A/N: Hey guys! I would like to thank all of you for the support you've shown me and this story through Favourite Story, Story Alert and reviews! It means so much to me, despite the majority of reviews say something along the line of "please don't let it end there"... the academy music is playing lol and I'll wind up before Kanye takes the mic (lol bad joke I know)! Thanks anyway and enjoy this second part!

Swings and Roundabouts

Part 2: The End of the Beginning

Harry sat at the dining room table, his head buried in one of the many books on the table trying to ignore his exhaustion, Hermione's angry glare and Ginny's concerned gaze.


"Leave it Ginny."


Harry stood and glared at her, "I said leave it," his voice close to a hiss as he stalked out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

Hermione sighed, "I don't know what to do Gin, Draco can't last for much longer under the statis spell and I don't know how detrimental it will be once he wakes up, that is if he ever does."

"Don't say that Mione, Draco is strong."

Hermione sank into Harry's empty seat, "yes he is, but it's not up to him now is it? It's on Harry and I keep asking myself over and over again, is Harry strong enough?"

Ginny sank onto the seat next to her but said nothing, neither one had an answer and the scary part was neither did Harry.


Viktor and Neville made their way from the playroom where Jamie was sleeping towards the kitchen where they came across their better halves slumped at the table. Neither male needed to ask what had happened, the house seemed to be in a constant state of despair since Draco's arrival and now that he was incapacitated the gloominess had worsened.

Neville and Ginny had moved into Grey Palace the afternoon of Draco's confession, they helped out with the house work and Jamie as well as researching with Harry. Harry hadn't taken the news of Jamie being his son with Draco well, he couldn't look at the boy without feeling remorse or guilt and he only spent mealtimes with Jamie. Hermione had walked in on Harry teaching Jamie how to make pancakes, the muggle way, one morning but soon after she was spotted Harry put his son down kissed the top of his head and left. And he felt guilty about Draco so whenever he wasn't researching Harry sat with Draco in his room, talking to him, asking questions about Jamie but never hearing a response.

On one of these days sitting with Draco, Harry looked over at the unconscious barely alive form on the bed and broke down. He gave himself over to the tears which had been threatening to overflow once he had found out he could save Draco. The man who had kept his son from him for four years, the pain, frustration and anger overwhelmed Harry before he fell into an exhausted sleep on the floor his magic weaving around both his still form and Draco's.


Hermione was getting worried; Jamie was in her arms crying about his daddy and Harry was nowhere to be seen. Nobody had seen him since he stormed out of the dining room earlier that evening and unfortunately he would have to wait, Jamie wanted to see Draco before bed.

Entering Draco's room, Hermione physically shielded her eyes from the bright red magic flowing from Harry and intertwining with a dark, dark blue from Draco making the two magics surrounding the two males in the room comforting yet somewhat incorrect. Jamie left her arms and padded over to Harry and kissed his cheek before settling into his arms and falling asleep, completely oblivious to the magic he passed through to get to his fathers. *

Hermione felt tears gathering in her eyes as Jamie started to glow purple, and his magic bled out into the cocoon surrounding himself and his fathers, creating the perfect environment for healing. Sitting back and watching the family heal each other was the only thing Hermione was able to do for the moment when they woke.


Harry stirred and felt pain lancing up his back and a warm body within his arms, he slowly opened his eyes to see Jamie's small body asleep in his arms. Harry sighed shaking off a sense of déjà vu and placed a kiss on the boy's forehead before lifting his son in his arms as he stood.

Harry glanced at the still figure on the bed before moving towards him, placing Jamie down next to his father and continuing his journey to kiss Draco on the forehead, his lips brushed over each eyelid and down Draco's pointed nose before pressing against the full lips.

"Don't stop." Pulling away slightly so his head rested against Draco's, Harry opened his eyes to stare into sleepy grey ones.

Harry's eyes grew wide and he kissed Draco again both hands coming up to cup Draco's face as Harry's lips continued to assault Draco's they pulled away gasping for air, "do you know how long I've wanted to see those beautiful, beautiful eyes of yours?"

Draco smiled sadly but Jamie's excited voice interrupted any thoughts "daddy? DADDY!" he jumped up and threw himself on Draco's chest peppering his face with kisses laughing Harry pulled the child off Draco's sore form and tickled him. Jamie squealed and giggled before Harry put him down on the floor.

