating experience has meant that she now knew exactly the type of man she wanted; someone she could respect, not look up to as though in awe – there's a difference. Someone who knew what he wanted, but not headstrong (so that she was able to get her way too at times), but also not lacking in opinion or judgment (she would surely die of boredom with such a man – in fact she nearly had, with her last boyfriend). Someone with a sense of humor, but also knew when to take himself seriously. But most importantly, someone she could feel at ease with. Someone who was just as happy having a night in with a glass of wine and out at a fancy restaurant for dinner. And someone who could cook wouldn't hurt either. And good looking.

Yes, there were many boxes in need of ticking, but she didn't think she was being unreasonable. Surely such a man exists; she merely has not found him yet. And boy will she. Because if there was anything Ginny Weasley was sure of, was that she was too much of a romantic to live the rest of her life with someone who was "adequate". She wanted to be head over heels in love, to be so consumed in love that nothing else mattered. As far as she was concerned, "adequate" would be her worst nightmare.


Ginny Weasley was leaning on the table in front of her, sipping and savoring her champagne. She was glad that this party served muggle alcohol as she found wizard alcohol to be much too potent, "I'd like to be able to make my way home tonight, thanks" she thought, "and not break these new 6-inch heels…" she added as an afterthought. She wasn't not enjoying this party; it was just that she didn't know anyone there. And there was nothing worse than a party that you have to attend out of obligation, and not recognize a single face while you're there.

Ginny had just swallowed the last sip of her champagne, and contemplating whether or not to grab another, when she recognized a familiar face approaching her, breaking his way through a crowd of people clad in dresses and dress robes.

"Weasley," Draco Malfoy said cheerfully with a ghost of a smirk on his face. He was dressed in very immaculately tailored black dress robes and looked impeccable, Ginny hated to admit.

Ginny turned around in search of another Weasley Malfoy could have been referring too. All her brothers (with the exception of Ron) had all married and started families of their own. It was hard to keep track of them all, and so it was very possible that one of them happened to be at this party too, standing right behind her. After all, she had not expected to run into Draco Malfoy tonight either, and yet here he was.

Nope, no sight or red hair anywhere behind her. So he had been addressing her. Odd. Draco lifted his eyebrows in question as to why she had turned around after he called out her name. There was a hint of amusement on his face.

"You'd never said my name in such a cheerful manner all throughout Hogwarts, I was just checking there wasn't another Weasley behind me you could have been calling out to," Ginny said in reply, as though the answer had been obvious.

"I daresay you would know if any of your brothers were attending this party also?" Draco questioned, "and that they were in such friendly terms with me?"

"I'm not their keeper, Malfoy. They don't know every little detail about what I do, and nor them, I," Ginny said, wondering where this conversation was leading, "and why did you sound so cheerful to see me?"

"I was just glad to see a familiar face, even one I hadn't seen in 7 years," Malfoy shrugged, "The people at this party are amazingly dull."

"You've got that right," Ginny said in reply, wishing she had more champagne and resting her empty flute back on the table in front of her.

"Care for another drink?"

"-Please," Ginny said, slightly taken aback. Was Malfoy being thoughtful just now? And with that he was out of her sight in search for more alcohol. This left Ginny with a few minutes to ponder what on earth had just happened. Malfoy had said he was glad to see a familiar face from their Hogwarts days, but nothing about the fact that they had a less than amicable relationship back then. "Far from it actually," Ginny thought, suppressing a laugh as she remembered a particularly good Bat Bogey Hex she had aimed at him during her 4th year.

It was as though their entire history had not even occurred, though Ginny was not complaining; 24 years old was a little old to still be holding school grudges. Still, this was Malfoy, and she really couldn't put anything past him.

With perfect timing Draco reappeared across the tiny but tall table, perfect for resting your drink while standing, and once again completing a picture of a matching couple; with his dark robes and Ginny's black knee-length dress, the two looked like they had planned their outfits together tonight. He thought she looked incredible, as he handed her one of the two champagne flutes he was holding. She had her long red hair loose over her shoulder, giving an effortless air to her appearance, though still looking incredibly put together.

"Thanks," Ginny smiled.

Quite unsure what to do next, Ginny took a sip of her cold champagne. Draco did the same, and said, "Life. Odd name for a magazine," trying to strike up conversation.

