
"Ohh Casey, we're going to miss you so much." My sister Alice whined, throwing her tiny arms around me. We were saying our goodbyes, though when you're a vampire a goodbye is more of a see you later. I, along with my brother Edward, were moving to Canada. London, Ontario to be specific. We'd both enrolled in high school and were going to start our lives anew there. Now wasn't the time for explanations, though they hardly needed one. They all new why we were leaving, we just didn't talk about it. Well at least not now.

I looked down at Alice; the rest of our family had gone inside. She'd straggled behind, clearly the most hurt by our decision. I felt the worst for having to leave behind Alice… I loved her so much. She was more of a sister than anyone could ask for. So I put on a brave face and said, "It'll be ok Alice; you can visit me any time you like. You know that, and I'll call all the time."

She returned my smile, her fangs just visible at the corners of her mouth. "I know."

"Good bye Alice."

"Bye Case." Without another word I turned toward the silver Volvo, and turned away from the last 60 years of my life. It was indeed time for a fresh start.


"Derek! Pay attention!" My head snapped up, it was Mr. Green who'd spoken. Why did he always pick on me? I was obviously not the only one who day dreamed in his class. Who gave a crap about history anyways?

Looking down at the blank piece of loose-leaf that I was supposed to be taking notes on, I saw that I'd doodled babe raider, in her new v. 2 suit. I grinned to myself as I saw that I'd drawn her boobs a little bit bigger than they actually were. If only girls like that existed...

Just then the bell rang, signaling the end of this lame class, actually it was the end of this lame day. Students around me packed up there books and chatted idly. Some hurrying right out and some dawdling all the way. I was on my own way out when the teacher called me out. "Hey Derek, could you come here for a second?" I spun around in the door way, hoping I wasn't failing or stuck in some lame detention.

"What's up Green?"

"First that's Mr. Green to you. Secondly we're getting a new student tomorrow. I was wondering if you'd be willing to show her around? You seem to be… very good with people and well… when we met yesterday she seemed a little on the shy side. Maybe you could make her feel welcome here?" He looked at me hopefully.

"Sure, why not." The only reason I'd agreed was because of the "her." First dibs here were always good.

"Great. Ummm… Alright well her locker number is 412. Meet her there at 8:15 tomorrow." He smiled at me, knowing I was not liking the prospect of coming early. If this was his form of punishment, then he needed serious help. He seemed to have factored out raging teenage hormones and if she turned out to be hot well… well then it'd all be worth it. I walked out the door thinking of babe raider standing in front of locker 412. Boy was I in for a big surprise.

A/N: So that's just the prolouge. Obviously the chapters won't be that short. BlushingBeauty17‏ wanted a twi/LWD cross so here is my try =) Hope you guys like it. Review review review!3