"James, go get dressed and we can have breakfast after, alright?"

"Yes daddy," the excited grin didn't diminish as he ran into his room.

Draco turned to Harry, "how long?"

"Three days."

Draco nodded and opened his mouth but closed it almost instantly, Harry sighed and spoke instead "I'm not angry that you didn't tell me and I'm angry that I missed the first five years of his life, that he only had you. I'm saying that's a bad thing but no child should only have one parent if can be helped and Draco you could have told me. I would have done everything I could have for him-"


Harry frowned, "what?"

"You would have done it for him, not for me. I went back every year for you, every fucking year, and I came home alone without my Amante and without James's father all because you didn't acknowledge me, because you didn't see me-" Draco's voice broke and his breath hitched, tears glided from his eyes and down his face.

"Draco I-"

"Good morning Harry- oh Merlin! Draco! You're awake, fantastic!" Hermione stepped out of the shadows and moved over to Draco she waved her wand over him in a familiar manner, before putting her hands on his face kissing his forehead and wiping away his tears.

"It seems you're in better health, from what I can gather the paralysis is still present in your legs and torso but your arms are fine. There is no strain on your magic and I think about three more doses of Harry's magic should cure you completely. Okay Harry, so tonight?"

She raised her eyebrows at him before noticing him staring at Jamie who was standing in the doorway leading between the rooms. Harry closed his eyes and breathed in deeply before looking down to pierce Draco with a molten look, and he nodded once before turning away Harry plastered a bright smile on his face as he swooped Jamie into his arms.

"Alright then little man let's show daddy what you've learnt, yeah?"

"Yeah! Pancakes! Harry and Jamie pancakes for daddy!" The grin on the boy's face as he clapped his hands was incomparable whilst Harry carried him out of the room and towards the kitchen.

Draco smiled softly as he watched Harry lead his son out of the room; Hermione was still sitting on the bed next to him when she spoke softly. "Harry's been a mess you know."

Draco looked up sharply, and Hermione plundered on, "His been researching all hours of the day and night, he comes in here and talks to you."

Draco frowned as Hermione hesitated, "what is it? What are you not telling me?"

"Harry doesn't know how to act around Jamie, he only talks to him at mealtimes the only time I've seen them act like father and son is yesterday morning when Harry was showing him how to make pancakes. But as soon as he saw me, Harry left. Jamie loves Harry so much a blind man can see it, and so did Harry."


"Well Harry's confused and angry and hurt and he doesn't know what to think. So yes, 'did', because right now Harry is a father and he has no idea what the even means, he hasn't gone through the stages like you have." Hermione looked down at Draco's innocent face, "he's just a lost little boy himself in certain ways and he's confused about how you make him feel. So just talk to him, please?"

Draco nodded and Hermione pecked his cheek as Jamie and Harry came through the door, plates of pancakes in their hands.

"Look Daddy! I made pancakes!" Jamie's grin was so large and full of pride that Draco had to smile at his son.

"Well done James, but do they taste good? That is the question every chef must ask himself."

Jamie stood chewing his lip, a habit he seemed to have picked up off Harry who was doing the same behind the little boy, "yes they taste good. I know it 'cause Harry helped me make them."

Draco looked over at Harry and smiled shyly, "thank you."

Harry nodded and sent a wry grin his way before placing the plate on Draco's bed side table, "you're welcome. And little man, of course they taste good there's no magic to taint it."

Jamie scrunched up his nose at the thought.

"No magic?"

Harry grinned at a slightly horrified Draco, "no magic, but don't worry I won't make your son a muggle lover." Harry's voice had grown steadily bitterer as he continued but he could just make out Draco's mumbled words which were quiet enough for him to be able to ignore if he wanted.

"Maybe I want you to."


That night Harry was in Draco's room feeling extremely nervous, Draco was lying on his bed staring at the ceiling while Hermione was getting Jamie reading for bed and the second part of the process in his room.

"For Merlin's sake, stop pacing, you'll wear the carpet out."

Harry glanced at Draco before flopping on the bed next to him, so that his feet remained on the floor and his head by Draco's chest. Sighing heavily Harry turned his head slightly to face Draco who was looking at the ceiling again.