"Well it is a lifestyle magazine. I'd say that Lifestyle would have been a worse choice," Ginny replied, still unsure what Malfoy's motives were tonight. Still, she was glad for the company, there really is nothing worse than spending a party entirely by your lonesome.

"Touché," Draco laughed.

Still Ginny was unresponsive in this conversation, sure she answered his questions, but didn't initiate anything; she was still wary of his intentions. Draco noticed this and tried again.

"So what brings you to this shindig?"

"I'm decorating Mariana and Rudolfo's new townhouse. I'm their interior designer. I suppose she thought I'd find the company at Life's one-year anniversary party entertaining and insisted I come. Though unfortunately that didn't end up being the case in reality." Ginny replied.

"You'd think Mariana would be able to decorate her own home, being the editor of Life," Draco replied thoughtfully.

Ginny laughed, "Yes, you'd think so wouldn't you? But no, Mariana is great, I've known her for years, and we have the same aesthetic. Plus, I don't think Rudolfo would have done very well if there wasn't another person to take his side once and a while when Mariana gets a little too strong headed with her outrageous ideas."

"Ah yes, I'm sure. So interior design, huh? That's an interesting career choice."

"Well you would know all about interior design wouldn't you, Malfoy? Living in Malfoy Manor where everything is exactly where it's been for centuries," Ginny said a little defensively. She had enough grief from her mother about not having a "proper" job. She didn't need it from Malfoy as well.

"God no I don't live in Malfoy Manor. Do you really think that lowly of me, Weasley? Living with my mother at 25 in a three-century year old house? No, I have my own flat here in London. One I decorated quite tastefully myself actually."

"Expensive is not a style Malfoy."

Again Draco laughed in reply, he was beginning to enjoy this conversation very much; the littlest Weasley had some wit to her.

"And why are you here Malfoy? I didn't know you ran with this crowd."

"I'm looking to do some business with Rudolfo, though he isn't too keen and still needs plenty of persuasion. Still, I'm optimistic. I can be very persuasive, given enough time." Draco said, moving slightly to his left, and leaned on the table in front of him, making him eye level with Ginny.

Just then Ginny heard Rudolfo calling her, saying, "Ginny! Here you are, you must see this wonderful light fixture. I think it would be amazing over the staircase –" and he was startled at the sight of Draco, who was smirking slightly as Rudolfo said, rather unenthusiastically, and thus capturing Ginny's attention, "Ah, Mr Malfoy," at which Draco stood up straighter and nodded, "I wasn't aware you'd be joining us at this little party."

"I received an invitation from your secretary last week, so I assume I was invited."

"Ah, yes. Alicia, huh? Must speak to her," Rudolfo mumbled, "Anyway, do you mind me stealing Miss Weasley here for just a second? There's something over here I'm sure she'll find just delightful."

"Sure, sure, just as long as you allow me to steal you for a couple of minutes afterwards,"

"Ah. Well, yes, I suppose that's fair. Come, Ginny" and Ginny left, her face falling slightly, bust still smiling nonetheless and followed Rudolfo towards the back of the room. Draco, having not missed her expression, chuckled and once again leaned his elbows on the table. He had sensed that the last thing Ginny wanted to do tonight was work; she looked like she could use a night to unwind.


Draco stood at his table with 2 empty champagne flutes and was now moving on to firewhiskey when Ginny reappeared looking relieved though also carrying an amused expression, without Rudolfo. "Took your time," Draco said.

"Rudolfo was quite keen to avoid you at all costs. After showing me that light, he showed me a myriad of other things that would all look horrible in his house, and he obviously knew this. He was just waiting until someone else spotted him and whisked him away elsewhere before he could talk to you," Ginny laughed, "You really weren't invited here tonight were you?

"No, I was. His secretary gave me an invitation," Draco said, leaving Ginny quite taken aback, she had been so sure Malfoy had gatecrashed after seeing the look on Rudolfo's face. "After quite a bit of flirting though, to her credit," Draco smirked, eliciting a laugh and eyebrow raise from Ginny "That was more Malfoy's style," Ginny thought.

"No, I am not above using my charm to get what I want, Weasley," Draco continued, and again Ginny laughed.

"So what is it about Rudolfo that has you so keen on doing business with him?" Ginny asked, genuinely curious and now enjoying Draco's company more and more.