"Can you at least look at me?"

Draco turned his empty eyes on Harry, "what do you want me to say? You're the father of my child, I want you in his life but I don't know if I can trust you to be in mine."

Harry turned onto his stomach, lifting his upper body onto his elbows as he looked into Draco's eyes, "Draco, I have to say something and please don't stop me until I'm finished. I admit I haven't been the best person in the world to you, and no matter what has happened in the past I think you are my future. You are what I want, what I need and what I ache for; you make me feel things that no one else has," Harry smiled tenderly, "you make me feel and there never has been anyone else, it's you. It's always been you, why do you think I fucked you in the middle of a park in the muggle world, because only you could make me lose myself control like that."

Harry took a deep breath, "so I'm going to kiss you, undress you slowly and map every inch of you with my hands and follow with my mouth. When you're begging me, sobbing for release, I'm going to enter you torturously slow and then," Harry swallowed heavily, "then I'm going to fuck you into the mattress until you feel my cock in your throat, my name is on your lips and the only thing you know is me."

Licking his lips Harry knelt on the bed, eyes dilated with desire as he leaned over Draco who was flushed and panting softly. A long slender finger on his lips made him stop and Harry frowned at Draco who just smirked. Draco leant up and put his lips near Harry's mouth when he whispered, "shut up and kiss me."

He claimed Harry's mouth in a bruising kiss, falling onto the bed and pulling Harry down on top of him, their bodies aligned and they continued their love making for most of the night before Hermione brought Jamie in to complete the healing magic, after some well placed spells and blanket she placed Jamie between his fathers.


Waking up Draco had never felt so good, he stretched and yawned before reaching over to hold Harry, when he couldn't feel anything other than a cold bed his eyes flew open and he sat up straight, the room was empty.

Closing his eyes in bitter disappointment, Draco placed his head on his knees and started crying, he didn't hear the door open because of his sobs but he did feel the warm body embrace him.

"Hey now, shush, you're alright. You're alright; Hermione says there's nothing wrong at all, the curse is gone. Hush now."

Draco turned in Harry's arms and clung to him, "I thought you'd gone. I thought you'd left me."

Guiltily Harry buried his head in Draco's neck, whispering over and over again, "never. Never again."

Once Draco had calmed down Harry kissed his tears away, "Jamie woke up early and was hungry so I went to get him some breakfast but no one else was awake for a while until Hermione came down but she had to check on you before looking after Jamie. That's when I finally got here; I wanted to be here when you woke, I'm sorry."

Draco smiled, "its okay, I swear, I think I'm just emotionally exhausted. I need a shower before heading out to breakfast." Draco extracted himself from Harry's reluctant arms before heading to the door; he turned to see Harry staring at him.

"You coming?"

Harry's smirk matched Draco's, "oh I will be."


For the past three months Harry's life had become almost normal, Hermione and Viktor and Ginny and Neville had moved out of Grey Palace whereas Draco and Jamie had stayed.

Together Harry and Draco established a routine with Jamie to integrate Harry permanently into his life before telling him that Harry was his other father. Harry's relationship with Draco was a little less sure, they hadn't had sex since Draco was fully healed but they became acquainted with one another in roles of responsibility and commitment.

"Amante, can you come to my room once you've given Jamie his bath?"

Harry smiled at Draco's nickname, he never called Harry 'Amante' in front of Jamie but Harry always felt special and elated when Draco used it.

"Alright Draco what can I do for you?" Harry was leaning against the door frame of Draco's bedroom whilst Draco stood from the bed, "I want you to spend the night with me, just to sleep but it's a start."

Draco was flushed pink as he looked up at Harry through his fringe; smiling Harry walked over and placed a tender kiss on Draco's cheek, "I'd love to."

After the usual nightly routine Harry slipped into bed beside Draco, instantly seeking out his warm body and curling around him so Harry head was on Draco's shoulder and his legs tucked up underneath Draco's, almost asleep.

Draco petted Harry's hair and pressed a kiss to his scar, "goodnight Amante."

Harry just breathed out deeply and snuggled closer to Draco, "mmm, love you" before Harry fell into a deep slumber, a contented smile on his face oblivious to the anguish he had just caused Draco.