"To put simply, he's rich," Draco said, and Ginny raised her eyebrows again, she hadn't expected him to be so blunt. "Now don't give me that look, that's generally the trait you look for in a potential investor," Draco said.

And as if to redeem himself, he continued, "Rudolfo isn't interested in doing business with a 25 year-old, even if I am the CEO of Malfoy Incorporated. Though I don't blame him. In his eyes, I'm still a toddler playing in a pool much too big for himself and getting in over my head. Had my father still been in charge, I'm sure we wouldn't be having this problem. But Rudolfo is not stupid, and he has a great team working for him. He knows that this is not an opportunity to pass up but doesn't want to seem too eager. So at least for a little while longer, I have to play his game. Though there's no reason I can't throw him a curveball once and a while," Draco smirked.

"Like tonight."

"Like tonight. Precisely."

Ginny had to admit, Malfoy had some balls. Rudolfo Kingston may seem to not take himself too seriously at times, but when it came to business he had amazing instincts, and thus his high standing in the business community. Rudolfo Kingston was not someone you messed with, especially if you want something from him, like Draco did. Though Ginny suspected Draco knew this, and that was precisely the reason he was acting the way he was; it was catching Rudolfo's attention. Not to mention it was a very Malfoy-like thing to do.

"Well you've got balls Malfoy, I'll give you that," Ginny said.

"Why thank you, Weasley. High praise," lifting his glass in a show of thanks.

And Ginny laughed again. She had been doing that a lot tonight, which surprised her. She had expected to spend an appropriate amount of time at this party, not too short to seem impolite, but not any more than was necessary, and expected not to enjoy any part of it. But she was actually beginning to enjoy the night. "With Draco Malfoy of all people," Ginny thought.

"Well I can see that Rudolfo will try his very hardest to avoid me for the rest of the night, so there's not much reason to stay any longer," Draco said, as he caught Rudolfo glancing at him and scurrying to the other side of the room. "Would you care to grab a coffee?"

"Sure," Ginny said, quite glad for the invitation, she was enjoying Draco's company to say goodbye after such a short period of time, "Though I'd have to say goodbye to Mariana first."

"Of course. As a matter of fact, she's not far behind you right now."

Ginny turned around and caught Mariana's eye, who smiled and quickly finished her conversation with a colorfully dressed eccentric wizard as Ginny made her way to her.

"Ginny! I do hope you've had a marvelous time tonight, and who is that handsome blonde man with you? I didn't know you were bringing a date, not that I mind, obviously, but I would have liked to hear about it," Mariana chastised.

"Oh, no, he's not my date, he's an old friend from Hogwarts. Draco Malfoy. He's actually looking to do some business with Rudolfo."

"Ah, yes, Malfoy, Rudolfo's mentioned him. Very persistent young man. Apparently has very little experience but has incredible instincts, done wonderful things for his company. Though Rudolfo's never mentioned how good looking the boy was."

Ginny laughed and replied, "Really? Well he never caught my eye much at school; we were too busy hating each other. Though what I came to say was that I really should be getting home now, but thank you for the invite, I had a wonderful time." And Ginny wasn't lying; she really was enjoying Malfoy's company, though she wanted to get off the topic of Malfoy, dodging the subject slightly.

"Alright then," Mariana said, giving Ginny a kiss on the cheek, "I will see on you Monday." And as Ginny began to turn around and return to her table, Mariana added, "And don't think I didn't notice you not mentioning your thoughts about Draco Malfoy now, Ginny. You may have not gotten along years ago, but this isn't Hogwarts anymore."

With that Ginny just smiled a little knowingly and didn't reply, making her way back to her table where Draco was waiting for her.

"Ready to go?" Draco asked as she reached their table.

"Yes, let's go."

Mariana was smiling and seemed to have a look of knowing on her face as she watched the two of them leave and grab their coats. Draco saw this as he was helping Ginny into hers and said, "Mariana seems very happy with herself. What was it you two talked about?"

"Oh she just finds you rather attractive," Ginny said offhandedly, smirking.

"Hmm," Draco said, rather pleased with himself and making sure to turn around to face her again, giving her a smile before following Ginny out of the hall.

Just a little reminder to voice any ideas you might have!