Eventually Draco fell into an uneasy sleep somewhere around dawn, waking a few hours later to a barely warm empty bed. Groaning in frustration Draco rolled over, "I don't fucking believe it, again, after all this time, bloody wanker, not waiting and leaving alone fucking moron!"

"Good morning."

Draco glared at a yawning yet cheerful Harry with two cups of tea in his hands, "It most certainly is not a good morning? Where the fuck have you been?"

Harry frowned, "What? What's the matter? What've I done?"

"You left me to wake up alone! Again! I can't keep doing it, I can't keep being rejected Harry it hurts too much!"

Harry looked utterly lost and confused, "Draco I don't understand! You didn't sleep well last night so I let you sleep in whilst I got Jamie off to Hermione and Viktor's before you bringing you a cup of tea like a good lover! But if you don't trust me what the fuck are we doing?!"

Draco just looked away causing Harry to sigh; he walked over and placed both cups on Draco's bed side table before perching on the bed. "Draco, I'm not always going to be here. I may wake up earlier than you, I may die before you but that doesn't mean that I don't love you because I do, so much it hurts. And I understand that if you're picking fights because you want to leave, I will stand aside and let you go, pleading that you keep in Jamie's life, if not your own."

Tears pricked Draco's eyes, "I'm sorry Harry, it's not that, it isn't I swear. I forgot I got like this for the first few weeks."

"Got like what? Draco I'm confused." Harry was looking worriedly at Draco trying to ascertain if he was all right.

"With Jamie I was moody and emotional at first, but this time you'll be here to bear the brunt of it."

Harry stared into Draco's innocent looking face, "you mean?"

"Yes, you're going to be a daddy Amante, we're going to be a family," Draco burst into tears as Harry cupped his face.

"Oh Merlin I love you. I love you so much. Thank you Draco, thank you."

Draco smiled and just clung to Harry for a few moments before Harry shifted, "you, er, you love me to right?"

Draco pulled back to look into Harry's beautiful green eyes, "didn't I say it? I love you Harry James Potter, I love you with all my heart."

Harry grinned, "We'll tell Jamie when he gets back from Hermione and Viktor's. Right now I am going to show you how much I love you."

Draco shot Harry a feral grin before attaching their lips Harry removed Draco's boxers before sliding his own down his hips, with Draco's help. Keeping their mouths working in tandem Harry gently pushed Draco down onto the mattress and climbed over him causing their erections to brush together in an enticing manner.

By continually kissing Draco and keeping their hips moving in tandem Harry cast a non-verbal lubrication charm on his fingers before pushing two through the tight ring of muscle of his own arse. He groaned deep into Draco's mouth when he added a third and final finger, pulling his hand away he then gripped Draco's cock, lubricating it and positioning himself above.

Draco's eyes shot open as he penetrated Harry for the first time, Harry was straddling his hips hand's on Draco's chest for balance, biting his bottom lip and his eyes half lidded and glazed over. Draco smiled beautifully at Harry as he sank down onto Draco, when he was fully seated Draco held Harry tightly and flipped them over so he could access Harry's prostrate better. Thrusting in and out slowly Draco picked up the pace and intensity when Harry began keening, after a few thrusts Harry came, spurting over his chest whilst his channel convulsed around Draco who came almost immediately inside Harry.

They lay sated in each other's arms, and Harry stroked Draco's stomach before pressing a kiss to his lips, "love you."

"Love you too."

Harry smiled softly excited at the prospect of the future, sure that whatever trials and tribulations that were faced, they would face them together; Harry, Draco, Jamie and the baby, as a family.

Pressing his lips to Draco's shoulder Harry snuggled down, "oh no you don't Potter, we've got round two to come yet."

"Draco! I'm tired."

"Harry I'll be out of action for months, take advantage whilst you can," Draco raised one eyebrow as he felt Harry harden against him and he realised that it was a good morning indeed.


The End

*Red chosen for Harry to symbolise life
Blue chosen for Draco to symbolise communication and peace (but it is dark and tainted)
Purple chosen for Jamie to symbolise joining of Harry and Draco and also to symbolise loyalty (especially Draco's), peace of mind (which neither Harry nor Draco have), mystery (about Jamie) and most importantly magic (as Harry and Draco are two of the most powerful wizards and their union made Jamie the most powerful child).